< HOME  Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Credit Card Companies are killing us...

...And by us I refer to progressive causes, our children (and their all our children), the elderly, people in their 20's (hey I'm representing), etc. . The term is called CORPORATE TERRORISM...

Through negligent homicide banks kill more people then "traditional terrorists" could ever think of killing each year. Corporate Terrorist executives will do anything to make themselves richer at the cost of children, elderly, people in their 20's etc. who will starve, lack health care, and some of those people will end up dead.

They also pass on some of your money to help Bu$hco and friends do the same...(read on below)

What you have to understand is that credit card companies are red companies... (and everytime you swipe your funding something horrible). Even if you pay in full; the day may come when you can't. Additionally, the RED credit card companies are receiving merchant fees and the rethugs are making money every time you swipe.

It is your choice whether you decide to fund the rethugs (through merchant fees etc). Just understand if you continue to fund the rethugs, that we aren't going to see changes in leadership or we will see far less changes in leadership. Our rights will continue to diminish.

Also you have to understand that the day may come when you get sick or are in an accident, the Bu$hco economy which you are funding causes you to loose your job, your home is destroyed, etc. All of a sudden you will be paying interest and other fees to the creditors, fees which you never thought you would pay. Think protectors plans will help: they are simply scams to make you think you are protected when you really arent.

Many of us are already awake and realize what is going on. Unfortunately though, as history will tell, many people don't wake up until it is too late.


At Wednesday, January 11, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

And MBNA was just bought by Bank of America.

At Wednesday, January 11, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

hey tri! great link!

BTW, I differ with you on one thing. These companies do not conduct any of their affairs negligently. Their conduct is at best reckless, at worst deliberate and its consequences intentional.

At Wednesday, January 11, 2006, Blogger Scipio said...


But how does this affect ... COMIC BOOK@?!

At Wednesday, January 11, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

If you pay taxes; ride mass transit; use highways, tunnels and bridges; drink water from the tap; or have ever had the misfortune of being a patient at a nonprofit hospital, then interest affects you.

At Sunday, January 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live within your means. Don't worry about not owning lucky jeans, Ralph lauren shirts, the latest corvette.


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