Polanski Moved for Medical Tests, Whereabouts Presently Unknown

Director Roman Polanski, who has been held in a Swiss jail since September pending possible extradition charges, has been moved for medical tests.
His French lawyer Herve Temine told the Reuters news agency Polanski had been "taken from prison for medical attention. I don't know where he is."
He added he did not know when the film-maker, 76, would return to prison.
Polanski was arrested in Switzerland last month over his 1977 conviction for unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl.
He left the US in 1978 before he could be sentenced and has never returned.
Mr Temine said Polanski was depressed and tired when he visited him in prison last week.
The director was arrested when he arrived in Switzerland on 26 September to collect a lifetime achievement award at a film festival.
US authorities have up to 60 days to make a firm extradition request.
Folco Galli, spokesman for Switzerland's Federal Office of Justice, declined to comment on whether Polanski had been moved to hospital or on the state of his health.
I hope to put up, before the hour is out, a piece on one of the unexpectedly amazing results of Polanski's exploits ~ in France and also within the INTERNATIONAL Green Party.
I have not written yet of where my thoughts have gone, but suddenly, those riots in France in 1968 have taken on a whole new depth of meaning. Szarkozy has been being groomed since way back then with Danny the Red (Co President of the Green Party, FULLY EU now)who brags about having sexual touches with 2 year olds back in the day when he was leading riots in favour of international Communism.
And what has been bringing all of this out into the media? Polanski and gay pedophile Frederic Mitterand's (Minister of Culture) defense of his buddy. He drew attention to himself, as did Danny, and suddenly their pasts were dug into.
Do I need to add that they are all Jewish? in fact, Danny even tried to throw the old Holocaust thing at his accuser. "My grandparents died in the Holocaust". She resounded with, "Mine died from a landmine. Don't try that Holocaust stuff on me."
My head hurts from all the clicking tiles today. Someone got an aspirin?
I half-made a joke about El Al flights waiting on the Gstad taxiway until Polanski comes sprinting into view.. Let's see. Is Polanski hankering for the olive trees and heat of the "Mediterranean" climate?
Just a mere look into the "Talmud", in which all the Khazarian Jews (Ashkenazim) firmly believe - than the Torah - , as they found since they converted to Judaism hundreds of years ago, that it suited their previous phallic worship and served them well.
In my cruise of the internet, I find more Rabbis' related sexual scandals than Jewish commoners in the US and Israel and all around the world.
I also find them trying to make us all drink from the same river of madness. Hence, we will all become like them and we all will live happily ever after in their stinky new world. But they will be the master; the leaders, nonetheless.
If that is what the Talmudic Judaism is about, then may it rot in hell.
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