< HOME  Monday, July 31, 2006

CNN anchor takes Israeli spokeswoman to task

CNN anchor: “[Hizbullah’s rockets] are crude rockets, aren’t they? and after all, their impact has been minimal compared to the impact of Israeli strikes on Lebanon.

Explain something to us, why would you not try to be shooting these Katusha missiles, or rockets I should say – they’re not missiles at all - they’re rockets. Why would Israel not be trying to shoot them out of the sky? They have the capability to do that.

Israeli spokeswoman: No, Rosemarie, these are Katusha rockets which they fire a barrel a dozen and the fact that there haven’t been casualties in Israel shouldn’t necessarily be held against us . . .

WRONG!!! It should be held against Israel because in order to justify a claim of self-defense you must use only the force necessary to repel the degree of force being threatened against you. The force used in "self-defense" must be proportionate. In other words, if there are little or no actual casualties in Israel, then Israel is charged with that knowledge and must be held accountable for excessive force used to defend against it.


At Monday, July 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIES - LIES - LIES, and more lies!!!!! It was all I could do to even watch this report. CNN and every other Zionist network continues to promote Israel's lies to the people of the world. You know, it would not infuriate me so totally if the networks could manage an unbiased viewpoint and tell the goddamned truth. I'm just fed up with the killing, the carnage and the utter waste of it all. If the world does not retaliate against this aggression we can expect to be their (Zionist) next target at some point in the future.

I read this post over at ICH from an alleged officer in the US military - hope no one minds if I share his thoughts....

You are all blinded by your ideology. I am an active duty military officer, and as such, I recieve information from many pieplines, some public and others not so. What most older men, who grew up during the Vietnam era, and the younger ones who were all instructed by these men, fail to see it that the paradigm has shifted. We have entered a state of imperaial power and total war. The ruling elite laugh at your attempts to expose thier corruption. They know you will never compete with thier propaganda machine. They consider you an enemy, as the military views most liberal academics, and as such see you as a minor threat. To them you are simply a statisically insignificant number of disruptives, preaching to the choir. In fact, they are happy to let the unindoctrinated vent thier frustrations because they know you posses no power, you are no real threat. If you had any guts you would launch an insurgency, however they have worked long and hard to passify and "feminize" the majority of western men. To lead you to believe that free speech and ideas will change the world. It will not. They only thing they respect is raw power. If any journalist ever reaches a level where he gains a mass audience, it comes with a price, loyalty. You people are all wasting your time, sadly.

At Monday, July 31, 2006, Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

CNN, for once, have it.

At Monday, July 31, 2006, Blogger Joe said...

Wow they got woman trained. What was that she said at the end? About how the Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by these guys after they crossed the border into Israel? Um.... someone tell her to read the reports that say actually the Israelis were inside Lebanon when they were captured. Hezbollah didn't cross into Israel and snatch them. Oops.

Kudos to that reporter for actually doing her job. I wonder if she still has a job today. Interesting point about shooting down the rockets. That's not the only person who has stated that Israel DOES have the ability to track those things and knock out most of those tinker toy rockets (compared to Israel's arsenal) out of sky before they even hit anywhere within Israel. Israeli citizens being hit should ask their government why they are not doing that. The answer as to why is simple, the criminal Israeli government doesn't really care about their own citizens and if a few die so they can do what they're doing now and kick off World War 3, expand Israels borders and have "the end justifying the means", then so be it. Sickning.

At Monday, July 31, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...


I was thinking on exactly those lines today.

The 'old system' of press, demonstrations worked on the premise of character and shame - a given of Western European, Arab, Jewish, Japanese, Chinese, African and other civilizations.

Once the elite has lost character and shame (the nobility have been replaced by the mercantilists), the result is what we are seeing: mercantilist media, no democracy etc.

So, having a nobility and an aristocracy had its blessings.

Now, what's bothering me is, this stuff we write and demonstrations have zero effect. But while the proletariat are above subsistence and have enough beer and TV, they won't listen.

Since violence is out of the question, what can we do? This is a scourge unprecedented in human history. The people in power almost all over the world have no shame, character or conscience. They can lie through their teeth and still have a good night's sleep and wake up the next morning, buddies with criminals.

We require a different plan - what is it - I don't know yet. But it has to be economic because the only way to defeat the shameless mercantilists is through the economy.

At Monday, July 31, 2006, Blogger todd wright said...

Here's a curious statement:

"The Israel Defence Forces is the most moral army in the world." - Eli Yishai, Trade and Industry Minister

Is Israel the US' junior partner, or is the US subordinate to Israel?

And yes, that is a rhetorical question.

Times Online.

BTW, Democracy Now! was esp. good today.

At Monday, July 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed, Akber.

Yes, I too, believe that the ONLY way the cancer of Zionism can be defeated, without military might, is through the economy. It will necessitate the mutual cooperation of all Americans in order to have any impact though. At present, this is the problem in that the majority of Americans feel no imminent threat in regards to their liberty. Most neither realize that their liberties have been seriously compromised over the last five years with the last two Bushkovik Patriot Acts.

America needs to mobilize and now! I cannot say this with more steadfastness or determination. We have reached a pivotal point where we either act now or resign ourselves to the fact that we may have already lost the war before a battle can begin.

One question: How is it that the journalistic and academic communities failed to warn the public about Zionism decades ago? We now know that Zionism posed a serious threat decades ago, however, no one was talking about it.

At Monday, July 31, 2006, Blogger DigitalSpy said...

Did she say that there where no casualties in iisrael?

At Monday, July 31, 2006, Blogger rebel jedi said...

Israeli reaction to news that no one wants to play soccer there:

Israeli FA chairman Iche Menahem reacted angrily to the news and said the IFA would "respond severely and will not let the decision pass unchallenged".

Watch out Uefa!

"I would like Uefa to take this decision while they are here in Israel and not from their offices in Switzerland," Menahem said in a statement.

Does sound awfully rosy in Israel according to that chap. Watch out Switzerland!


At Tuesday, August 01, 2006, Blogger Brother John said...

> We require a different plan - what is it - I don't know yet. But it has to be economic because the only way to defeat the shameless mercantilists is through the economy. --- They have even more control over the economy than they do the media. And the military officer quoted above is largely correct. Not to advocate anything of course, as William Cooper wisely said whoever fires the first shot will lose. I think the Founding Fathers knew this at the time they were fighting for our independence as well.

At Tuesday, August 01, 2006, Blogger mugwort said...

"One question: How is it that the journalistic and academic communities failed to warn the public about Zionism decades ago? We now know that Zionism posed a serious threat decades ago, however, no one was talking about it."
That's a very cogent question, to which the answer is of great importance if we hope to turn around this war chariot that seems right now to be heading for the cliffs.

The journalistic and academic communities failed to warn us about Zionism decades ago because they have been controlled for much longer than decades. WWI, for example, was made possible by the wholesale bribing of the French press with Russian money, in order to demonize Germany enough to start a world war against it. The same thing went on in order to make possible the Second World War. You can't have a war, you know, without people for cannon fodder—and if the press were to tell the truth, people would never agree to fight.

And that goes for WWI and WWII just as much as WWIII.

What can we do about it?

Everyone who truly cares about the welfare our fellow-human beings must take the radical stand of looking at the true facts of history, particularly (but not limited to) 20th century history—World War II, the alleged “Good War” is a good place to start. Just substitute Germany for Iraq, Lebanon, etc, and you’ll see some striking similarities. The information is not available in the mainstream press, or, for the most part, from mainstream publishers, but that doesn't mean it's not available.

It's called, variously, Historical Revisonism, Historical Exactitude, True History or Real History. Whatever it's called, it consists of, as the great revisionist historian Harry Elmer Barnes wrote, "Bringing History into accord with the facts."

Why should that process seem so radical? Because virtually everything you have ever read (been allowed to read) not only is based on absolutely false premises, but also very effectively demonizes as "neo-Nazis," anyone who strays from the PC Zionist line in the most crucial areas.

Here are three related questions:

1. Why is "neo-Nazi" the most shameful name you can be called? And
2. Why are questioners of the factuality of the “Holocaust” or people who speak in defense of the Third Reich, National Socialism or Hitler, and wish to expose the true genesis of WWII labeled “neo-Nazis”? And
3. Why is it that in Europe and some other countries there is one “historical” incident, and one alone on which everybody has to hew to the “party line” on pain of sizable prison terms, large fines, and massive extra-legal harassment? (That topic, as you know, is the alleged “Holocaust.”)

Here are the answers (or at least MY answers):
1. Being thought of as a Nazi is the most shameful thing because the Nazis allegedly perpetrated the “Holocaust,” which was a state program to “exterminate” European Jews, 6 million of whom they succeeded in killing, many of them in homicidal gas chambers. Most civilized non-Talmudist human beings, abhor the thought of gratuitous killing of innocent people, especially women and children. These normal Gentiles (and some righteous Jews, of course) would feel very ashamed to be thought to be connected with such a program.
2. People who question the alleged “Holocaust” are called “Neo-Nazis” (“anti-Semitism” as a smear is really losing its cache) because being smeared as a mass-murderer and baby-killer will arouse so much shame in the individual and such loathing in everyone around him that the majority of people won’t even dream of exposing themselves by thinking in forbidden pathways.

Instead, they become the voice of disapproving PC society themselves, self-protectively. They will usually get quite angry at breach of the PC line that 6 million Jews were exterminated, etc.—in spite of the fact that, logically, you would think people would be glad to find out that 6 million people hadn’t been cruelly murdered before their time. They seem to think that if someone says the people weren’t murdered it’s code meaning they agree with killing 6 million You’d think they’d want to know more about the evidence for the good news, so they could rejoice in it, but more often than not they want to shut you up.

Why? The only possible reason for such behavior is that, consciously or not, they are afraid. Why are they afraid? Because the people they feel obliged to think of as helpless victims (on pain of being called “neo-Nazis”), far from being helpless, are usually able to punish those who step out of line quite effectively.

3. The reason they put people in jail for “denying” the
“Holocaust” is, of course, that the “Holocaust” will not stand up to objective scrutiny. Israel and world Jewry have an incredible amount to lose—financially, geographically, and in terms of power.

Of course, these are exactly the reason why anyone who does not want to see any more of this genocide
SHOULD do the necessary research to convince him or herself of the truth, and then spread that truth around as much as possible.

There is much more to say on this subject, obviously, and there are tons of resources on the web, including whole scholarly, footnoted books (as you’ll see, the quality of research in revisionist texts far exceeds that of conventional, PC accounts, much of which consists of repeating falsehoods already written by some other PC historian).

At Tuesday, August 01, 2006, Blogger vlad said...

If the good people of America were to climb atop every Fox building in the land and paint in big letters...U.N....i would shed no tears.
I am sick to death of being beaten around the head by the MSM,my govt,and other assorted fools in my midst.
I am from Australia and we are of course subservient to your country and Israel.We have a few here who are switched on to the Zionist agenda,but not nearly enough.
I have been waiting for some time now to hear or see word of some sort of social uprising coming from your land,but all i see is O'Reilly and Idol.
The MSM is an absolute disgrace to half thinking people anywhere in the world.We need to cripple this beast of 1 thousand lying tongues somehow,but i fear the alleged officer may be right.....we may as well go grab a six pack,switch on the footy,and try to make the most of our captivity.

At Tuesday, August 01, 2006, Blogger nes718 said...

I'm shocked the violins weren't playing when the "Israeli" spokeswoman was speaking. What a load of crap.

At Tuesday, August 01, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

The idea is great. But, how to implement?

You talk about communities, but here at this thread we are only a handful of people, so dispersed throughout the country as to make it impossible to have any appreciable effect on our own.

That said, I am interested in hearing more on a tangible outline for communities, which if polished and feasible could at the very least form a first step for something which eventually MUST be done - in the event of a large scale disaster affecting our communications infrastructure, this world is going local.

At Tuesday, August 01, 2006, Blogger SaadalHasan said...

Does Zionism justify the killing of innocent non-jews...The answer is yes, the manner in which Israelis in the last 60 years have conducted warfare, read terrorism, from the bombing of the King David Hotel to the latest atrocity commited in Qana, and more importantly how it has gone comemorating each of these events as glorious chapters in modern Israeli/jewish/zionist history not only hightlights their complete disregard for the loss of innocent non-jewish lives but also reinforces the very notion...Bibi Netnayahu recently attended an event in the US, where the King David hotel bombing, in which 92 people died, many of whom were nurses, was celebrated. Dr. Baruch Goldstein who Massacred 29 worshippers in the Ibrahimi mosque in cold blood has earned himself a shrine which attracts scores of visitors each year. The biggest war criminal in Israeli history, who according to Israel’s own investigation was indirectly responsible for the massacre at Sabra and Shatila has been elevated to the status of a legend in Israeli folklore. The armed to teeth settlers, who invariably kill innocent Arab men, women and children usually get off with a slap of wrists, i.e. six month in jail. Even in the aftermath of the Qana massacre, the Israelis and their Christain-Zionist supporters are lamenting the diplomatic ground and PR war Israel is ostensibly losing, not the moral reprehensibility and egregiousness of deliberate and targeted killing of the civilians.
All of these factors compound to evince the true and sinister psyche of core Jewish and Christian-Zionist beliefs, i.e. Non-Jewish lives, be they gentile, or the pesky sub-human arab cockroaches are not worth the same as Jewish-lives, hence justified to kill…

The Massacre at Qana


Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora condemned Israel's massacre in Qana today as a "heinous crime" and called Israeli leaders "war criminals." Reacting to an earlier atrocity, he wondered: "Is the value of human life in Lebanon less than that of the citizens of other countries?"[1] The answer, at least as far as Israel is concerned, is an unambiguous "yes!" Israel's latest bloodbath, which claimed the lives of dozens of children and women hiding from the relentless bombing in what they hoped was a secure basement in Qana, betrays not only Israel's criminal disregard for the value of Arab human life, a typical colonial attitude towards natives, but also its increasingly fundamentalist perception of Gentiles in general as lesser humans.
Israeli apologists who will try to spin this new massacre as yet another "mistake" must expect their audience to have an awfully short memory or a very low IQ. Israel has explicitly indicated in the past few days that it may resort to such atrocious measures, especially since its armed forces have failed to achieve any tangible military gains after 19 days of rolling massacres and wanton destruction across Lebanon. Israeli minister of justice, Haim Ramon, issued a stern warning [2] only days ago that a large area in south Lebanon was regarded by his government effectively as a free-fire zone, advocating indiscriminate bombing of villages inside it to ease the so-far unsuccessful advance of the Israeli army. "These places are not villages. They are military bases in which Hizbollah are hiding and from which they are operating," he said, adding that, since Israel had ordered Lebanese civilians to leave the area, "All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hizbollah, Israel's biggest-selling paper, Yedioth Ahronoth, advocated [3] raising the threshold of Israel's response to Katyusha rockets: "In other words: a village from which rockets are fired at Israel will simply be destroyed by fire." It is worth noting that all available evidence points to the fact that no Katyusha was fired by the Lebanese resistance from Qana before the bombing.
Among Israel's staunch Zionist supporters in the West, the same "talking points" were parroted. Harvard academic Alan Dershowitz recently argued [4] that, "Hezbollah and Hamas militants [] are difficult to distinguish from those 'civilians' who recruit, finance, harbor and facilitate their terrorism. Nor can women and children always be counted as civilians, as some organizations do. Terrorists increasingly use women and teenagers to play important roles in their attacks." He concluded saying, "The Israeli army has given well-publicized notice to civilians to leave those areas of southern Lebanon that have been turned into war zones. Those who voluntarily remain behind have become complicit."
Thus the massacre in Qana.
Qana's name is associated with an earlier Israeli massacre. In 1996, during its military offensive codenamed "Grapes of Wrath," Israel's air force bombed a UN shelter in the village, slaying more than 100 civilians, mostly children, and inviting almost universal verbal condemnation but no real threats of sanctions or any other form of effective punitive measures from the international community. In the current Israeli war on Lebanon this is only the most recent episode in a series of smaller atrocities deliberately committed by the Israeli army against Lebanese civilians in an attempt to collectively "punish" them for the humiliating defeat its elite military units have so far experienced at the hands of the formidable Lebanese resistance, most noticeably in the legendary town of Bint Jbeil.

This intentional and coldly calculated Israeli policy of targeting innocent Lebanese civilians and civilian infrastructure stems from a time-honoured, but hardly ever successful, Israeli doctrine of applying intense "pressure" against a civilian population in order to compel them, in-turn, to pressure the resistance into submitting to Israeli dictates, thereby doing Israel's bidding by proxy. It has been consistently used against the Palestinians ever since the Nakba of 1948, and is still applied now in the ongoing barbaric offensive and hermetic siege against Gaza. Israel may have plagiarized this doctrine from the legacies of previous oppressors, but it has refined it to a degree that it no longer raises any moral qualms in most of Israeli society, where it is widely accepted by the public as a right, even a duty in the fight for Israel's "security."
Such blatant racism, which may have been frowned upon in the past by many Jewish-Israelis as a pathological anomaly, is now quite popular in the Israeli mainstream, including among lawmakers, academics, journalists and, of course, military leaders. While it has become normal to read scathing -- occasionally valid -- critiques of the hateful and chauvinistic discourse "inherent" in Islamic and even Christian brands of fundamentalism, Jewish fundamentalism, which is among the key factors informing current Israeli apartheid policies and laws, remains a taboo subject that is rarely discussed or debated in the West. It is rooted in a long tradition of fanatic, yet popular, fundamentalist interpretations of Halakhah, or Jewish law, propagated by influential rabbis and internalized by a widely acquiescent Israeli society, secular and religious sectors alike. Even before the creation of Israel, the core concept in this fundamentalist worldview was publicly espoused by Rabbi Abraham Yitzhak Kook, the first Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Palestine, who said, "The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews...is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle."[5]

The late Israeli academic and human rights advocate, Israel Shahak, traced the roots of Israeli public justification for killing Palestinians, for instance, to similar readings of the tenets of Halakhah. While the murder of a Jew is considered a capital offence in Jewish law, the murder of a Gentile is treated quite differently. "A Jew who murders a Gentile," Shahak reveals, "is guilty only of a sin against the laws of heaven, not punishable by court." Indirectly, but intentionally, causing the death of a Gentile is "no sin at all." [6] A booklet published in 1973 by the Central Region Command of the Israeli army subscribes to this same doctrine. In it, the Command's Chief Chaplain writes

"When our forces come across civilians during a war or in hot pursuit or in a raid, so long as there is no certainty that those civilians are incapable of harming our forces, then according to the Halakhah they may and even should be killed Under no circumstances should an Arab be trusted, even if he makes an impression of being civilized In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is, civilians who are ostensibly good. [7]
In 1996, the same year the first Qana massacre was committed, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, a leader of the powerful Lubavitch Hassidic sect, echoed the same principle, rhetorically asking, "If a Jew needs a liver, can he take the liver of an innocent non-Jew to save [the Jew]?," answering, "The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something more holy and unique about Jewish life than about non-Jewish life." [8] Moreover, Ginsburgh coauthored a book defending the 1994 massacre of Muslim worshippers in Al-Ibrahimi mosque (Patriarchs' Cave) in Hebron, in which he argued that when a Jew kills a non-Jew the act does not constitute murder according to the Halakhah, adding that the killing of innocent Palestinians as an act of revenge is a Jewish virtue.

During the first months of the current Palestinian initfada, it was common for Israeli army spokespeople to justify killing Palestinian children throwing stones by saying that they "threatened human life." (B'Tselem Report) Not soldiers' lives, not Israeli lives, but human life. One cannot escape the implication that the alleged sources of the threat are not exactly eligible to be called human in the army's common diction.

In this context, it is entirely justified to see Israel's second massacre in Qana as the rule, not the exception.

This often ignored menace of Jewish fundamentalism needs to be addressed as seriously as other forms of fanatic religious thought which sows racial hatred, animosity and war mongering. While adhering to moral principles alone will certainly not bring any of Qana's murdered children back to life or compensate any bereaved parent or loved one anywhere, perhaps insisting on the equal worth of all human lives, regardless of ethnicity or religion, and rejecting racism from any source, including from sanctimonious former victims, can help diminish the chances of such ruthless crimes recurring in the future. Irrespective of the Holocaust, or precisely because of it, Israel should not be allowed to get away with its racist, at-will flaunting of international law and its state terrorism against defenseless civilians. It is time to go beyond mere condemnation to properly channel irrepressible grief and simmering anger into morally sound acts of intervention. Just as it worked against apartheid South Africa, a comprehensive regime of boycott against Israel is urgently called for. People of conscience everywhere share the responsibility of stopping this unrestrained behemoth before it scorches everything in its blind quest for hegemony and colonial control.

Omar Barghouti is an independent political analyst.

[1] Jonathan Steele and Rory McCarthy. "Strike on bunker failed, says Hizbullah. The Guardian, July 20, 2006.
[2] Patrick Bishop. Diplomats argue as all of south Lebanon is targeted. Telegraph, July 28, 2006.
[3] Harry de Quetteville. You're all targets, Israel tells Lebanese in South. Telegraph, July 28, 2006.
[4] Alan Dershowitz. 'Civilian Casualty'? It Depends. Los Angeles Times, July 22, 2006.
[5] Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. Pluto Press, London, 1999. P. ix.
[6] Israel Shahak. Jewish History, Jewish Religion-The Weight of Three Thousand Years. Pluto Press. London, 2002. P. 75-76.
[7] Ibid. P. 76.
[8] Ibid. P. 43.]

At Tuesday, August 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the contributors of TTWSYF -

Would you consider starting a forum for all of us commenting to get together in order to further discuss these and other issues?

We really need a place to begin mobilizing and organizing since we are so displaced geographically.

If a blog can be linked I would be glad to setup the forum.

I can be reached at ladyhope@gmail.com


At Wednesday, August 02, 2006, Blogger vlad said...

GoBabyGo said...

Anybody knows the name of that brave and smart CNN anchor? I thought I heard the Israeli woman call her "Rosemary". I searched on the CNN site but did not dig up anything. She ought to be remembered/mentioned by name. We need more people like that.

Tue Aug 01, 02:28:00 PM EDT

Here you go baby,go. Never mind the Belfast business,shes Australian as far as im concerned.

At Wednesday, August 02, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...


I hope to move this blog to its own url soon which includes a forum.

I am just trying to get it together. God willing, within the next few weeks.

At Thursday, June 14, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

You reap what you sow. You teach your children to hate, you teach your children to kill, you teach your children to die...

Gaza strip today, right now... Palestinian killing Palestinian, Muslim killing Muslim... YOU are the devils, you are the haters, you are the killers, you are the ignorant sick bastards of humanity!

But I guess somehow, you will try to blame the Jews for that too...

At Monday, October 08, 2007, Blogger anna said...

WOW, "In other words, if there are little or no actual casualties in Israel, then Israel is charged with that knowledge and must be held accountable for excessive force used to defend against it."
what a primitive way of thought..
well, you punched me and now i punched you back- fair and square..
and tomorrow he'll come to punch me again- not a very effective settelment would you say...which is exactly why israel needs to defend itself and apply the necessary force to make a POINT!!!
a POINT...unfortunatly people only get it the hard way..speaking of which it is argued that israel uses to much force however many believe just the opposite, in fact israel is to lenient and numerous times it makes a point to avoid hitting civlians. Here's the funny thing israeli millitary notifies like it did in lebanon, civlians in advance on where its gonna attack so that they could get away from the place and to avoid cavilian casualties.. where did you ever observe in a war that one side would warn the other side about its next action, where will you ever see it? and people still have the nerve to say that israel is responsible for the civilian casualties.. it is not at all israel's fault that these terorrists in lebanon were using their cavilians as a shield- how cowardly, informing civilians was not only a humane thing to do of israel but it also hurt their strategy in that everytime they told cavilians to get a way from the attack with the civilians the terrorists too got away.. oviously these people have no value for human life. there's a good saying: "Peace is possible when islamists begin to love their children more than they hate jews", another words the underlying difference here is that hizbullah terrorists will stand behind their civilians and israeli soldiers will stand in front of their civilians to protect. this "civlilzation" have drifted so far away from the humane, it teaches its own little children how to fire guns, for god sakes, and that a suiced bomber will earn a place in heaven by killing INNOCENT people what a mind job... and for all of these who talk about falsifying news and biases here's somethin for you: it wasn't an israeli reporter that photoshoped pictures of lebanon casualties to make it seem like there was more smoke in the sky than there really was, how's that for size? how lame? in one case they even got a futage of palestinans parading their dead on their backs in front of cameras and one coffin or whatever it was fell over and whoever was laying on it stood back on his feet, thats right they tried to pass a random man as a dead victim talk about lies.. nways theres'nt much point becuz these people have an objective and its not the well being of their members their sole objective is to kill jews, sad however it seems to be their only purpose in life.. israel should recognize unfortunatly that peace will never come and israel has to stop giving up pieces of it land for "temporary peace" deals, you give a finger than you give another finger next it is the whole hand.. hopefully israel will continue to prosper and develop and keep up its kindness for everyone jews,non-jews, blacks, white, green, purple people,the disabled, & homosexuals, Yes im looking at you mr.Ahmadinejad, homosexuals have feelings too you shouldnt hang them...

At Tuesday, October 09, 2007, Blogger anna said...

tsk tsk tsk tsk, that CNN anchor lady has her hair weighting down to heavy on her brain, take it easy darling

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