The “Human Shield” LIE Exposed
On the heels of Israel's horrendous massacre of more than 60 civilians in Qana, among them OVER 40 CHILDREN, I will lay to rest once and for all, the colossal lie presented in unison by these mass murderers and their accomplices, in defense of the indefensible - the position that Hizbullah uses civilians as "human shields" against overwhelming Israeli aggression.
Nothing could be more illogical or absurd. Let's examine it carefully.
When someone uses another human being as a "shield," under the plain meaning of the word, it is understood to be a method to deter aggression by adversaries. In order for that objective to be achieved, crucial premises must first exist.
The party who employs the human shield MUST assume that their adversary will hesitate to fire against those shields for fear of harming them.
But in order for that to happen, the adversary must first CARE about the welfare of the so-called "human shields."
If the opposing party DOES NOT CARE about their welfare, then the alleged objective of deterring aggression falls apart.
For example, in the United States, a bank robber might take a hostage to deter the use of overwhelming force by police. In every case, the police DO NOT fire for fear that they might jeopardize the life of the hostage.
Indeed, Israelis frequently take civilians hostage to use as human shields because Hamas fighters are reluctuant to fire on them.

Israel's routine AFTER-THE-FACT attempts to characterize civilian victims of their ruthless aggression as Hizbullah's "human shields" is nothing less than a diabolical effort to twist the meaning of the phrase beyond all recognition.
Once we dispense with this bogus "shield" theory, the only alternative Israel presents in its favor is the outrageous suggestion that Hizbullah fired from near civilian areas for the purpose of proving that Israel DOES NOT CARE about massive civilian deaths. In other words, not as a method to deter aggression but as a method to win the PR war against Israel. If believed, then indeed Hizbullah succeeded in proving that Israel DOES NOT CARE ONE IOATA about the lives of innocent Arab civilians.
Under such an outrageous theory, civilians cannot be characterized as "human shields," but instead must be called "human sacrifices" for the purpose of exposing Israeli savagery.
If accepted, this theory cannot prove that Hizbullah is cynically using innocent civilians without FIRST establishing that Israelis are savage barbarians.
Hizbullah can only prove about Israel that which is already TRUE.
In such a scenario, Hizbullah's alleged cynicism cannot be a cause in fact of civilian deaths without an intervening and proximate cause - the depraved indifference by Israelis to massive loss of innocent civilian lives.
Make no mistake, Israelis are not only remorseless mass murderers, they are unrepentant liars - the most evil combination known to man.
For clarification, I categorically reject the ridiculous assertion that Hizbullah uses their families' lives as pawns in a PR game to prove a point that is already CRYSTAL CLEAR from how Israel conducts itself in Palestine.
The TRUTH is that Hizbullah fights from their neighborhoods. They have no other option. After all, it is their country and they are defending it.
ISRAEL could invade the border with ground forces and attempt to attack Hizbullah selectively with very little Lebanese civilian casualties. But, that course of action results in high Israeli military casualties, which Israel is not willing to suffer.
Instead, they engage in a twisted racist and depraved cost/benefit analysis wherein they choose to KILL HUNDREDS of innocent Arab civilians by using overwhelming arial force rather than risk dozens of Israeli military lives.
One can only conclude that Israelis are craven and depraved cowards, who consider the lives of their military men more precious than the lives of innocent unarmed Arab civilians.
And the WORLD knows this as sure as they know that the sun rises from the east.
Israel, you cannot escape the TRUTH.
Abandon your insanity - YOU CANNOT WIN.
Christian Incomprehension In the face of the Paradoxes of Islam
By Stephen Hand, editor
Great logical analysis qrswave! The Human Shield Excuse (TM by Hollywood, aka Jewlywood) is a lame excuse. Zion is going down, and so are the fake jews, the Ashkenazis.
Or maybe rather Christian incomprehension in the fact of the paradoxes of Zionist thinking.
That is ridiculous. Israel is much smarter than that. All I hear is I am against Israel and I hate them. Israel doesnt want in any way innocent deaths. All that does is put pressure on them in the world community no matter what kind of accident it was.
If anyone would care to hunt through the recent news reports, they will find; Israelis stating categorically that any village that Hezbollah rockets are fired from its vicinity will be razed to the ground. I believe Emma Hurd of sky News was one of those reporting on this.
Notwithstanding this fact, that obviously only anti Semitic People find as yet another example of barbarity of the chosen ones, who are busy indulging in their favourite pastime, that is killing anything that moves, and stealing any land that they find.
The lies that these Zionist Vermin are busy spewing only is a natural reaction to having been found out by some accident. Hence the lying sacks of crap are now using the human shield story to deflect from the issue, and absolve themselves of their war crimes.
Also noteworthy is the distance of Qana from border, and the seaside, which makes it highly suspect for firing rockets from, of course this story of rocket is the latest twist, since this morning as dated on the blog, the Israelis had released an intelligence report that indicated a Hezbullah asset was reported to be in the house! Which means a random act of destruction, which seems to be a reflex of the Zionist Vermin in the face of any modicum of humanity, and or civilised constructs.
Zionists are the Devil's brood. They are cruel, heartless and soulless killers, liars and deceivers - and they victimize (real) Jews as readily as anyone else. They border on humanoids - an alien intelligence in human form (a la "Invasion of the Body Snatchers") - maybe they ARE humanoids :O In that case, God help us! new Megaphone software has alerted me to your blasphemous antisemitic heresies. How are we supposed to make everyone South of the Litani move unless we scare them? We can't just scare the men, for christ's sake. I mean, get a clue. We've got to terrorize everyone if we want to get that water, I mean security, ah what's the difference.
"That is ridiculous. Israel is much smarter than that."
Zionists are as dumb as doorknobs and today the naked truth of their agression has them flipping about like fish out of water extracted from the safety of their lies.
Unfortunately, with their lies exposed, they are now cornered. We can only anticipate even more desperate measures on their part, as their only recourse now is unbridled terror.
Thanks, dan, for making that very crucial point about Israelis using Palestinians as human shields.
Here's the funniest part of this exercize in circular logic: "If accepted, this theory cannot prove that Hizbullah is cynically using innocent civilians without FIRST establishing that Israelis are savage barbarians."
Err, no Sherlock. You sort of left out of the analysis the fact that Hizbullah is *attacking Israel*. So the Israelis have a choice --- suffer repeated attacks without defending themselves, or fight back. And if they fight back, they'll likely kill innocents because the fags of Hizbullah are hiding behind them.
At the minimum, Hizbullah cares as little about innocent human life as Israel. If not, why don't they just attack Israel from somewhere besides the midst of innocent people?
Hizbullah hiding behind civilians in a war = Israel is evil.
LOL! Hey I think I know how to play this game! Let me give it a shot.
Female circumcision by Arabs = Israel evil!
Starvation in Africa = Israel evil!
Stubbed my toe = Israel evil!
Dan, I need documentation of that fact - know any ?
>>"If believed, then indeed Hizbullah succeeded in proving that Israel DOES NOT CARE ONE IOATA about the lives of innocent Arab civilians."
Hizbullah proved they DO NOT CARE ONE IOATA about the lives of innocent Arab civilians too.
Israeli Zionists/Neo-Nazis are committing genocide against Palestinians and now Lebanese - and tomorrow Syrians, etc., using their USA (Bush) Zionist/Neocon infested poodle to support their evil agenda.
They are intentionally wiping out Middle East/Arab/Goyim populations and destroying life-sustaining infrastructure in the strategic interests of 'Greater Israel'. Israel needs to be contained within its original 1948 borders and be controlled by a UN-appointed interim government. Either that, or be declared a rogue State and dismembered into its adjoining Arab States.
Then again, the Demons at Dimona could do the job :O
>>"Dan, I need documentation of that fact - know any ?"
Hang on a couple of minutes. I'm sure qrswave can photoshop something for you.
I find it absurd to conclude anything using our only option- a guess. I will admit to being against Israels obvious use of overwhelming aggression and many other atrocities associated with the State and those attributed to the weaker state of Palestine and even Lebanon, but not the Israeli or Palestinian or Lebanese people as a whole, for that is precisely what those innocent children signing the bombs were doing.
A blanket stereotype.
A profiling on a massive scale.
There are many Israeli who find what is going on to be appalling and they yearn for peace.
The govenment of Israel is perpetuating the hate among the whole peoples of Palestine and Israel when in truth the people on both sides would like to just live!
The Concentration Camps now being built in the USA by Halliburton, et al, are destined to house the surviving Bush Gov't cronies, Zionists, Neocons, 'Religious Right' traitors to America and to God (and let's include those 410-odd Zionist/Israel-supporters in the US Congress while we're at it!) And lets save some cells for Lieberman and his fellow-Zionist Senators. And yeah, another gulag for the corrupt Judges. And if they don't all fit, we could always rendition them extraordinarily to Cuba or Afghanistan. Perhaps we should just hand over the whole bunch to the Lebanese and Palestinians - they'll know what to do with them :O
PoetryMan said: "There are many Israeli who find what is going on to be appalling and they yearn for peace."
When I say Israelis, I mean Israelis in power.
And Israelis who support those in power.
NO! Must ... somehow ... deny ... this ... reality! Readjust blinders ... stop critical thought ...
Whew! I'm OK now! Down with the Zionists! I'm sure the video was planted by UFOs.
Musta been made by the same folks who are (still) making Osama videos :O
WQho (in their right mond) would belive ANYTHING the IDF (or Mossad) said/claimed?! Remember, their motto is "By Deception we shall make war" Nice, huh?!
Thank you for dispelling this disgusting myth, well articulated, I may steal your words to deal with genocide appeasers.
Lets sum this up:
"To accept that Hizbollah is using human sacrifices one must accept that Israel is (the [insert word meaning evil] zionist regime) willing to kill them, proving that israel is evil. "
Wow, so if any side in a war uses human shield/sacrifices in an attempt to win then they become either
1. Invincible because the other side shouldnt attack them
2. Justified in their conflict because the other side is evil for attacking them.
Well, dammed if they do dammed if they dont. But thats fair because they are the evil zionists, right?
Attack Israel, Attack Israel?
Noting the dinner plate size holes on the road after a Katyusha rocket hit, in comparison to the massive chasms left after one of the Flying Zionist Vermin has bombed the place to craps, and so goes the fight. Trouble is even with all the kings horses, and kings men, that is the bunker busters, F umpteen fighters, Rockets, and tanks courtesy of US and even more shipped through UK Prestwick Airport, these oh so superior and ever so successful chosen tossers have lost the fucking war.
Only the chosen ones can run into their little bunkers coz there are fire works being fired, now there is an example of the brave Zionists for you.
Meanwhile back at the ranch on goes the whines, and screams of the poor, poor, land stealers, and baby killing mercenaries, and cries of anti Semites all around.
ps humanoid is not a term applicable to Zionist vermin and their supporters, a more appropriate terminology is monkeys, and hairless apes. Just watch a troop of monkeys and the way they enjoy running a mock with their little sticks, and then watch the Zionist Vermin in action and make your own minds up.
When the building in Qana collapsed, did they find any Hizbollah fighters and/or weapon caches? Or the truck that parked inside the building?
I thought Hizballah fired those rockets from behind trees. I mean it would be stupid to fire them elsewhere when there is satellite/plane video/photo spying, wouldn't it?
The videos shows those rockets launching, but from the steep angles in those videos, they could be within the city or miles away from it.
'Anonymous Sun Jul 30, 03:54:48 PM EDT', says
Israel only kills civilians by accident, Israel cares about what the rest of the world thinks, and [snivelling]you just hate me!!
All lies, as any accounting of their actual history and actions shows(This website for instance).
you're the proof of what qrswave said:
"Israelis are not only remorseless mass murderers, they are unrepentant liars"
You need to think hard about the kind apologist for murder you've turned into. Find a new course in life.
Let the peace-loving Israelis (Zionist and/or real Jews) get out on the streets and protest vigorously and continuously against their governement until they STOP their genocidal activities! And if they don't listen, shut them up in the Knesset until they emerge with a resolution to withdraw from ALL occupied territories (Palestinian & Lebanese) - or ELSE (let the US Marines blockade the Knesset to convince them ;)
Olmert breaks down weeping and asking G-d for forgiveness in front of the Wailing Wall! He volunteers to personally bury the Lebanese children in Lebanon - accompanied by a 30,000 IDF bodyguard (with tanks) and IAF air cover (nukes included).
Olmert didn't specify dead or still living (at the time of his generous offer) Lebanese children!
At Sun Jul 30, 05:08:55 PM EDT, Anonymous said...
"To accept that Hizbollah is using human sacrifices one must accept that Israel is (the [insert word meaning evil] zionist regime) willing to kill them, proving that israel is evil. "
Wow, so if any side in a war uses human shield/sacrifices in an attempt to win then they become either
1. Invincible because the other side shouldnt attack them
2. Justified in their conflict because the other side is evil for attacking them.
You misunderstand what I said, or you attempt to twist it. I said ***IF*** you accept that Hizbullah uses their fellow citizens as human sacrifices in a PR struggle, then you must first establish that Israelis are savage barbarians.
I do not accept the ridiculous assertion that Hizbullah uses their families to prove a point that is already CRYSTAL CLEAR from how Israel conducts itself in Palestine.
The TRUTH is that Hizbullah fights from their neighborhoods. They have no other option. After all it is their country - they are defending it.
ISRAEL could invade the border with ground forces and attempt to attack Hizbullah selectively with very little Lebanese civilian casualties. But, that course of action results in high Israeli military casualties. Which Israel is not willing to suffer.
Instead, they engage in a twisted racist and depraved cost/benefit analysis wherein they choose to destroy HUNDREDS of innocent Arab civilian lives by using overwhelming arial force rather than risk dozens of Israeli military lives.
One can only conclude that Israelis are craven and depraved cowards, who consider the lives of the military men more precious than the lives of innocent Arab civilians.
Thank you for this blog, it's a good one.
Let's hope the world is waking up to the Zionist pigs.
Freedom for Palestine.
You weirods are very much like Pontius Pilate:
He is essentially denies truth while THE Truth is standing in front of him.
Unlike most of the other commenters, I am disgusted by your blog.
>>"I said ***IF*** you accept that Hizbullah uses their fellow citizens as human sacrifices in a PR struggle, then you must first establish that Israelis are savage barbarians."
Unless you believe that a country has the right to defend itself, in which case this is a pretty stupid assertion.
>>"The TRUTH is that Hizbullah fights from their neighborhoods. They have no other option. After all it is their country - they are defending it."
They could fight from *outside* their neighborhoods, like from a forest or a ravine or a field or any other place that's both better concealed and less likely to result in civilian casualties than the middle of a populated city.
Government buildings and residential buildings are right next to one another in Tel Aviv and in every capital in the world.
Bombing to fight guerrillas is the extreme act of cowardice. Go in there on foot, and fight like men.
Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Baghdad, Lebanon -
all extreme acts of cowardice - that's the crucial point.
Hello anon
1 As mentioned before.... Hizbullah came into existance to get the isrealies out of lebanon
in the 80's.
2. They have kidnapped and continue to hold hunderds of lebanese including hizbullah
members. All are held without any trials and most likey subject to torture, etc.
3. Although isreal where driven out of lebanon, they still violated its airspace in hundreds
of cases.
4. Its also during this time carried out bombing of hizbullah and syrian positions. Whilst
hizbullah fired off unguided rockets which didnt do much damge.
5. It also operated a spyring whose memberd where responsible for the murders/assainations
of lebanese incl hizbullah members.
They where caught by lebanse before the current crises began and confessed. There is some
sujects the isrealies where behind the lebanonese president/PM hanaris murder.... as its
mode of operation fitted known isreali method. They would also likely to gain the most eg
remove them from lebabon and install a pro isreal PM and also make it easier to go after
5. Whilst the US MSM and some uk ones parrot line that hizbullah crossed into isreal...
other reports stated that the isreali soliders crossed into lebanon - into hizbullah
controlled terrority so they taken prisoner.
6. Isreal hasnt done a thing about the lebanese prisoners nor the small Shebaa Farms area
[although hizbullah/lebanon/syria are in dispute over ownership]
why don't Hezbollah fight like real armies instead of hiding in civilian populations, then we wouldn't have this problem of having civilians killed. By the way, I've heard Israelis apologize for killing civilians, I haven't heard the same from Hezbollah for killing innocent Israelis. Actions speak louder than words, don't they?
"I've heard Israelis apologize for killing civilians,"
Unfortunately they may say it but there is no sincerenity behind the words. Its just for the cameras empty words ie crocadile tears.
Its like hitting you over the head then apologise but then hitting you again but harder then apologie then hitting you even more harder again....
They belive they can do no wrong....
Nothing speaks louder than Israeli/Zionist criminal/genocidal actions since the formation of Israel and the Israel-Lobby seizure of the USA Gov't and just about everything else! How do the JFK assassination, USS Liberty attack, RFK assassination and 9-11 actions speak? What do they tell us about what kind of monsters are running Israel and directing their USA Zionist stooges? What fate do they deserve? Yes, that's the fate they will get! :O Try not to be in the neighborhood when it happens ;)
By the way, I've heard Israelis apologize for killing civilians, I haven't heard the same from Hezbollah for killing innocent Israelis. Actions speak louder than words, don't they?
No way? They did apologize? Let me try it then. Oh Anonymous, I'm so sorry I raped your mom and sister and killed your father and brother.
How do you feel now, dumbass?
Does sorry make them better people? I can say "Sorry" all day and keep on bombing innocent civilians.
I detect an extraordinarily high level of anonymous whiners for war crimes on this thread.
When the lights come on, ideological roaches scurry about like mad!
here ya go Dan
Have a look at the way Google has indexed the Wikipedia entry for 'Human Shields'. Can anyone see a strange unexplainable difference in the returned results from Google for this Wiki entry and the results returned for other sites?
Damm, those Hizbullah must have hid in the UN post too...
If everything they do is pre-planned, well thought out and intentional, then they must know how much anguish this will incite.
Is it designed to provoke and affect muslims and anyone who cares?
Or are they just plain and simple dumb insane arrogant assholes?
Hizb Allah has so much support in the whole world right now, it could grow into the biggest army in the world.
Hezbollah doesnt care about innocent dying in Lebanon or Israel. They like it. Its for propaganda to fill their ranks. The more people that sympathize with them, the more they grow.
Israel on the other hand is sorry. They have a modern society. They dont live like fanatic terrorists.
The last thing they wont is civilian deaths. It makes it harder for them to get support and continue there war against the Hezbollah.
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The operative word is Hybris (Arrogance). YHWH hates Arrogance! Would you believe that after having been punished by God so many times in the past, the Israelis/Zionists STILL rebel against Hashem - you know, Arrogance in shedding innocent blood, worshipping the 'Golden Calf'(MONEY), etc. :O It's time for the Final Judgment ("...and I will melt them")
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The anti-Israeli crowd keeps avoiding the obvious question --- *why* does Hizbullah fight from the midst of the civilian population? There are plenty of unpopulated areas Hizbullah could use as a base of operations, yet they stick to heavily populated areas. Why?
digital spy:
Are you as dumb as you look and write??? That 'mythological invisible sky being' will one day make a 'believer' out of you! You will be on your knees, blabbering like you're doing here - only a lot harder and with gnashing teeth (if you have any teeth left)
God will not be mocked! So, for your own good, "Shut Up!"
Why does Hezbollah fight from the midst of the civilian population?
Because they are not stupid, that's why! Would you like them to line up in front of IDF artillery in an open field and hold up a big bullseye sign?
The IDF has NO BUSINESS being in Lebanon or bombing anything/anyone in Lebanon (or Gaza). They are in violation of the Geneva Convention and international law! If Mexico set up a Border Patrol 'kidnapping' and then did this to Texas, what do you think we would do? Wipe them off the map, that's right :)
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Don't quote your wretched Talmud here.
You are not the Master Race.
Israel is over.
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pYou didn't expose anything, except perhaps your own weak analytical ability. The fact is that israel stands only to lose by targetting civilians -- she has nothing to gain. Therefore, she is in all likelihood not targetting civilians. The attack in qana occurred because there were many missiles fired from that locale. End of story. The difference between this war and the war with the palestinian arabs is that in palestine israel made every effort to avoid killing civilians, and in lebanon it appears that this is not possible. In contrast to this obvious fact, you state that israel attacks civilians in palestine as well, an assertion that is patently absurd. As for your inane assertion that hizbollah must fight from their neighborhoods because "they have no other option", it is laughable. Their option is to move their missiles and their other weaponry into uninhabited areas. In short, in spite of your pretentious manner, your arguments easily dismissed.
Who the hell is this inbred talking about.... YHWH ??? Who the hells that, not another inbred yid God ??
Yah-WEH Yahweh yahweh, smite me oh ameoba in the sky, your stinky chosen ones, eat dirt and blow goats!!! , NOPE nothing, no lightnening bolts, nothing, sorry retard Im still here, your God is about as powerful as the dog poo I scrape from my boot.
Your inbred gods wont help you now skinsac ... You'll just have to pay with ther rest of your skinbag chickensh*t countrymen.
Digital Spy said:
"qrs: is having anon comments on a good idea? Isn't it making it a bit too easy for the megaphone monkeys?"
Took care of it. Thanks for the tip!
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Well, different sources report different things as to what actually happened in Qana.
"Well, different sources report different things as to what actually happened in Qana."
I think it is safe to expect that the Israeli government will never admit to targeting this building.
Whether they blew a hole next to the building or directly targeted the building would not matter anyway. The fact remains that Israelis are racist cowards who would sooner sacrifice a hundred Arab women and children before they put the life of one of their soldiers at risk.
"The IDF has NO BUSINESS being in Lebanon or bombing anything/anyone in Lebanon (or Gaza). They are in violation of the Geneva Convention and international law! If Mexico set up a Border Patrol 'kidnapping' and then did this to Texas, what do you think we would do? Wipe them off the map, that's right :)"
Well, to be honest, Israel took a page right out of the "Offensive Strike" war pamphlet the United States provided them with. The United States violated the Geneva Convention, international peace treaties, and the Neuromberg(sp) Charter waging wore on Iraq. We set the president for this kind of "defense" tactic. Israel is now throwing around the catchy little phrase "war on terror" while ignoring the UN. I would say we raise up a good little lap-dog....don't you?
Actually, I didn't realize that the statement I copied, posted, and commented on above was tongue-and-cheek until I just reread it.
To comment further on my oversight, two wrongs will never equal a right.
Hezbollah should have never crossed the boarder and kidnapped (and probably assassinated) the IDF soldiers. It was a move that was probably not well thought out.
In the same respect, Israel is punishing the Lebonese government (and innocent civilians) for not being able to control a powerful militant wing that decided to take up residence in its boarders.
Israel in this case has every right to defend itself - however - the first strike of actual artillery, in my recollection, was made by the IDF. The force being used is disproportionate not to mention unnecessary. It is the equivalent to sending your varsity rugby team in to subdue a kindergarten class.
Lastly, doesn't anyone else question Israel's speed of attack? It appears they had this planned out for quite some time. They were waiting for the catalyst and Hezbollah provided them with one.
I would also like to remind everyone Israel could easily dispatch ground troops to surgically remove Hezbollah - instead they destroy a city...sort of like burning down the haystack to find the needle.
I have read this blog from top to bottom and I am really disgusted by the "Zionist Vermin" and "Muslim Terrorist" labels - it is petty, racist, and not forthcoming of any type of serious debate. This war has absolutely NOTHING to do with race or religion - other then as a blanket for unification or condemnation. There are many, many puppeteers (and motives) in all of this that should be considered.
I can't read all comments, but this popped out:
"Hezbollah should have never crossed the boarder and kidnapped (and probably assassinated) the IDF soldiers. It was a move that was probably not well thought out."
Please see here. The IDF soldiers were INSIDE Lebanon.
Do you have any links to "Indeed, Israelis frequently take civilians hostage to use as human shields because Hamas fighters are reluctuant to fire on them."?
Random thought:
Polen hat heute Nacht zum ersten Mal auf unserem eigenen Territorium auch mit bereits regulären Soldaten geschossen. Ab 5:45 Uhr wird jetzt zurückgeschossen! Und von jetzt ab wird Schuß mit Schuß und Bombe mit Bombe vergolten!
"Do you have any links to "Indeed, Israelis frequently take civilians hostage to use as human shields because Hamas fighters are reluctuant"
yes, there are two article linked in this post - one BBC article above the image of the palestinian boy strapped to the hood of the Israeli military jeep and if you click on the image, it will take you to the story behind it.
By the way, journalist Mitch Prothero has pointed out, in his article 'The "Hiding among civilians" myth', that Hezbollah avoids civilians as much as possible for security reasons.
Original at Salon but here's an easier link:
Murderers always like to blame their victims, and that's all the Israelis are doing to rationalize their slaughter of women and children, and their inability to fight Hezbollah on the ground.
Please keep in mind,
"Additionally, a senior IDF officer said that Israeli intelligence had significantly infiltrated Hizbullah. (Hanan Greenberg)",7340,L-3278665,00.html
They are killing from both sides of the conflict reaching for their ultimate goal. Humanity means nothing to those that love death, as long as it is someone elses.
Indeed, the capturing of the soldiers might have been a black ops mission. Or soldiers may not even exist. But this is pure speculation on our part, we'll probably never know.
There are two sources above - one in the text directly above the image (BBC article), and one linked to the image of the Palestinian boy strapped as a human shield on the Israeli military jeep.
enjoy reading.
Geez, the author sounds like Vincini in the Princess Bride. What a fool! ;>)
Intolerance, bigotry...racial slurs...and some of you wonder why the innocent die.
Half of the people in this blog can't even tolerate another's opinion, it is no wonder there is such intolerance in the middle east.
Here is a dandy solution - pretty simple, but it will never happen.
To the Muslims - you may not like your neighbors...they may very well be squatters...but you don't know all of them and they are human beings with a right to exist.
To the Israelites - you ARE squatters and you were GIVEN a certain amount of land, so stop trying to take more of what really isn't yours. Realize that the muslims are human beings who have a right to exist.
To both of you: You are pissing in your own pool. The mideast is a big place, but you two share quite a bit of common space, so grow up. You both might think you are flexing some muscle but you are dangerously close to bringing a lot of other parties into it, most of which neither of you can control. Both of your countries are going to end up occupied and whatever liberties you did have are going to be taken from you.
Your best plan of action? Tell the United States and the UN to back out, close the doors, and start figuring out a way that the two of you are going to be able to work this out peacefully and coexist.
Here is another tip for both of you:
Israel: The US is not really that popular it the world and Bush has a serious problem with reputation. They already stood up for you once, but if you dig in too far, you are on your own. You might be able to destroy Lebanon, but Syria and Iran would crush you.
Hezbollah: Iran is not vevery popular with the rest of the United Nations right now. They are very close to being invaded themselves over their own poor descisions. If they get sanctioned, you lose your meal ticket. They are fair weather friends and you are pawns. You might be able to lob a bunch of crude missiles into Israel, but Israel has been willing to make a crater out of a country in order to take you down - and they have the support (not to mention technology) of the US.
Once again, to both of you:
Just settle this and let each other's children live - maybe they will be able to work something out where you two grown children cannot.
"The TRUTH is that Hizbullah fights from their neighborhoods. They have no other option. After all it is their country and they are defending it. "
this is the biggest bullshit I have ever heard.
They have plenty of other places to fire their missles from.
Lebanon is NOT hizbullah's country. Lebanon has an army and a government. Hizbullah is a terror organization which took over parts of lebanon.
"ISRAEL could invade the border with ground forces and attempt to attack Hizbullah selectively with very little Lebanese civilian casualties. But, that course of action results in high Israeli military casualties, which Israel is not willing to suffer. "
Haven't you heard?
Israel IS invading the border with ground forces, risking the boys for the lebanese civilians:
what other army would warn the civilians before attacking? Israel risks their man in order to save civilian life (israel could weep off villages)
Israel's reaction to what happened in Quana was an apology, has Hizbullah ever appologized for killing israeli civilians? for kidnapping soldiers? for starting the god damn war?!
Hizbullah fires at civilians IN ORDER TO KILL. there are not many casualties becuase everyone either left or is in a shell.
Even you guys don't believe yourselves.
link to
link to
link to,7340,L-3284163,00.html
Neo Cons are nothing but Likkuds transplanted in America. The sooner the American people realize our foreign policy is controlled by the Israelis and the Jews the sooner we'll get our ass out of where we dont belong.
this is suck bullshit. I know you really want to believe it, but unfortunately its just not true.
Feel free to entertain yourself by watching the numerous videos on youtube specifically showing firing from within villages.
Then why were weapons caches stored in apartment buildings in Shia neighborhoods???
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