< HOME  Thursday, July 09, 2009

US reaches deal with Israel and "Boom-Boom" is getting paranoid!

U.S. reaches deal with Israel on settlement building

The United States denied Wednesday that it has reached a compromise that would allow Israel to complete the construction of 2,500 housing units in West Bank settlements.

The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv had reported earlier in the day that said Israel could finish the 700 buildings.

Western officials said the United States was moving in the direction of making allowances so Israel could finish off at least some existing projects which are close to completion or bound by private contracts that cannot be broken.

"This is a concession to avoid causing undue hardships on individuals" who have signed contracts and have already paid for work that cannot be refunded, one of the officials said, adding that discussions were still under way.
What precisely is the Israeli definition of a "housing unit?"

One home equals one unit? Or does one 25 floor condominium equal one unit?

Or does a 200 acre subdivision equal a housing unit?

And let's not cause any Hasidic West Bank Land Thieves any undue hardships, my god, we can't have that!

But not all the news out of Apartheid Israel is bad, not when you read that "Boom-Boom" Netanyahu's aides are describing him as suffering from confusion and paranoia and his best buddy, Avi Lieberman, saying that Netty is driving people crazy.

Better double check those MADOFF Swiss bank accounts, Netty, you might be heading towards retirement!!


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