< HOME  Friday, April 17, 2009

How to legally sodomize babies

Judaism's "Breakfast of Champions"

Here's the religion that Americans are told is above reproach and its practices sacrosanct. What kind of sick and twisted being sucks a baby's penis after circumcision?

This savagery is known as metzitzah b'peh, or in English, Oral Suction. For you GOY types, here's an explanation from Wiki:
Less commonly practised, and more controversial, is metzitzah b'peh, (alt. mezizah), or oral suction, where the mohel sucks blood from the circumcision wound. The traditional reason for this procedure is to promote healing, although the practice has been implicated in the spreading of herpes to the infant.

Metzitzah b'peh ("suction by mouth") is a practice in certain Haredi and Hasidic circles in which, after removing the foreskin, the mohel sucks out the blood from the wound to clean it.

Pictures of this disgusting practice are available on the 'Net, but I refuse to publish that vile porn. Must be the GOY in me.

If the American Muslim community engaged in this reprehensible practice, CNN and FOX would run stories non-stop, ratcheting up the fear factor until lynch mobs began roaming the streets, setting fire to mosques and chasing down and killing Muslims in the streets.

Since it's a practice of Judaism, nary a peep is heard in the American MSM.

Why is that?

Certain sects of the Mormon religion ordain that their members shall practice polygamy. Not only do the feds not ignore this practice, they waste time and money on resources chasing down these folks and tossing them in prison.

And what about those departed souls of the Branch Davidians, that were slaughtered in their home by the feds? A brutal attack that was to "save the children" and wound up killing 80 women and children.

Catholics? Anytime some parish priest in Barf County, Oklahoma is accused of sodomy, it's front page news at the New York Times. Yet, this link shows several hundred Rabbis and Cantors caught preying upon the young and sexually abusing children, but when is the last time you saw that story in the American MSM?

Besides the sexual abuse aspect, this indefensible act has been linked to babies being infected with herpes and causing urinary tract infections.... even death from infections, yet the Jewish community still insists on engaging in this sick and depraved ritual.

The practitioners of this scandalous Black Art can hide their repugnant deeds behind the veil of religion all day long, but it's still the sexual abuse of a child.



At Friday, April 17, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm, plasma

i don't wonder what's keepin' Lev 'Kalamari' Leviev lookin' like such a spittin' image of 1000 sons. tns

At Sunday, April 18, 2010, Blogger Take Back America! said...

There are many "practices," by ALL races and religions, that were common thousands of years ago but have no place in modern society. Too many hate-mongers like you, love to dig up this shit and dwell on it.
What do you expect to gain? Are you trying to make the Christian world rise up and kill all the Jews?
Don't you think this country has enough problems already, like a Socialist President, war in the Middle-East and 200 million illegal immigrants sucking our economy dry?
You are one sad excuse for an American and a human being, if this is the crap you choose to waste your time on!


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