< HOME  Monday, September 28, 2009

"ANTI-SEMITES".... Holocaust™....."ANTI-SEMITES".... Holocaust™.... "ANTI-SEMITES"...Holocaust™

Israel's Dimona Nuclear Weapons Factory In 3D

"Who the fuck released this? Dammit, how in the hell are we supposed to keep people around the world scared shitless about non-existent Iranian nukes when some SOB releases this incriminating evidence of Israeli nukes?

"Better go into the usual denial and attack mode... "ANTI-SEMITES"..... Holocaust™...."ANTI-SEMITES"..... Holocaust™.... Holocaust™.... Holocaust™.... And tell Dershowitz to write another 'anti-Semitic" article for our good friends at the NYT and have Abe go on FOX and scream about how dangerous it is to 'appease' those who want peace. It works every time!" Remind our good friend Spielberg it's time for another Holocaust™ weepy.

Get Billy to write a column lamenting those 'self-hating' Jews, you know, the ones that actually touch our herd of cattle... yuck.

"And tell that 'Schwartzer,' Obama, to go on the air and make some more threats against Iran or ELSE!"

Israel has over 200 nukes, and robust biological and chemical warfare programs. And the means to deliver those nukes right into America's heartland, thanks to those German subs and US supplied Harpoon cruise missiles that have been outfitted with nuclear warheads.

When is the deliberate murder of over one million Iraqi's going to be called a blatant case of anti-Semitism?


At Monday, September 28, 2009, Blogger qrswave said...

"When is the deliberate murder of over one million Iraqi's going to be called a blatant case of anti-Semitism?"


But on Judgment Day everyone will learn that it is just another case of a long line of self-worshipping anti-humanity by delusional fools who think themselves above God.


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