Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bend over, America and get ready for the largest tax increase in history... the cap and trade scheme.

Cap and Trade’s $3,900 per Family per Year Price Tag....

While we're being distracted by Obama's personal jet flying low over NYC, bringing back nightmares from that MOSSAD/CIA false-flag and being shown pics from around the world of people wearing masks to protect them from swine flu, our corrupt Congress is pushing to pass the cap and trade scheme, which will put a never ending tax on our backs that keeps doubling each year until some vague goal is met.

The Empire's 24/7 news channels are on point, reporting on the man-made swine flu nonstop from around the globe, seeding fear and confusion into your brains, while nary a peep is heard from any reporter on the floor of Congress that's debating this huge tax increase.

Wall Street must be drooling over the amount of money this is going to generate, a significant amount which that bunch of gangsters will make disappear offshore, devising another of their "Three Card Monte" games to make the money vanish.

At least 650 BILLION a year will be taken from our pockets to fund this "green-collar" bubble

Here's part of an interview on Amy Goodman's "Democracy Now" about this Wall Street fantasy. Amy's talking with Arun Gupta of The Indypendent:
And there’s a lot of talk now also about a green-collar economy. I think that’s very important, but one of the reasons that it’s important to ban derivative trading is the investment banks are salivating over a green-collar economy, and that needs to be explained why, because they are—have set up trading desks. It’s estimated that carbon trading, the idea of trading in pollution rights, in ten years will be larger than all energy markets combined. So they’re looking to make a killing off of it. They’ll create derivative instruments, and this will just create another bubble. So we need to be now thinking about clearly exactly what to do to put in progressive ideas and to prevent this disaster from happening again.

The White House will use a portion of this tax to fund their "Wars for Empire and Israel."

And We the People will be left holding the bill.... again.

Don't buy the hype of the innocuous sounding Save Our Climate Act of 2009 , it's just another massive fraud being perpetuated by the same clowns that told us Saddam had "nooks," and that 19 crazed Muslim fundies attacked us on 9/11.

“You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, you know — under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it — whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.”

Then Senator Obama, in a January 2008 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle.


"FAA Memo: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic, Threatened Federal Sanctions Against NYPD, Secret Service, FBI & Mayor's Office If Secret Ever Got Out"

In a memo obtained by CBS 2 HD the Federal Aviation Administration's James Johnston said the agency was aware of "the possibility of public concern regarding DOD (Department of Defense) aircraft flying at low altitudes" in an around New York City. But they demanded total secrecy from the NYPD, the Secret Service, the FBI and even the mayor's office and threatened federal sanctions if the secret got out.

Why threaten the NYPD and mayor's office with sanctions if word of Obama's 9/11 type flyover of NYC ever got out to the public unless it was a planned fear mongering device to distract and scare New Yorkers and give a chilling reminder to the rest of the country about that MOSSAD/CIA false-flag?


  1. .
    How about a three-lies and lights-out politician tax?

  2. The first step to fixing our political system is to stop paying the "politician tax"....

    Politicians are not like the rest of us.... they are keenly obsessed with "getting elected" as a measure of success, but although this would seem to suggest that they should care about representing the views of the electors -- the people -- it doesn't work out that way. With extremely rare exceptions, politicians preserve their interests by serving their party (whichever one it is) over the people, and by serving corporate interests and other special interests next to that, also over the people.... so where do we fit in?

    They see us as votes and money, and many of us are suckers.... how many of you donated money to a politician or a party last year? The sad truth is that whatever you did donate was actually a tax imposed by the system through blackmail, one that you didn't have to pay at all, but volunteered.... I have to admit, I'm in that crowd, even though I only gave to Libertarian candidates (who all lost) and the amount I donated amounted to pocket change even in their meager coffers.... but I'd take it back if I could....

    Look at it this way: imagine there are two bullies on your block, and both want to take your lunch money.... each says that if you "voluntarily" pay him, he'll protect you from the other one, and each one talks up how dangerous the other one is in order to convince you to buy protection... but the truth is, if you learn to defend yourself you don't have to give a penny to either of them.

    That's what the Republicrats do -- each side uses the other as a threat to pry your dollars away in the form of campaign donations, and the first and biggest thing WE can do to eliminate donation-driven corruption from the system is to turn off that voluntary faucet of cash flowing out of our pockets.

    In short: DO NOT GIVE ANY MONEY TO POLITICIANS!! not to a candidate, not to a campaign, not to a party, and if you can help it, not to an organization or company that will pass it on to any of those (even a company that will hedge its bets by giving to both sides; in fact, especially such a company).... clean up our politics, do NOT pay the politician tax!!
