none of the video capture sites or firefox extensions work for me. did google change something so people cant download them? anyone know of another site or program i can use? didnt work either. thanks!
I disagree. First of all, if it was just for Israel's benefit (to cover up their invasion of Golan Heights/execution of POWs at El Arish), it would not be a "false flag" operation-just the destruction of an intelligence ship (act of war) to hide Israel's lies about/act of war against Syria. Secondly, even if that was true (and I believe it WAS), that does not mean that it was not ALSO a false flag operation for the US, in other words, the destruction of the Liberty served the interests of both the US and Israeli governments, and would have helped the US enter the mideast war if it could have been successfully blamed on Egypt. So basically, they are not mutually exclusive-it doesn't have to be one or the other. Recalling the rescue ships (and allowing the ship to be sunk without survivors) would have not only avoided "embarrassing our allies", as LBJ allegedly stated, but would ALSO prevent HIM from being embarrased as long as no sailors lived to tell what happened. In that case, it could have been blamed on Egypt and Israel never would have needed their "mistaken identity" story. It all seems to fit.
You mean this?
none of the video capture sites or firefox extensions work for me. did google change something so people cant download them? anyone know of another site or program i can use? didnt work either. thanks!
I disagree. First of all, if it was just for Israel's benefit (to cover up their invasion of Golan Heights/execution of POWs at El Arish), it would not be a "false flag" operation-just the destruction of an intelligence ship (act of war) to hide Israel's lies about/act of war against Syria. Secondly, even if that was true (and I believe it WAS), that does not mean that it was not ALSO a false flag operation for the US, in other words, the destruction of the Liberty served the interests of both the US and Israeli governments, and would have helped the US enter the mideast war if it could have been successfully blamed on Egypt. So basically, they are not mutually exclusive-it doesn't have to be one or the other. Recalling the rescue ships (and allowing the ship to be sunk without survivors) would have not only avoided "embarrassing our allies", as LBJ allegedly stated, but would ALSO prevent HIM from being embarrased as long as no sailors lived to tell what happened. In that case, it could have been blamed on Egypt and Israel never would have needed their "mistaken identity" story. It all seems to fit.
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