< HOME  Thursday, July 20, 2006

Krauthammer calls bloodbath in Lebanon “golden opportunity”

Those neocon zionists really have a way with words.
Israel's campaign to destroy Hizbollah is a foreign policy windfall for the Bush administration, which hopes it will boost the U.S. war on terrorism and heap pressure on its nemesis Iran, analysts say.

"It's not just Israel that doesn't want a ceasefire here," said David Makovsky, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy think tank.
As always, they're trying to hide behind US interests. They know that when Americans realize that the US has buried itself (and its soldiers) on Israel's behalf - they're history.
[S]everal analysts say the fighting is a chance to let someone else's military promote what are also U.S. objectives, while gaining leverage for Washington's own diplomatic efforts.
"Someone else's military?" It might as well be ours - we paid for it!
"This seems like the perfect opportunity for the United States to bang the drum and say to people, 'Look, you need to wake up and smell the coffee,"' said James Carafano, a security expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation [.]
Oh, Americans are waking up, alright. But, not as you would have them.

This is where Krauthammer steps in to reveal his evil essence.
Influential conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer called the current conflict a "golden, unprecedented opportunity" to try to promote the U.S. goal of dismantling Hizbollah.
Nevermind that hundreds of innnocent people have been KILLED.

Nevermind that an entire peaceful nation has been DESTROYED.

Nevermind, the over half a million people have been DISPLACED.

Rejoice! This mother of all f*ckers calls it another "golden opportunity" to do ISRAEL's bidding.
"Everyone agrees it must be done. But who to do it? No one. The Lebanese are too weak. The Europeans don't invade anyone. After its bitter experience of 20 years ago, the United States has a Lebanon allergy," he wrote in the Washington Post, referring to a 1983 Beirut bombing which killed 241 U.S. servicemen.

The campaign against Hizbollah also fits squarely into the Bush administration's long-held position that the war on terrorism it declared after the September 11 attacks cannot be limited to al Qaeda, but must include a broad spectrum of militants it says hate America's way of life.
Really? I distinctly recall that it was five dancing Israelis who, shortly after celebrating the attacks on the world trade center, were the first to introduce that line of thinking.
"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem."
But, of course, that was an abberation.
The United States has long included Hizbollah on the State Department's list of terrorist organizations.

"What's under attack is liberal democratic civilization, whose leading representative right now happens to be the United States," William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, wrote in the magazine's current issue.

The administration may disagree, but Kristol concluded, "This is our war too."
You wish, Billy boy. The 'gig', as it were, is up.

Americans are waking up by the minute. And when they do, you will pay.


At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remnds me of this quote from Joseph Goebbles:

"If the German people lay down their weapons, the Soviets, according to the agreement between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, would occupy all of East and Southeast Europe along with the greater part of the Reich. An iron curtain would fall over this enormous territory controlled by the Soviet Union, behind which nations would be slaughtered."

At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

theblackbay.com said:

"the second extenal link refers to www.ziopedia.org"


I give it a day.

At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really wonder if Hamas, hezbolah, and el qaida are really what they claim to be. What have they achieved beside destruction and more misery to their own people. All their actions play in the hands of Israel and to a certain extent the west.

They are a perfect tool to advancing israel interests and setting back the arab cause a few decades. I am not questioning the thousand of followers but their leaders. Do we really know who they are and who they really work for. It just does not make sense.

9/11 happened when the entire world opinion was against israel. There were daily pro-palestinian demonstrations throughout the US and even in New York city. Did you ever noticed that whenever Israel is in trouble, there is always a suicide bombing somewhere in the world. Are things really what they appear to be? I would like to know. What is happening in Lebanon is bullshit. It should have never happened.

At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should not blame Bush for what is happening. They got him by the balls just like they did his father. You can't blame the american people either. They've been conditioned to thnik the way they think for decades. If the media, by miracle, turned against israel, you'll see how fast the american people will follow suit. That's just the way it is here in the good old USA.

At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

"You should not blame Bush for what is happening. They got him by the balls just like they did his father."

By that logic, we can't blame Israelis for destroying lebanon - they were merely defending themselves.

And Dahmer - he too was just hungry.

Some Americans are not to blame - I'll agree on that.

At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is not what I meant. What can he do? You know that all politicians will sell their mothers to stay in power, and Bush is no exception. I do not blame israel for destroying Lebanon. that's the way they are. That is their nature. I blame the lebanese and the other arab countries for letting this happen. I am not talking about standing up to israel militarely. they do not stand a chance. The arabs have to change their ways. They have to beat the jews at their own game. Money, financial and economical power, influence etc..

At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name one arab leader who is worth his salt. Name one arab leader who is competent to plead the arab case. That, my friend is the real problem. Muslims and arabs in particular have the likes of el qaida, hamas, hizbollah, bin laden, mubarek, the nut case in iran, and saddam to represent them.

At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

I'm not going to defend Arab leaders - they're corrupt and stupid.

But, the source of the problem is without a doubt ISRAEL - which is armed to the teeth, thanks to America.

Israel is a ticking time bomb - even if Arab leaders weren't corrupt - Israel could go around killing innocent people unchecked. Israeli power must be cut off at its source.

At Thursday, July 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not blame israel for destroying Lebanon. that's the way they are. That is their nature. I blame the lebanese and the other arab countries for letting this happen.

I do not blame the rapist for raping his victim. that's the way rapists are. That is their nature. I blame the victim and the other women for looking so sexy.

I do not blame Dahmer for eating people. that's the way cannibals are. That is their nature. I blame the children and the other adult victims for being so tasty.

At Friday, July 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sauer Kraut! Hey, waddya say when ya find out who really bombed our Boys in Beirut, way back in '83? Was that another GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for us to stick our nose in just to have it chopped off by you shekelgrubbers? Let's see now, you add it up- 230 or so U.S Marines at a buck three eighty a pop- these goys come pretty cheap for helpin'get your two-bit carpet-baggin wars started for ya, don't they now? Go start your own fuckin' war next time, suckface.

At Friday, July 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that '83 $tuff was terrible. We never $hould have been there. Why i$ the U$ alway$ me$$ing with other countrie$?

At Friday, July 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back to Krauthammer, he needs his ass kicked and be thrown into an Iranian jail. Maybe he's talk and sing like a soprano.


At Friday, July 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krauthammer needs to spend the rest of his life caring for crippled Lebanese children 12 hours a day. Or Iraqi children. Or Afghani children. Give him the worst job in a multicultural children's hospital for maimed victims of US-Israeli wars.

At Friday, July 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to stop the warmongering by this country is to SCREAM in the faces of these military traitors that they swore to uphold the consitution and their word is no good, article 1, section 8, part 12 states that the federal government is authorized to raise an army but it is limited to a 2 year period, that raising must be voluntary as per the 13th amendment. 2 YEARS PERIOD, no matter how successful or otherwise!

At Friday, July 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My response was poorly worded. Of course I blame israel. The point I was trying to make is that this shit is expected of them, and the victim should know better and should protect itself better. You can blame and complain all you want, it's still not going to change anything.

As to Krauthammer and co. don't mind them too much. This is simply a business to them. These people are in it for the money and fame. It is very lucrative to be anti-arab or anti-muslim these days.They do not speak or write out of convinction. They are basically whores.


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