< HOME  Thursday, August 03, 2006

Chavez calls Israeli offensive ‘genocide’ - recalls Ambassador

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Thursday he has withdrawn his country's ambassador from Israel to show his "indignation" over the military offensive in Lebanon.

"We have ordered the withdrawal of our ambassador in Israel," Chavez said in a televised speech, calling Israeli attacks in Lebanon "genocide."

The leftist leader has repeatedly criticized Israel's offensive aimed at Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon, noting mounting civilian deaths and saying the United Nations should act to halt the violence.

"It really causes indignation to see how the state of Israel continues bombing, killing ... with all of the power they have, with the support of the United States," Chavez said after a military parade in the northwestern state of Falcon.

The Venezuelan leader, a close ally and protege of Cuban President Fidel Castro, spoke after returning from an international tour that included Iran. While there, Chavez called the Israeli offensive in Lebanon a "fascist outrage."

"The Israeli elite repeatedly criticize Hitler's actions against the Jews, and indeed Hitler's actions must be criticized, not just against the Jews but against the world," Chavez said during his visit to Iran, adding: "It's also fascism what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people ... terrorism and fascism."
That's putting it mildly.

Who will be next to recall their ambassador, I wonder. Or, has Chavez just done what no other nation dares to do, for fear of reprisals?


At Thursday, August 03, 2006, Blogger Stern Gang said...

If I'm not mistaken, Norway pulled their Ambassador as well, a week or so ago.

At Thursday, August 03, 2006, Blogger jayzerz said...

Still, Chavez has like the biggest cajones on the planet at the moment.

More power to him!

At Thursday, August 03, 2006, Blogger ksdrover said...

Viva la Chavez! Having cancelled his military contract with the US and signing a$3 billion dollar contract with Russia will definitely put him on someones Top 10 list for 'removal'. Expect Pat Robertson to issue another statement soon. Followed by John Hagee and Falwell. The thugs of the One World 'religion'.

At Friday, August 04, 2006, Blogger Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

Yes, Hugo Cajones Chavez! A man that appears to always be standing on prinicple...Hmmm?

At Friday, August 04, 2006, Blogger Joe said...

I agree, Chavez has balls. I'm sure they'll try to "eliminate" him again. They've already tried before (Google video search a documentary called "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" to see what they tried to do to him in 2002)

I also recommend the following site:

This website is dedicated to promoting the Bolivarian Revolution currently underway in Venezuela and it's primary author, President Hugo Chavez. Unlike most world leaders - like those in Washington D.C. - that simply say they support their people and then either ignore or exploit the vast majority of them, President Chavez actually "puts his money where his mouth is" and shows what a government CAN do when it actually cares about its people. As American citizens we feel it is time for a Bolivarian Revolution - democratic & peaceful - in the United States as well. Feel free to explore around our site to learn more and see how President Chavez has not only provided tangible real-world aid to his own people, but also to poor citizens of the United States, which is much more than one can say for our own government.

At Friday, August 04, 2006, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Chavez has massive balls and is a true lord, he often speaks what the majority of the left is thinking.


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