< HOME  Tuesday, May 19, 2009

From Moses to Bibi: Wiping out the seed of Amalek

A couple of thousand years is a pretty long time to hold a grudge...

[Benjamin Netanyahu's] preoccupation with the Iranian nuclear program seems sincere and deeply felt. I recently asked one of his advisers to gauge for me the depth of Mr. Netanyahu’s anxiety about Iran. His answer: “Think Amalek.”

“Amalek,” in essence, is Hebrew for “existential threat.” Tradition holds that the Amalekites are the undying enemy of the Jews. They appear in Deuteronomy, attacking the rear columns of the Israelites on their escape from Egypt. The rabbis teach that successive generations of Jews have been forced to confront the Amalekites: Nebuchadnezzar, the Crusaders, Torquemada, Hitler and Stalin are all manifestations of Amalek’s malevolent spirit.

If Iran’s nuclear program is, metaphorically, Amalek’s arsenal, then an Israeli prime minister is bound by Jewish history to seek its destruction, regardless of what his allies think. In our recent conversation, Mr. Netanyahu avoided metaphysics and biblical exegesis, but said that Iran’s desire for nuclear weapons represented a “hinge of history.”

Of course if Iran's alleged desire to build nuclear weapons represents "a hinge of history" then the so-called "state" of israel represents "civilization unhinged" ...from any sense of sanity.

But, I digress...Rewind a couple of thousand years and Greg found the following... --qrs

The document below is filled with hate for the Amalek, which is a code word for the Palestinians--and anyone else the Apartheid state of Israel deems to be an "existential" enemy, which is pretty anyone not Jewish. It tells the Jews time and again to "wipe out the seed of Amalek" and to not show mercy when doing so.

Truly a sign of some very sick minds. Sick minds from Israel's Bar-Ilan University. The Amalek are condemned from birth, but can be saved if they give themselves over to the Jews in a type of conversion, which the Jews say probably won't work because the Amalek had ulterior motives.

If there is a sicker and more perverse religion than Judaism, I'm at a loss to know which one that is. If there is a more violent religion than Judaism, it probably disappeared from the pages of time.

And these are people that claim to be the Master Race? If this is what they're teaching at so called seats of higher learning, their universities, then what kind of venom are they dripping into the minds of their young?

Looks like one of the favorite tactics used by the Jews, playing the victim, has been going on for eons.

Bar-Ilan University's Parashat Hashavua Study Center

Parashat Ki Tetze 5760/2000 Lectures on the weekly Torah reading by the faculty of Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel.

The command to wipe out Amalek is explained in the Torah (Deut. 25:17-19) as their punishment for launching an unfair attack on the helpless Israelites:

"Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey, after you left Egypt—how, undeterred by fear of G-d, he surprised you on the march, when you were famished and weary, and cut down all the stragglers in your rear. Therefore, when the Lord your G-d grants you safety from all your enemies around you, in the land that the Lord your G-d is giving you as a hereditary portion, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!"

The general command to “blot out the memory of Amalek” was presented in greater detail by the prophet Samuel in his demand of Saul: “Kill alike men and women, infants and sucklings, oxen and sheep, camels and asses” (I Sam. 15:3)....

Further criticism on this matter is found in Ecclesiastes Rabbah (ch. 7), which generalizes about human behavior inferred from the order of events:

"Whoever becomes merciful instead of cruel, in the end becomes cruel instead of merciful. How do we know that one becomes cruel instead of merciful? As it is said, “He put Nob, the town of the priests, to the sword.” But Nob was not like the seed of Amalek!"

“It is disclosed and well-known to the Holy One, blessed be He, that hate lies in their hearts. Go and see what Haman the Agagite did” (Orah Hayyim, 508). In other words, for reasons that are not spelled out – perhaps genetic or educational -- the descendants of Amalek persist in the ways of their ancestors, “the root of the Amalekites’ sin being that they are in no way willing to subjugate themselves to Israel. So that an individual descendant of the Amalekites not be doomed to death he must prove that he has renounced the deeds of his ancestors. The proof lies in his expressing willingness to be subjugated to Israel, but not by conversion for that would make him an equal of the Jews.
Perhaps this underlying assumption is like arguing that one would be overdoing goodness to ask that people (elderly, women and children) who belong to the enemy nation be treated mercifully, even if they themselves took no part in hostile action.

Subjugate yourself to Judaism by recognizing Israel as an exclusive Jewish state? Maybe this group of blood thirsty college types should be reported to Daniel Pipes "Campus Watch?"

Someone become equal to a Jew? Perish the thought, heathen.

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At Tuesday, May 19, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many jews actually believe this crap?

At Tuesday, May 19, 2009, Blogger Greg Bacon said...

I'm afraid it's many more than the MSM portrays.

At Tuesday, May 19, 2009, Blogger qrswave said...

“the root of the Amalekites’ sin being that they are in no way willing to subjugate themselves to Israel...

“the root of the Amalekites’ sin being that they are in no way willing to subjugate themselves to Israel...

“the root of the Amalekites’ sin being that they are in no way willing to subjugate themselves to Israel...

the definition of psychosis...it goes a long way to explain their incredible arrogance and willingness to attack anyone who doesn't worship the ground they walk on.

At Tuesday, May 19, 2009, Blogger Greg Bacon said...

Maybe we'll all get to meet in some Zionist re-education camp after that ADL sponsored "Hate Crimes Act" becomes law.

It's already passed the House and has gained two Senate cosponsors in the last two days, bringing the total number of Senators cheering for this bill to 43.

At that rate, by the end of the week, they'll have enough to pass HR 1913/S909.

The Zionists are being arrogant about using the number 1913 for the bill, since 1913 is the same year the ADL came into existence and the Fed was created.

Americans are being led into a "Glatt Kosher" abattoir and most are just chewing their cuds, blissfully unaware of what's in store for them.

At Tuesday, May 19, 2009, Blogger qrswave said...

speaking of Amalek...

read this excerpt from a recent NYT opinion piece by Jeffrey Goldberg:


[T]he prime minister’s preoccupation with the Iranian nuclear program seems sincere and deeply felt. I recently asked one of his advisers to gauge for me the depth of Mr. Netanyahu’s anxiety about Iran. His answer: “Think Amalek.”

“Amalek,” in essence, is Hebrew for “existential threat.” Tradition holds that the Amalekites are the undying enemy of the Jews. They appear in Deuteronomy, attacking the rear columns of the Israelites on their escape from Egypt. The rabbis teach that successive generations of Jews have been forced to confront the Amalekites: Nebuchadnezzar, the Crusaders, Torquemada, Hitler and Stalin are all manifestations of Amalek’s malevolent spirit.

If Iran’s nuclear program is, metaphorically, Amalek’s arsenal, then an Israeli prime minister is bound by Jewish history to seek its destruction, regardless of what his allies think. In our recent conversation, Mr. Netanyahu avoided metaphysics and biblical exegesis, but said that Iran’s desire for nuclear weapons represented a “hinge of history.”


I think you should add this excerpt to the top of this post to demonstrate that this "Amalek" concept is not a thing of the past. It's very much a real and present explanation of israeli foreign policy.

Then rename the post to something like "The Truth about Bibi's Rage Against 'Amalek'", "'Amalek' for Dummies" or "Everything you need to know about 'Amalek'"

At Tuesday, May 19, 2009, Blogger qrswave said...

here's the link for the excerpt:


At Tuesday, May 19, 2009, Blogger qrswave said...

or maybe you can call it "From Moses to Bibi: Wiping out the seeds of Amalek"

At Tuesday, May 19, 2009, Blogger Greg Bacon said...

Looks like someone already did a great job of updating the original post and giving it more zing.

I'm wrestling with a paint brush and a gutter today, so won't be making any other updates or comments, except for this one.

Tomorrrow, after my 3rd cup of coffee, I'l be posting a blog about the Jewish Hitler, Vladmir Jabotinsky.
The Jewish Hitler reference is not from me, but from buds of Jabby.

The Rabbies need to read and understand the actual history of the Crusades. The Pope's ransackers went after the Muslims, not the Jews.

At Wednesday, January 22, 2014, Blogger Philip of Denton said...

Why have your eyes been blinded. It s not the Jews hate the Palestians or any race or cultural, it s that they have a will and a obedience to survive no matter what any nation or people think otherwise. It s a known fact the world as a whole do not want the Jewish nation to survive. They are not attacking anyone but defending themselves from attack. They are supplying the palestians with utilities, water, electric etc. this does not sound like a race or culture who hates another. It s the Palestians and Muslims(not all but majority) who use violence on anyone who does not give in to their will. The bible is the only prophetic bok never, yes never to be wrong, and as soon as the world realize this, they will heed its instructions and live a full joyful life

At Wednesday, January 22, 2014, Blogger Philip of Denton said...

G-D Bless you all in the name of the living G-D Jehovah Nissi


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