< HOME  Sunday, August 15, 2010

israeli Serial Killer Removed Organs From Victims

Elias Abuelazam stabbed 18 Americans in three states, killing five.


At Monday, August 16, 2010, Blogger Titus Sviatoslav said...

Anyone know what organs this zio-vampire removed?

That's the real story - organ selling from American schwartzers!

At Tuesday, August 17, 2010, Blogger andie531 said...

The problem with the story is the scars on these victims are not explained in the video - the one victim lying down is Etwain Wilson who had to have an operation to repair 3 organs that were damaged - so that explains that scar. The voice over does not explain who took out organs or why - the other confusing part of this video is when Pat Brown says the killer really "wanted to make his mark" on the victim. This video gives the impression that the killer took organs, and that is not something I have found in any other reports.

At least one victim I read of lost a kidney due to being stabbed in the kidney - what he said was interesting though - he stated that the attacker knew exactly where to stab him (as if he were a pro).

The most interesting part of this scenario is the fact that Etwain Wilson gave the description that resulted in the "Larry the Cable Guy" white guy sketch - however, the people on the block that the suspect Elias was living on didn't pin him to it because they were looking for a white guy and Elias didn't look anything like the sketch.

So there is a possible frame-up and / or a second party involved.

Whether or not organs were taken by the attacker is unclear.


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