Monday, July 17, 2006

Hizbullah rocket hits Israeli hospital!!! ahem, nevermind

A new barrage of rockets fired by guerrillas in southern Lebanon hit northern Israel late Monday, Israeli security officials said.

Security officials said one rocket hit a hospital in the northern town of Safed, but the army later said the rocket hit near it.
Unbelievable. Do Israeli lies ever end?

Maybe they should open their own Hizbullah franchise for maximum impact, this way they won't have to rely on the real Hizbullah to come through when they need them most.


  1. That's all the Israeli regime needs is to sound SENSATIONALISM, they say one thing first:

    "Security officials said one rocket hit a hospital"

    And this is the MESSAGE THAT IS FIRST BROADCAST AND HEARD AROUND THE WORLD.... Then they (if pressured by people), report the "clarification":

    "but the army later said the rocket hit near it."

    Now most people will only hear the first message, and they'll think to themselves (at least the Zionists planned it so): "Boy, these Hizboollaahh have Nookalur reapawns, and have fired at de hospetal".

  2. Message for the left-gatekeepers:

    Stop the war on truth!

  3. Out here in Canada, all the news channels are now reporting the " combined death toll"; not how many in Lebanon and how many in Israel. Are there any limits that these bastards will not go to to protect the image of Israel?
    Then when you talk of who controls the media; they say that's anti-semitic.
    I don't know about the axis of evil; what I do know is if you want to witness evil at work just turn on CNN or FOX or ABC or NBC or CBS or Jim Lehrer. All a bunch of devils.

  4. John Bolton appoints himself dungeonmaster of morality. You don't speak for me, Bolton, but you do shame my country.

  5. Z-man,

    You make an excellent point - as usual.



    By now, it should be plain for anyone to see that truth is their mortal enemy.

    anon said:

    "Out here in Canada, all the news channels are now reporting the 'combined death toll'"

    They should make a new category of war crimes for media conglomerates that cover them up.

  6. How much do we hear about the shelling of the family on the beach in Gaza? Compare that to how much we heard about Gilad Shalit.
    I think Israel, like the Bush administration need to be called on their lies constantly, if one slips through they think they'vce gotten away with it.

  7. Protocols of the Neocon Elders said...

    John Bolton appoints himself dungeonmaster of morality. You don't speak for me, Bolton, but you do shame my country.

    Mon Jul 17, 10:42:56 PM EDT

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "John" Bolton's real name is JOSHUA BOLTON. He changes/uses "John" to deceive people. ;)

    Lew Scannon said...

    How much do we hear about the shelling of the family on the beach in Gaza? Compare that to how much we heard about Gilad Shalit.
    I think Israel, like the Bush administration need to be called on their lies constantly, if one slips through they think they'vce gotten away with it.

    Mon Jul 17, 10:53:12 PM EDT

  8. I like the way the Joos always toss around the term "moral equivalency" with contempt to illustrate that no mere Gentile could EVER be their equal. So where are "the good Joos" protesting this atrocity? Where are they?


    I hope Hezballah rids us of this arrogant parasite once and for all. Then we can seize their assets and run them out of the USA.

  9. As a U.S. Army veteran, I am appalled at the lame-brained and unreasonable hatred toward the Jewish people and their desire to simply have their restored nation and to live peacably within it.

    Take a history lesson on the territory Israel had at it's first iteration - much larger than it is even today! So current arguments and attacks against Israel are unjustified, ignorant and deserve condemnation based upon it's own merits.

    I speak against those who state they would like to see Israel destroyed. If I had permission to be one who pushes the big red button to fry Tehran and Damascus - it would have been done already. Perhaps one day I will have that opportunity! And I will demand that anyone who has spoken against Israel's right to exist be rounded up, shipped over to Tehran or Damascus and then turned into glowing objects made out of melted sand and ash.

  10. anon, "a U.S. Army veteran",

    That's a mighty gentile attitude.

    I take it you're Israeli.

  11. My Jewish friends are staunchly anti-zionist, and Israel does not speak for them. Your desire to push the red button belies your claims of wanting to live in peace.

    Vets like you shame America.

  12. I think you're onto something "Army Vet". In history, we've heard the label "Crazy Americans" before.

    I am with you man. I call upon our government here in the U.S. to stop playing patsy with the world. We didn't allow our government to spend billions of dollars on nuclear warhead technology for nothing - it's time these devices be used. Why do I say this?

    Because the world already likens us to Israel by proxy, just because we support her right to exist. Any nation which has the majority idea that Israel should be creamed as well as the U.S., should be nuked.

    Why? Because Israels enemies are OUR enemies. Any individual of any nation who sets him/herself up as a spokesman for that nation IS that nation. Anyone who feels Israel needs to be eliminated should also feel likewise to the U.S. As such...

    Tehran and Syria both agree that Israel must be destroyed. Then not long after, they say the same to the U.S.

    To openly speak something signals intent. Nothing is said without intent even if it is attempted to lightly veil that intent.

    The intent is to eliminate Israel and the United States. And this intent has been spoken. So there can only be one option in any war (which we are in by the way) - strike FIRST with unbridled force and without mercy upon those who have threatened to do us in through like fashion.

    I'm not the only U.S. citizen who thinks this way - NUKE Tehran and Damascus first. This is a wise course of action because it will then cause our other MOST dangerous enemy states first as they attempt to retaliate. Simply watch which ones try to launch nukes back. Ok, so some of us will have to be sacrificed as we and our cities melt with us in them. So what? Our deaths will not be in vain if we return TENFOLD the number of nuclear warheads right back at those who asked for it.

    Both Israel AND the United States are being backed into a perilous corner. The majority of Americans have been lulled back to sleep since 9/11/2001 thinking everything is ok, while many in the world are planning a sinister plot to FINISH US OFF.

    Now is the time to act. Turn Tehran and Damascus into a sea of glass and ash. Let the secrecy of our REAL ENEMIES be undone then as they will speak out in horror and with UNVEILED threats. Then, hit them so hard that even history books will forget them entirely.

    Nuke 'em Bush. Do it now!

  13. Advocating the use of nuclear weapons is itself a terrorist act. Not to mention cowardly. Congratulations anon, you've just become the enemy.

  14. Actually, Die for the Elite, we both spelled it wrong.

    According to our president, it isn't spelled: nuclear

    Instead, it's been re-defined at: Nookular

    Sorry for the error - guess I'm human after all!!

  15. That's nooz to me. Thanks for the correction.

    Dear Lord, please pre-emptively rapture up all our blessed fanatics, so the rest of the world can be spared the bloodshed. Thanks.

  16. to anon from canada who said that they only show the combined death toll, i just saw on larry king that 170 lebanese had been killed vs. 24 israelis. not that i'm trying to come down on the side of the media, or say that their coverage is at all "fair and balanced," but i do think that people are finally beginning to wake up and see israel for what it really is--the real terrorist state in the middle east.

  17. Die for the Elite, question. Since when does such an "advocation in the use of nuclear weapons" in the course of preventing one's nation in being utterly annhilated (sp?) cause one to suddenly JUST NOW become an enemy? The truth/reality is that we've been an "enemy" as you suggest for some time already. As long as Islam, Judaism and Christianity are living in the same world and each of them promises to roast, chop or behead each other - each one is a real enemy to the other.

    Terrorism is the use of threats in an effort to instill fear in a person or a group of people (including governments) in order to achieve political control over them for some desired political or ill-gotten goal in mind.

    Preventive nuclear strikes are precisely the reason nuclear weapons were devised to begin with. Preventive strikes in an effort to stave off total destruction of oneself (nation in this context) is nothing short of "Get 'em first before they can get you" strategy.

    So in the present case, you cannot tell me that someone sitting in Tehran and in North Korea telling world media that they desire to FRY Israel and the U.S. isn't terrorism? They are making such statements WITH intent to follow through with their threats. They aren't shy about making this known either - especially when they are test launching long-range missiles.

    Since when is an effort to prevent action by madmen from destroying one's nation terrorist? It is only "terrorist" to those who seek to kill you and I. To them, it indeed is terror in their minds to contemplate a preventive strike upon themselves.

    To the nation and it's people who desire to preserve themselves and their way of life, it isn't terrorism but rather self-defense before these people can act on their threats.

    They have shown their intentions.

    So if not now, the time WILL come when it's either USE the firepower we have, or be killed as an entire nation before we can even hit the button to use them.

    If you are an American, you have a LOT of enemies. There is no denying this. And for the most part, if you will simply take a few minutes to look into it - Israel's enemies are our enemies as well. And our enemies are also Israel's enemies.

    Before you say "congratulations, you have just become the enemy" - think before you type. Because we HAVE been 'the enemy' even far in advance of your silly remark.

    To anyone against the United States and Israel - indeed we ARE your enemy! And you are ours as well.

    May the best men/nations win.

    (And no, I don't simply type something and then leave. I always give MY enemy the opportunity to "return fire" which is why I continue to feed your desire to debate further. Ever see the bumper sticker with the U.S. flag on it that says "These colors don't run"? Well, neither do I.)

  18. People! One must be able to separate the Jewish People from their Zionist Political leaders. Israel absolutely has a right to exist in peace. It does not however, have the right to control, harrass, threaten and destroy the lives of countless innocent people in Gaza and Lebanon.

    Israel's actions have now caused humanitarian crisises in Gaza and Lebanon. People in Gaza and Lebanon are now without the basic necessities for living (food, water, power, fuel, etc.) Israel's policy of collective punishment on Gaza and Lebanon is unjustified and cruel.

    Israel has one of the best secret services in world. The Massoud. Why can't they send in covert ops to target the individuals they are after? People are becoming frustrated with the Israeli zionist politicians and their policies, not the jewish people themselves.

    However, have no doubt that there are plans that the US and Israel are keeping from their people. This was not about a few kidnapped soldiers (the attacks on Gaza was planned well in advanced of the Gilad Shilat kinapping), this was an opportunity of convenience to start all out war in the Mideast. As soon as this began, the American Media are tossing around the words "World War III". This is what the Israeli and American Governments want, WWIII! Why? To re-divy up the mideast again, along with it a majority of the world's oil reserves.

    That's my opnion, anyway.

  19. Read the Patriot Act. Or brush up on international law.

    This letter explains it nicely. Excerpt:

    "The 1996 International Court of Justice advisory opinion on nuclear weapons confirmed that to threaten, let alone use, nuclear weapons would be generally contrary to International Humanitarian Law."

    This article debunks Israel's claims to the moral high ground.

    Happy reading!

  20. Good point Die for the Elite.

    I wanted to add that the problem is with Fundamentalism on all sides. The Evangelicals, the zionists and the jihadists. The world needs to know that all americans are not christains, all christians are not evangelicals, just as not all jews are zionists and all arabs are not jihadi terrorists.

    What we need to realize that there are just regular people on all sides just trying to raise their families and live their lives in peace who are caught in the middle. The fundamentalist cabals of each of the sister religions have agendas to control the world, to the detriment and/or destruction of all others. They are ALL using their pesant classes as pawns. They play upon our ignorance and fear to fight for their agendas. None of which has anything to do with anything spiritual or religous. It is for power and control.

    Wake up world, we are all be used!!!

  21. Israel has no right to exist. No nation does, when it behaves as Israel has. And the Jewish people must not remain silent in the face of atrocities being committed by the Jewish State.

  22. Ok so by posting those links, you have thus solidified the truth. Iran, Syria and North Korea are terrorists in violation of International Humanitarian Law and have committed terrorism against the people of Israel and the United States.

    They have threatened aloud FIRST. So tell me, Die for the Elite, if a pre-emptive first strike by the offended is out of the question and we simply sit back and wait for fire to rain down - what kind of force against these terrorists do those who drafted the Patriot Act and other international documents have in mind to prevent a global thermonuclear war?

    It is quite easy to sit back in air condioned buildings while writing draft papers like that. Anyone can do that. And it's so easy to proclaim loudly "The answer is diplomacy" while groups such as Hizbollah and Hamas have proven without a doubt that they will continue provocations because they think somehow they are special and the rules don't apply to them?

    And then what about nations who DO fear the documents which the links you just posted refer to but they decide they will find a "workaround". The idea of a workaround is to prevent condemnation upon themselves by simply sending money and weapons material to the groups who feel special and who feel the rules don't apply to them.

    So where does it all end, Die or the Elite?

    If you live in Mexico or Canada, you aren't safe. If you are willing to suggest to the U.S. that pre-emptive nuclear strikes are not acceptable and we then listen to you and continue to sit by idle until our enemies DO have the capabilities to hit our land, then here is a surprise to you..

    Nuclear radiation, fallout and the economic repercussions to Canada and Mexico are severe.

    So, ok Die for the Elite, when we are getting hit with nuclear bomb after nuclear bomb and you begin suffering cancers and thyroid conditions and terrifying diseases after the U.S. is nuked thanks to people like you who feel pre-emptive strikes are out of the question - then remember this conversation.

    If we go with your mindset and criticism, then we will just sit on our hands until the day of reckoning, and you can burn and suffer right along with your "enemies" in the U.S.

    I don't care how hard some of you people try to convince yourselves otherwise. Nuclear war is going to happen in this world's future no matter how many documents are written against any nation using it. The United States government itself has allowed it to be known that our use of such weapons is meant to be an effort to prevent other nations from baking the entire Earth with THEIRS.

    Further, right at the moment, the U.S. and Israel have a perfect opportunity to use it as a preventative tool. But if not used wisely and with minimal collateral damage now, in the future you will discover I was correct - it will be use defensively by multiple nations as they return fire upon one another causing an even greater disaster than the one people like you seek to prevent.

    As a human race, time is NOT on our side. The further time progresses, the greater the possibility of total global ruin when ALL nations have the capability to join in the fun of baking one another.

    Keep that in mind.

  23. anon said:
    "Further, right at the moment, the U.S. and Israel have a perfect opportunity to use it as a preventative tool."

    You are a babbling murderous psycopath.

    By chance, are you Israeli?

  24. Oh, and for added discussion here - what do you suppose this world would look like today had the "pre-emptive" use of such tools not been used to end WWII?

    How about next time the world goes ape and the U.S. has an opportunity to stop it to eliminate your own demise, we just say "oh well, we have to concern ourselves with international humanitarian law. Let him/her die, we have better things to worry about"?

    I honestly don't believe our government is pursuing the development of smaller "tactical nuclear weapons" for nothing. First, it would minimize the damage to outside areas from where the operation was meant to have impact. Secondly, it would leave a lasting effect on those who would seek to wipe us (and thus, our neighbors) off the map.

    If countries such as North Korea, Iran and others develop nuclear weapons to use against US, I assure you that they aren't concerned with the collateral damage which would be inflicted upon Canada and Mexico. To them, it's just "collateral damage". No problem.

    I agree with a post above by another writer which states that not everyone is religious and simply want to raise their families and to live out their lives in peace. Unfortunately, and I really do hate saying this, but JUST because there are three major religions which sprang out of ancient Israel, war IS going to continue until only ONE is left standing. You can count on it. And, the others will defend themselves to the death as well.

    So, where does this leave us? If you are a nation that is close to another nation that has a majority population of one religion and IT'S enemies hate it and desire to nuke it into oblivion, then you get the wonderful chance of going right along with it.

    So, do you HONESTLY believe the U.S. government would be doing the right thing to sit on it's hands and not using the tools it has to prevent such a scenario now? Please, tell me, you don't really think this is the best answer there is - do you?

  25. Iran, North Korea, and Syria have not threatened use of nuclear weapons, the threat has been implied by the US. They have threatened to defend themselves, but not specifically with nuclear weapons. Furthermore, only one of those 3 countries claims to have such weapons. Don't be such a tool of US propagandists that have lied at every turn since Chimpy was appointed Preznit.

  26. PS: Only a fool would make the argument for the use of nuclear weapons. Please familiarize with the horrors of such weapons, and realize that any use of such weapons by the US or Israel will escalate into a global exchange that will leave you as crispy as your perceived enemy.

  27. At Tue Jul 18, 01:16:55 AM EDT, qrswave said...

    anon said:
    "Further, right at the moment, the U.S. and Israel have a perfect opportunity to use it as a preventative tool."

    You are a babbling murderous psycopath.

    By chance, are you Israeli?


    No, I'm not Israeli, but I may as well be with the unbridled bravado against what I feel is a rational use of tools to put an end to the threat of madmen toward the Western part of the world - including Canada, Mexico, U.S. and the surrounding islands.

    I truly do understand the horror of nuclear war. Not even I desire to be the recipient of such an atrocity! And, thus, I am all for the U.S. government using it FIRST in a very humanitarian and measured way to prevent what could come upon this world in the future had we NOT done all we could have.

    To linger today, you regret your failure to act in the future. Am I not right??

  28. If you think weapons of mass destruction can ever be used in an humanitarian way, other than dismantling them permanently, you need professional help. You demonstrate the qualities of the perceived madmen you despise. Good luck to you.

  29. Army "Rambo" Vet and anonymous stooge:

    The US is not backed into a corner. Neither is Israel. That's the typical propaganda to incite hate in people like yourself to support outrageous state conduct--bombing and killing civilians. I don't consider US interests the same as Israel's. I don't consider Israel's enemies my enemies. If there is any reason why the world or any country has a beef with the US, it is Israel. Israel is extremely costly baggage and it's best that we let go.

    You advocate nuclear bombing of Iran and Syria. There is no rational basis for nuking anyone! You are just regurgitating the Neocon "preemptive nuclear strike" doctrine which goes against all traditional US nuclear doctrine and policies. Once the AIPAC backed neocons and followers flooded the White House, State Department, Pentagon, Congress and countless agencies, the senseless "preemptive nuclear strike" doctrine became discussed as a military option.

    The world will NOT be a better place if states begin to bomb each other with nukes. Not under any circumstances! Do you really think that if the US nuked another country that there wouldn't be some type of retaliation? The worst retaliation would occur in the US. And you know what, it would be justified as self defense.

    Since neither Syria or Iran have any nuclear capabilities, how do you rationalize a nuclear attack? Oh because they "might" have a nuke some day. With that logic, a person should snuff you because you might incite trouble with your vile thinking. Does that make sense?

    The US has tens of thousands of nukes stockpiled. Who knows how many Israel has. Yet you're so afraid of those Arabs and Persians. What are you afraid of man? With the armaments and nuclear capabilities the US has, if a state were to nuke us it would be the kiss of their death.

    BTW, if you're really gungho about wars and security, I hear that Dyncorp International is hiring International Police Officers and paying $118,000-134,000 USD/Year plus benefits. You can choose either Iraq or Afghanistan. Are you ready to start your new career?

    Armed and ready

  30. anon said,

    "With that logic, a person should snuff you because you might incite trouble with your vile thinking. Does that make sense?"

    Perfect sense.

  31. "I truly do understand the horror of nuclear war. Not even I desire to be the recipient of such an atrocity! And, thus, I am all for the U.S. government using it FIRST in a very humanitarian and measured way to prevent what could come upon this world in the future had we NOT done all we could have."

    And I suppose Nagazaki and Hiroshima were humanitarian ways of showing the world what happens when Japan screws with the US, no? Really, they were??

    You're a starkraving lunatic my friend.

  32. Israel is a sideshow. As Israel bombs the crap out of her neighbors, the US clamps down on rights. The US gov't steals private lands, cages peaceful protestors, bans books like "America Deceived" by E.A. Blayre III, and illegally wire-taps ALL PHONES (with the help of the scumbags at Verizon and AT&T). In the next few weeks, the US will attack Iran, throwing the Middle East into complete chaos. Mix in a false-flag attack on the US (like 9/11) and the public will line-up for One World Gov't.
    Support indy media.
    Be defiant, last link (before Google Books drops the title from gov't pressure):

  33. Well..looks like a lot of peoples here doesnt know who is the israeli from history perspective.

  34. Another anonymous poster above prattled on about the U.S. and Israel being "backed into a corner." He - I'm assuming - also implied that if we don't nuke Syria and Iran, then we will soon have fire raining down upon us.

    By all accounts ( references at bottom of page), the U.S. spends almost as much as the rest of the world combined on defense. If we spend so much money on defense yet somehow are backed into a corner - apparently quaking in fear - then I'd say we tax payers need to demand a refund and replace the incompetant buffoons who have squandered our hard-earned money.

    I can't help picturing an insane person, barricaded inside their home, hoarding piles of guns, bibles and ammo and whimpering at every noise from outside. Eventually, this insane person starts shooting out the windows because the neighbors - a typical, boring suburban family with two kids and a mini-van - are clearly a threat and must be taken out pre-emptively.

    And conservatives mock liberals for not using their brains. I believe that when a conservative says "use your brain," what they really mean is "unquestioningly believe whatever Bush or Fox - his annointed message-bearer - tells you, do exactly as you are told and be afraid."

