< HOME  Sunday, September 13, 2009

Israel Poised to Strike Iran

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Haaretz states:

In the past few weeks alone, an editorial in The Wall Street Journal warned the president that the United States must put a quick halt to the Iranian nuclear program, because otherwise Israel will bomb the facilities. "An Israeli strike on Iran would be the most dangerous foreign policy issue President Obama could face," the paper wrote.

...former ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, maintains that additional sanctions alone will not be enough to make the Iranians abandon their nuclear ambitions.

...An op-ed in The Los Angeles Times states (with some justification) that if Iran does not respond in September to the demands made of it, the world should brace itself for an Israeli attack. However, the author adds (mistakenly) that in the event of an Israeli strike, Obama "will probably learn of the operation from CNN rather than the CIA."

...The Israel Defense Forces was significantly upgraded during the tenure of Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi...For an Israeli attack to be considered, Israel would need the tacit approval of the Obama administration, if only in the sense that it looks the other way. This is due above all to the necessity of passing through the Iraqi air corridor, as American soldiers will still be in Iraq in 2011.

So, the moment of truth will arrive at some point between the end of 2009 and the middle of 2010...

Let's see - I'm guessing - Yom Kippur?


At Sunday, September 13, 2009, Blogger Greg Bacon said...

Just in time for Yom Kippur and that strike on Iran, gotta defend those Americans in the Negev!

In just a few weeks, additional Aegis vessels will arrive here to participate in the biennial Juniper Cobra missile defense exercise that the IDF has been holding with the US European Command (EUCOM) and Missile Defense Agency since 2001.

This year's drill, scheduled for mid-October, is being described as the largest joint exercise ever held by the countries. During it they will jointly test four ballistic missile defense systems.

In addition to the Aegis, the MDA and EUCOM are sending THAAD and Patriot 3 missile defense systems - America's most-advanced - for the first time.

Officials said that the exercise may include live fire by the systems - most likely the Patriot - but the teams will mainly conduct computerized simulations of various threat scenarios launched from fictitious countries. The threats are then tracked and engaged by the various systems and the teams jointly write doctrine and staff procedures.


At Sunday, September 13, 2009, Blogger morris108 said...

There is plenty of undermining going on, Maybe the sabre rattling is just a cloud.

A video of some of Jerusalem Day Demo in London yesterday - if you would like to post it?



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