< HOME  Monday, February 23, 2009

Smoke Rising Over Gaza Reminds Me of the Holocaust™

Holocaust™ News Service--"Bennie" Goldigger, a 55 yo Holocaust™ survivor living in New York, says that the pall of radioactive smoke rising over the Gaza Strip reminds him of the Auschwitz ovens.

Bennie, living in a New York high rise on 5th Avenue, thanks to several very generous Holocaust™ Reparations fund payouts, says he's having trouble sleeping at night since he saw the picture of what once had been Gaza City, now totally destroyed by a Israeli Air Force dropped nuclear device.

"Sure, the world is crying out that Israel committed the ultimate crime against humanity by dropping a nuclear bomb on those Palestinian squatters, but the world seems to have forgotten the most tragic event in the history of the world, no, the history of the entire universe, the Holocaust™. Who cares about some Arab dogs, living in squalor, when we still have several million Holocaust™ survivors living in a world of pain and hurt?"

Bennie said the page 19 story in the New York Times about Israel dropping a 5 mega-ton nuclear device on Gaza City was more than enough coverage, that the Times should be running more front page stories like this one about the millions and millions of Holocaust™ survivors trying to get justice and large amounts of cash for their claims.

Abe Fartman of the ADL, echoed Bennie's claims, saying "The ADL has detected a pernicious rise in the amount of "anti-Semitic" incidents recorded around the world and this is not acceptable," said Fartman. He added, "The world should be focusing on the most tragic event in the history of the world, no, in the history of the entire universe, the Holocaust™ and not on the world's "most moral" army, the IDF, who showed restraint in dropping only a 5 mega-ton device over Gaza. The true victims are the millions and millions of Holocaust™ survivors like Mr. Goldigger, not a few hundred thousand Gazans that got incinerated."

Alan Dirtbagowitz, one of Israel's staunchest defenders, chimed in, saying, "Hamas forced the world's "most moral" army, the IDF, to drop a tiny nuke on Gaza City. That is where the real crime is at, a terrorist group like Hamas using Gaza civilians as a shield to protect them from the atomic blast."
"The world should be focusing on the most tragic event in the history of the world, no, in the history of the entire universe, the Holocaust™ and not a few measly subhuman Arab casualties," said Dirtbagowitz.

"The world has not suffered enough and needs to address that by paying more money to the millions of us Holocaust™ survivors barely getting by. I personally know of several dozen living on New York's 5th Avenue and in London's Notting Hill who are in dire need of cash quickly," said Mr. Goldigger.

Bennie added that although he had never been a prisoner at Auschwitz, since he was born in the USA in 1954 and had lived his entire life here, he had seen most of the 122 movies about the Holocaust™ to make him an official survivor, entitled to millions of dollars in reparations.



At Monday, February 23, 2009, Blogger qrswave said...

lol...very witty as usual, Greg

poor Holocaust victims - makes you want to puke - I mean sob in anguish...boohoohoo

sort of like the poor slobs whose songs are being pirated every second by ungrateful s.o.b.s on the internet...

people should stop sharing music and start buying to support the lavish lifestyles of all the talentless popstars those shitty record companies serve us up every two seconds...have a heart and go buy their crappy singles for a dollar a pop....

God when will the world stop falling for all the BS ...

no one deserves to collect money for sitting back and doing nothing at all...

let singers sing live on stage for a living..they'll do just fine.

and writers can live on donations..

if we get rid of the fraudulent debt-based interest based federal reserve system everything will be just fine...

At Monday, February 23, 2009, Blogger qrswave said...

writers can live on salaries and donations...keep the printed copy competitive...or better yet distribute online

At Monday, February 23, 2009, Blogger Greg Bacon said...

The reference to Alan Dirtbagowitz was linked to an article he posted in the JPost, where he does a fine two-step trying to shift the blame for the Gaza atrocities.

It's like some wife-beater, holding down his battered spouse and saying, "I'll stop smashing your face when you stop bloodying my knuckles."


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