Israeli children sign their missiles ‘with love’

Never have I witnessed such an appalling display of utter contempt for human life. And they're not even ashamed to beam it across the globe, for all the world to see.

THIS is who our tax dollars support - an arrogant, war-like people who indoctrinate their children in the art of murderous and cavalier warfare.
Dear Lebanese/ Palestinian/ Canadian/ American/ Muslim/ Christian/ Australian/ or Anyone else who stands in our way,Not in so many words, but even a love ballad would kill the recipient - using flowery words makes it all the more twisted.
Israeli Kids

Above: Israeli girls write messages on a shell at a heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern Israel, next to the Lebanese border, Monday, July 17, 2006.(AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)Thanks, girls. Lebanese children got your message - loud and clear.
Spread it far and wide.
Americans must learn the truth about ISRAEL - the Ultimate Glorified Killing Machine.
Thanks, Sabbah
In fact, I searched for those very images on AP. The Israeli children were signing shells, not missiles. As in, shells that were recovered that HIT Israel.
That's right - the children were signing dead shells that HEZBOLLAH dropped into Israel.
Let me repeat myself.
Liar. Filthy, disgusting, hate mongering liar.
I know where they came from.
The yahoo images are captured and linked to the photos.
Those shells are on their way out. The caption says nothing about "dead" shells.
WTF would they be signing dead shells?
Also, if you're going to keep flinging insults on top of your murderous madness, go home to your own blog.
Or does nobody go there?
disaffected youth...
Take a chill pill.
Apparently you took that other pill and live in the rabbit hole.
You have a pro-Zionist filter enabled in the information processing part of the brain.
Click on the source of the pictures and see that they were captured on desktop screenshot. That provide the damning proof.
Get a grip. You sound like a troll extolling the virtues of Zionism.
I am not the one gunning for murder. You are the one who forgives/appologizes for terrorists, and claims they are freedom fighters.
I see no evidence that those missiles are going out. NONE. The link I saw merely said they were shells. I find it hard to believe that Israeli shells are left out in the open for people to sign like that.
Okay, I may be wrong. They could be outgoing shells - I looked it up and it didn't say either way whether it was an incoming or outgoing shell. I still see no proof that the children wrote that everyone must die. I looked this up on the AP and even Al Jazeera.
There is zippo proof that either a) the shells are outgoing shells; and b) that messages of hate were written on them.
Um, I think they have to be outgoing, otherwise, why does one weapon have "FROM Israel"?
Not certain what the shells say though, since not all of it is in English.
well, golly, disaffected youth, aka Miss "R",
Why believe your lying eyes?
Just make things up, instead!
Those darling little Israeli children are at a HEAVY ARTILLERY POSITION on the border with Lebanon and there's a fucking tank behind them.
They are not "decorating" dead shells. They are writing "MESSAGES." In the plain meaning of the word, MESSAGES are FOR SENDING.
Can it possibly be more crystal clear to your Zionist-programmed brain?
Those shells are landing on the heads of Lebanese families, and children in southern Lebanon.
And, furthermore, even if you wrote a love song on a shell, it would still KILL the recipient. The "HATE" is in the fucking explosive.
You are so intent on defending Israel that you have lost touch with reality.
There were many dead shells collected around Northern Israel. I fail to see any proof that those are not dead shells.
Even if they are live shells, so what?
It's no worse than the way Palestinians "car swarm" around dead bodies - tearing apart the body limb from limb, and taking pictures of it all.
War is hell. It brings out the worst in people. I don't defend signing missiles (assuming they are live missiles), but I fail to see how it's any worse than what typically goes on on your average day in the Palestinian territories. This doesn't involve taking apart bodies limb from limb. And the war in Lebanon is being fought to protect Israel's right to exist.
War is hell. I hate war. But I would hate a world without Israel far more.
The ironic thing is, so would you.
"There were many dead shells collected around Northern Israel. I fail to see any proof that those are not dead shells."
Why would Israeli children be signing dead shells with "From Israel"?
There's the original picture.
Here's another question, whow in their right mind would be running around collecting dead shells in a war zone just so a stupid kid could sign it with anything?
"Even if they are live shells, so what?"
Um, it's a little screwed up to have kiddies putting messages on explosives that are going to be used to kill human beings, don't you think?
I hope you think that..
Maybe you don't. Maybe that's the problem. You don't have any sense of decency?
"But I would hate a world without Israel far more."
You know, I think Israel's actions lately have just demonstrated to the world WHY they are hated in the Middle East, deservedly hated.
They're crazy and apparently, they are just plain evil.
"The ironic thing is, so would you."
Don't you dare speak for me.
Israel - specifically ZIONISM - is a curse on humanity.
Disaffected apologist for atrocities, those are live, unused shells. The nose cone and warhead are intact in the shell casing, which houses the propellant charge. Here is a picture of an unused shell being loaded into a cannon. Here is a picture of an empty shell casing, minus the warhead and nose cone. Here is an overview of artillery for your continuing education. There will be a pop quiz on this tomorrow; if you pass, you'll be able to post here again.
Debate tip for you: your arguments will appear more convincing and credible when your assertions are accurate.
disaffected youth said...
In fact, I searched for those very images on AP. The Israeli children were signing shells, not missiles. As in, shells that were recovered that HIT Israel.
That's right - the children were signing dead shells that HEZBOLLAH dropped into Israel.
Let me repeat myself.
Liar. Filthy, disgusting, hate mongering liar.
Tue Jul 18, 12:59:42 AM EDT
Those shells are BRAND NEW ---- As in BRAND SPANKING NEW ----- As in just off either the assembly line in the US of A, or Israel. --- As in "Gift from Israel to the People of Lebanon"
I don't think I can make myself any clearer, than to say, they are BRAND SPANKING NEW!
Hey, kids, I've run a few shell games, but this one is ridiculous! Why not check under the shells to see if the shrapnel is brand new?
that reminds me, disaffected youth,
how do your venal words taste?
da, it's way past your bedtime, and you have a lot of studying to do for tomorrow's quiz. Please try to learn something before embarassing yourself here again.
Staffers at Santa Barbara Paper Join Large Protest
Published: July 15, 2006 10:00 AM ET
SANTA BARBARA Dressed in black and their mouths taped shut, reporters and staff of the Santa Barbara News-Press staged a protest Friday over a recent wave of resignations at the newspaper.
More than 300 supporters roared with applause and shouts when about 25 News-Press employees emerged from the newspaper's Spanish-style landmark building and walked to a microphone in an adjacent park.
Reporter Melinda Burns said newspaper staffers have been ordered not to speak about internal operations and were threatened with dismissal if they did.
"We are very sorry we can't speak, but thank you for coming," she said, stepping away from the microphone as members of the group put duct tape over their mouths. Many in the crowd hoisted signs, including ones that read: "Free the News" and "No More News Suppress."
The protest was the latest public display of newsroom tension that began when staff accused the daily's owner of meddling in news coverage. Six top editors and two writers have resigned, and a copy editor quit Friday.
One of those who resigned, reporter Scott Hadly, said a list of demands was presented to management Thursday. He said they want restoration of journalistic ethics, reinstatement of editors who were forced to resign, new contract negotiations and recognition of the Teamsters union as their exclusive bargaining unit.
Interim publisher Travis Armstrong said he blamed the protest partly on the paper's enemies, among them developers and politicians.
Armstrong said employees who protested would not be disciplined, adding he was disappointed by how the newspaper's order not to discuss internal operations had been portrayed.
Those who quit have said owner Wendy McCaw killed a story about Armstrong's recent sentencing for drunken driving. The newspaper had previously reported on his arrest.
She has said the resignations were prompted by her unwillingness to let editors and reporters "flavor the news with their personal opinions."
The News-Press, founded in 1855, is locally owned and published by McCaw's Ampersand Publishing LLC, which bought the paper in 2000 from the New York Times Co. It has a 57-person editorial staff, publishes seven days a week and has a daily circulation of about 41,000.
Sunday, 23 September, 2001, 12:30 GMT 13:30 UK
Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
Waleed Al Shehri
Waleed Al Shehri left the US a year ago, he says
Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well.
The identities of four of the 19 suspects accused of having carried out the attacks are now in doubt.
Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre on 11 September.
His photograph was released, and has since appeared in newspapers and on television around the world.
Hijacking suspects
Flight 175: Marwan Al-Shehhi, Fayez Ahmed, Mohald Alshehri, Hamza Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi
Flight 11: Waleed M Alshehri, Wail Alshehri, Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz Alomari and Satam Al Suqami
Flight 77: Khalid Al-Midhar, Majed Moqed, Nawaq Alhamzi, Salem Alhamzi and Hani Hanjour
Flight 93: Ahmed Alhaznawi, Ahmed Alnami, Ziad Jarrahi and Saeed Alghamdi
Now he is protesting his innocence from Casablanca, Morocco.
He told journalists there that he had nothing to do with the attacks on New York and Washington, and had been in Morocco when they happened. He has contacted both the Saudi and American authorities, according to Saudi press reports.
He acknowledges that he attended flight training school at Daytona Beach in the United States, and is indeed the same Waleed Al Shehri to whom the FBI has been referring.
But, he says, he left the United States in September last year, became a pilot with Saudi Arabian airlines and is currently on a further training course in Morocco.
Mistaken identity
Abdulaziz Al Omari, another of the Flight 11 hijack suspects, has also been quoted in Arab news reports.
Abdelaziz Al Omari
Abdelaziz Al Omari 'lost his passport in Denver'
He says he is an engineer with Saudi Telecoms, and that he lost his passport while studying in Denver.
Another man with exactly the same name surfaced on the pages of the English-language Arab News.
The second Abdulaziz Al Omari is a pilot for Saudi Arabian Airlines, the report says.
Meanwhile, Asharq Al Awsat newspaper, a London-based Arabic daily, says it has interviewed Saeed Alghamdi.
Khalid Al-Midhar
Khalid Al-Midhar may also be alive
He was listed by the FBI as a hijacker in the United flight that crashed in Pennsylvania.
And there are suggestions that another suspect, Khalid Al Midhar, may also be alive.
FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged on Thursday that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt.
Cryptogon Blocked from U.S. Air Force Domains
A Cryptogon reader writes:
I guess you're too subversive for our delicate eyes at USAF bases in [DELETED]. This Monday morning I tried to access your page from work and was greeted by an 'unauthorized: personal/politics' banner.
We have no trouble reading Drudge, NewsMax, FreeRepublic, and WorldNetDaily. I guess I'll have to wait till I get home to see some 'reality-based' information.
Keep up the good work...
I've been noticing substantially fewer .mil visits lately. Actually, I'm not getting any visits at all from .mil, that I can ID as .mil. Cryptogon used to get hundreds per day. I just assumed that They they started routing the traffic through nodes that resolved back to civilian networks. But maybe not...
It's probably safe to assume that Full Spectrum Dominance applies to the brains of military personnel, and hence the firewall 'approved access' list.
Here's a free (but check out their paid offerings), easy-to-setup tool for folks who are trying to use the web from behind restrictive firewalls:
If you can reach from your browser, you can take remote control of any computer that has free access to the Internet; your home computer, for example. Then you will be able to browse and any other sites that are blocked from work. (Until the donkeys wake up and block, of course.) This was an excellent solution for me when I worked for a criminal Wall Street bank that had restrictive firewall policies.
NOTE: If your network warlord is logging keystrokes, it will be able to gain control of your PC. Be careful!
Lebanon civilian deaths morally not same as terror victims -- Bolton
Mon Jul 17, 4:47 PM ET
UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - US Ambassador John Bolton said there was no moral equivalence between the civilian casualties from the Israeli raids in Lebanon and those killed in
Israel from "malicious terrorist acts".
Asked to comment on the deaths in an Israeli air strike of eight Canadian citizens in southern Lebanon Sunday, he said: "it is a matter of great concern to us ...that these civilian deaths are occurring. It's a tragedy."
"I think it would be a mistake to ascribe moral equivalence to civilians who die as the direct result of malicious terrorist acts," he added, while defending as "self-defense" Israel's military action, which has had "the tragic and unfortunate consequence of civilian deaths".
The eight dead Canadians were a Lebanese-Canadian couple, their four children, his mother and an uncle, said relatives in Montreal.
The Montreal pharmacist and his family had arrived in Lebanon 10 days earlier for a vacation in his parents' home village and to introduce his children to relatives, they said.
Three of his Lebanese relatives died too, a family member told AFP.
"It's simply not the same thing to say that it's the same act to deliberately target innocent civilians, to desire their deaths, to fire rockets and use explosive devices or kidnapping versus the sad and highly unfortunate consequences of self-defense," Bolton noted.
The overall civilian death toll from the Israeli onslaught in Lebanon since last Wednesday reached 195, in addition to 12 soldiers, officials said. Twenty-four Israelis have also been killed since fighting began last Wednesday, including 12 civilians in a barrage of Hezbollah rocket fire across the border.
READ THIS CAREFULLY, other "News" stations are MISLEADING YOU. The people died from BUILDING COLLAPSE, NOT A TSUNAMI ------------------- why am I emphasizing this INPORTANT FACT, because a "tsunami" can ONLY BE CAUSED BY A DISPLACEMENT OF WATER BY ANOTHER OBJECT OF SIMILAR SIZE ------------------ in other words, the Tsunami of 2005 was NOT NATURAL..........
............ I'll let you more intelligent readers think about that for a moment. Once you figured the "secret" of how that happen out, you'll get goose bumps all over. And it helps if you're an expert in seismology, as I am. But, use common sense, and fundamental PHSYICAL PRINCIPLES and you'll figure it out. Just like in the "free-fall" of the World Trade Centres (WTC) --- which feel at free-fall speed. In physical terms, that means the STEEL AND CONCRETE COLLUMNS BELOW OFFERED VIRTUALLY ZERO RESISTANCE.
............ For those with a strong science, engineering or mathematical background, that's one HELL of a red siren. That's just NOT PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE according to the "official" story ----- not possible by a LONG SHOT!
17 July, 2006
Tsunami sets off panic in southern Java
by Mathias Hariyadi
A underground quake triggers big wave that strikes Cilacap and Pangandaran on Java’s south coast. Buildings collapse; 37 are dead. Fleeing local residents relive the 2004 nightmare all over again.
Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Thousands of residents of the southern Indonesian provinces of Central Java and Java West are fleeing after a tsunami was triggered by an underwater quake off the coast of Jakarta. So far 37 people have been reported killed, but in a public statement Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the death toll is only provisional. Search and rescue operations are still underway.
The seaquake was set off by an earthquake that measured 7.2 on the Richter scale some 355 kilometres south of Jakarta at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
A two-metre wave hit the coastal region near Cilacap, a tourist resort where state-owned Pertamina Oil Company has important facilities, and the beach town of Pangandaran, which is
State-owned TV was able to broadcast eyewitness accounts of the disaster from the affected area. Teddy, a survivor, said that “people panicked right away. Waves wiped out all the food stands and houses along the beach”.
In both resorts traffic is heavy and in one direction: out. People are fleeing for higher and safer ground leaving everything behind.
“Everyone ion Pangandaran is scared to death,” said Iwan, a local resident. “Hotels, bungalows, villas, bars have been swept away by the sea. People are running away unconcerned about their property, running for their lives.”
Today’s tsunami is a reminder of the December 26, 2004, tragedy that struck several countries around the Indian Ocean, especially Indonesia which suffered more than 140,000 dead.
My apologies, that should be Dec 2004.
Note how they "reinforce" the deaths of 140,000 (actually its now accounted for over 220,000) were "caused" by the tsunami ---- that's because there's been a "leak" of information on the INTERNET OF WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!
........... That's one BIG HINT. Search for "thermonuclear" and "asian tsunami 2004".
PLEASE OBSERVE THE PHOTOS --------------- Building Collapses. Death from building collapse, NOT the 'tsunami' (which is a little ripple, 2 m high at most by the sea shore, nothing, NOTHING compired to Dec 2004). Also note the people displaced, 23,000, is FROM LINGERING FEAR of what happened in Dec 2004. Nothing more.
And that, boys and girls is the key ----------------- Archimedes principle: "To cause water to be displace, and equal volume must occupy its previous location." -------------------
A very simple PHYSICAL LAW/CONCEPT, but none-the-less VERY REVEALING. Just like the "molten steel" that was quickly removed from the wreckage scene of 9/11 ---- to cause HIGH-GRADE reinforced steel to MELT, would require VERY HIGH TEMPERATURES.
Toll rises from Indonesia tsunami
Tuesday 18 July 2006, 7:34 Makka Time, 4:34 GMT
Indonesia sits along a belt of volcanic and seismic activity
At least 201 people have died and 125 are missing after a tsunami struck Indonesia's Java island, the head of the crisis centre at the health ministry says.
Nearly 300 people were reported injured on Tuesday and over 23,000 people have been displaced in the tsunami that followed an earthquake.
A French national was among the dead, and two Dutch and four Japanese were among the injured.
Two Swedish children were reported missing on Monday, a diplomatic source said.
At least three other districts were affected by the waves but Ciamis was the worst-hit by Monday's tsunami.
Waves 2 metres high crashed into beach resorts and fishing villages on Indonesia's Java island on Monday.
Regional agencies had sent out tsunami warnings after an undersea earthquake struck 180km off Pangandaran.
But the alerts did not reach the victims because Java - which only seven weeks ago was rocked by a powerful quake that killed thousands and left a million homeless - does not have a tsunami warning system.
The hardest-hit area appeared to be Pangandaran, a beach resort 270km southeast of Jakarta popular with local and foreign tourists.
Witnesses said people shouted "tsunami! tsunami!" and climbed trees or crowded inland mosques as the wave approached.
The 7.2 magnitude quake, whose epicentre was more than 40km under the Indian Ocean, hit at 0819 GMT.
Refinery unaffected
The 7.2 magnitude quake struck
at 0819 GMT
A woman told Jakarta-based Radio Elshinta that the waves had come several hundred metres inland at Pangandaran beach.
"Waves suddenly came and we ran to the hills. Four people from my group are still missing. Many small hotels were destroyed and boats have been thrown into hotels," she said.
Tremors were felt in high-rise buildings in Jakarta for at least one minute, prompting many to flee their offices.
The nearby Cilacap refinery owned by state oil company Pertamina was unaffected.
"The refinery is operating as usual. There were rising waves, but now the water has receded," said a Pertamina official.
In May, an earthquake near the central Java city of Yogyakarta killed more than 5,700 people.
Indonesia's 17,000 islands sprawl along a belt of intense volcanic and seismic activity, part of what is called the "Pacific Ring of Fire".
The country was the worst hit by the December 26, 2004 tsunami that killed 220,000 across Asia.
Guest submission for blogentry,
courtesy DftE
Fundie Fun Presents.....
Cease Fire, Soldier - Israel Supernaturally Protected!
That's right: the solution to the current crisis has been found, right in our very own Bible. The Rapture Ready Team is with us to interpret the relevant passages of G*D's LOVE for us. Bless them.
You will learn of Israel's SECRET WEAPON: Israel is supernaturally protected! His heavenly all-powerful mightyness who, through his son on Earth, George W. Bush, has a plan to save us all. Israel can disarm, scrap its nukes, dismantle Dimona, destroy its chemical weapons, free its prisoners, and befriend former foes. Why? Because Israel is supernaturally protected!
We continue now with G*D's peace plan, as interpreted by the Rapture Ready (TM) Team, why peace is upon us, Israel can ceasefire, and both sides can disarm for good. The actual, uncensored virtual roundtable dialogue follows. Listen carefully to G*D's LOVE:
I dont know where I have come up with this but for some reason I keep thinking Israel is supposed to be supernaturally protected from being destroyed. Any scriptures or comments please. It may be just because of the Left Behind 2nd movie who knows. Surely Israel isnt going to be destroyed with WMD, chemical or biological right?
"um, no"
1, Try Ezekiel 38 - 39.
2, NO, of course not. Where would Jesus go to set up the Millenium Kingdom?
[clapping while she types] GOD's chosen ppl, his land that he gave them, I hink not. Big daddy will take care of anyone who makes war against them if it's not in his plan..
No, isn't there a verse in the Bible that says that either 1/3 or 2/3 of Jerusalem will be destroyed during the Tribulation?
They will suffer through the tribulation Jerusalem especially. Here is the verse.
The city shall be attacked, it won't be good.
Zech. 13:7-14:3 (KJV)
Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones. [8] And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. [9] And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.
[14:1] Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. [2] For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. [3] Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
What is your question? That the land won't be destroyed, the buildings, Israel as a nation, are that the people won't never suffer harm. I think that Israel won't be destroyed as a nation. that was part of his promise to bring them back. I do not think this promise includes divine protection on the whole pop.
Right happy day, they will never cease to be a nation again and they will be protected by God. On the other hand, they will suffer judgement, the entire tribulation is for Israel, to bring them back to God.
They will also not come out of these wars unscathed. They will be seriously hurt, but not to death.
I think they could get hit with a WMD that would cause them to destroy Demascus, but this would not destroy Israel but may cause a great deal of casualities. I do think in the future wars with Russia and Iran, God will supernaturally protect Israel, I say this because as I watch, I think what if those missiles that are hitting were nukes or bio weapons.
we know that they were supernaturaly protected during the 6 day war...angels..and when they were bombed the gas lines or something like that had been drained...for repair....that was big...sooo but God still has to get their attention....that is what it is all about....and that is what i keep praying for..
And there you have it folks. Peace on Earth. Thanks, G*D!
Brought to you by Fundie Fun (TM)
' QRSWAVE: I'm the computer expert. May I suggest you BACK-UP ALL OF THIS WEBSITE.
' & are BOTH owned and operated by GOOGLE. Why is this important you ask?!!
' Google is a TOOL of Sergey and Brin, and Eric Smidt -- all of them are Zionists. In particular
' Sergey and Brin are Russian "jews" ----- in particular ASHKENAZI "jews" who have been swindling MILLIONS
' 3) AD-SCAM
' The Zionists have used this "tool" to propagate "news stories" about China's "censorship". While it may be
' true that China does "censor" some internet content ------- ALL COUNTRIES COMMIT THIS ACTION. All countries,
' non-excluded.
' Now with the RECENT DEVELOPMENT: China, Russia AND India moving closer together --- we have the "terrorist"
' train bombing, and the "recent hoopla" about NOW INDIA is CENSORING, blah blah blah.
' Why does this sound so familar. And what are they "censoring", but &
' Qrswave back up your data. Set up your OWN WEBSITE (i.e. host it in countries that have the ABILITY to resist
' Zionist pressure, e.g. Russia). It's not as expensive or difficult as it seems. This way you have CONTROL
' over your website.
' AND most importantly, you'll have THE INTERNET TRAFFIC LOGS of ALL your readers -------- their IP address,
' where they came from, what previous website referred them, how long they stay at your website, etc ----------
' and MOST IMPORTANTLY what they post ---- because the Internet is not as "anonymous" as you would think!!!
' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In short, EVERYTHING that the Elders of Zion WANT, and is getting through
' & Why did you think Rupert Murdoch, Notorious Zionist Billionare, and owner of News Corp paid
' GOOD MONEY (and we all know how separating "jews" from "their money" is as easy as separatin "wetness" from
' "water"). Because "they" CAN NOT generate such "organic interest" from people, so they were forced to "buy it".
' I'll contact you in a 'short' while. ;)
For you readers who don't know, Rupert Murdock OWNS
This missile/shell signing isn't really new. I remember sometime in the Operation "Desert Fox" against Iraq, one missile was signed: "This is a Ramadan present from Chad Rickenberg", "The boys at the ville say hello", etc..
Check it out (and other incidents) here:
The world would be a rather terrible place without Israel. You just don't see it. Israel is protecting YOUR freedom - and you don't see it.
Hamas, Hezbollah, al queda - it's all from one source. Iran. Israel is fighting a war the US is unwilling to fight. You are too blind to see it.
Given pretty much every single thing you write is a total and utter lie or manipulation, I admit I jumped too quickly in judgment that the shells were 100% dead shells. I admit now that I was hasty to jumping to that conclusion. But that still is nothing compared to the disgusting way the Palestinians dress their children up as martyrs and send them to their death. Or the way they tear apart dead bodies of Israelis they find on the street, and take pictures. I find that a thousand times deplorable. And I have yet to see you post a single picture of any of that, or get upset with any of that. Jewish life doesn't matter, right? Who cares, it's just a dead Jew, or just a dead Israeli, no big deal, right? Oh, also fail to get upset about Muslim terrorism against fellow Muslims. Like the fact that a suicide bomber in Iraq killed 24 people the other day. That was a Muslim killing another Muslim, so who gives a shit, right? It's only of signficance when Israel or the US is involved, huh?
War is hell. Israel is a great place to be if you are Arab Israeli (no matter what you think - it is - given the alternatives in the Middle East to say the VERY least), and it WOULD be a great place to be during times of peace for the Palestinians in the territories. (Well, Neo-Palestinians. In fact, Jews have a longer and more continuous land claim than the so-called "Palestinians, who should really be called Trans-Jordanians, but that is a different story)
The Palestinians brought this on themselves. Hamas kidnapped an Israeli soldier, and has fired missiles into Israel for months now. Same with Hezbollah. Those are acts of WAR. Israel has a right to defend itself. It's so easy for you to say Israel should just lay down and die, being Arab (and hating Israel, of course), and being in the US.
Ever think, though, what life is like as even an Arab Israeli near Haifa? They have to deal with a constant barrage of rockets from Hezbollah, just as the Jewish Israelis have to deal with it. When you deny Israel the right to defend itself, you also deny it the right to defend the Arab Israelis.
Without Israel, most of the Middle East would erupt into utter chaos. Hatred of the one Jewish state is the one thing that unifies the Middle East. Hatred of the state that has the highest human rights standard (by far) in the Middle East is the one thing that keeps civil war from breaking out.
There is a saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
That's how the Middle East works. Israel is ironically keeping the peace just by its very existence.
"The world would be a rather terrible place without Israel. You just don't see it. Israel is protecting YOUR freedom - and you don't see it."
Now that makes a lot of sense.
"Hamas, Hezbollah, al queda - it's all from one source. Iran. Israel is fighting a war the US is unwilling to fight. You are too blind to see it."
If Israel disappeared, Iran wouldn't take its place by bullying the countries around it.
"Given pretty much every single thing you write is a total and utter lie or manipulation.."
The biggest liar here is the western media. Qrswave brings credible evidence for everything that's written here. You're living in denial.
"War is hell. Israel is a great place to be if you are Arab Israeli (no matter what you think - it is - given the alternatives in the Middle East to say the VERY least), and it WOULD be a great place to be during times of peace for the Palestinians in the territories."
That doesn't justify anything.
The Palestinians brought this on themselves. Hamas kidnapped an Israeli soldier .."
.. after Israel shelled a beach, killing 8 innocent people and blatantly lying and saying it could've been a palestinian mine (WTF!!).
"Israel has a right to defend itself.."
.. against retaliation against what it has done first. Yes of course, how dare those arab idiots strike back.. Shame on them.
"Ever think, though, what life is like as even an Arab Israeli near Haifa?"
Ever think what life is like as an Arab in Gaza, at this very moment? Think about that for a second.
"They have to deal with a constant barrage of rockets from Hezbollah, just as the Jewish Israelis have to deal with it."
What came first, Hezbollah rockets, or the Israeli raids on Gaza and Lebanon, hm?
"When you deny Israel the right to defend itself, you also deny it the right to defend the Arab Israelis."
You just denied the Arabs the right of defending themselves further up.
Without Israel, most of the Middle East would erupt into utter chaos. Hatred of the one Jewish state is the one thing that unifies the Middle East. Hatred of the state that has the highest human rights standard (by far) in the Middle East is the one thing that keeps civil war from breaking out."
You _are_ aware of how dumb that sounds aren't you? In the late 90s, before the Intifada started, there was no fighting in this region, and the Middle east didn't go down in chaos. If Israel disappears, Arab countries would rejoice, there wouldn't be any civil war. You make it sound like Israel is the middle eastern police or something, trying to sought peace between the Arab countries that absolutely detest each other and would love to tear each other apart. Please tell me that, I beg you, so I can have a really good reason to label you a dimwit.0
a) The Gaza shelling was found to have been caused by the Palestinians. And even the totally biased Human Rights Watch found that at worst it was an accident on Israel's part.
b) The Intifada was wholly started by Arafat, after he refused the deal at Camp David in 2000.
c) So you are arguing that terrorist organizations have a right to defend themselves???
d) Israel keeps the peace by being a common state that to hate. By hating Israel, the Arabs in the Middle East ignore the oppressive regimes that litter the Middle East. Should Israel cease to exist, utter chaos and civil war would likely break out, as the ultimate "wedge issue" would fall away.
The Palestinians were offered MANY peace deals - and turn them down each time, opting instead for violence.
I believe I speak for most of Israelis when I say that I am alll for a Palestinian state, but only under the following conditions:
1) A formal recognition of Israel's right to exist; 2) Laying down of arms; 3) Pledge to end terror; 4) Evidence that the Palestinians can actually be peace partners.
Until all four conditions are met, I am wholly against giving away even a single centimeter of Israeli land to the Palestinians. They have proven to only use their land as a launch pad for terror.
Ironically, this blog's continued support for violence against Israel, it guarantees the Palestinians will NOT have their own state anytime soon. It is clear that unless those four conditions are met, the Palestinians WILL NOT get their own state.
qrswave, if you actually gave half a shit about the Palestinians, you would be focusing on those four conditions.
But you don't care about the Palestinians. You hate Israel, but you don't actually give a shit about the Palestinians.
Let me edit one thing - for I care about truth and accuracy.
The highly biased Human Rights Watch provided no proof that - even if the Gaza beach shelling was Israel's fault - it wasn't an accident. They provided no proof that disproves that. Go to the Human Rights Watch website yourself.
da are you superman? cause like, you copy->paste faster than a speeding bullet
I didn't copy and paste a word of that.
But I am a champion typist who can write upwards of 80 words per minute.
The truth itself is biased against Israel.
"So you are arguing that terrorist organizations have a right to defend themselves???"
Any human being has the right to defend themselves. Especially if the other side is another terrorist organization.
"Israel keeps the peace by being a common state that to hate. By hating Israel, the Arabs in the Middle East ignore the oppressive regimes that litter the Middle East. Should Israel cease to exist, utter chaos and civil war would likely break out, as the ultimate "wedge issue" would fall away."
And what do the oppressive regimes have anything to do with this? Yes we have oppressive regimes, and yes, we want them gone. So friggin what? That has absolutely squat to do with this Israeli conflict. We've had oppressive governments since 1952. So we have to thank Israel because they're preventing us from fighting against those regimes and getting into trouble? I really don't see any logic in that. Sooner or later they'll have to go anyway, regardless of whether we are fighting a common enemy or not.
"The Palestinians were offered MANY peace deals - and turn them down each time, opting instead for violence."
Really? Read this:
Then this:
Then this:
This too:
And finally this:,,2-10-1462_1937644,00.html
No further comment.
"I believe I speak for most of Israelis when I say that I am alll for a Palestinian state, but only under the following conditions:
1) A formal recognition of Israel's right to exist; 2) Laying down of arms; 3) Pledge to end terror; 4) Evidence that the Palestinians can actually be peace partners.
Until all four conditions are met, I am wholly against giving away even a single centimeter of Israeli land to the Palestinians. They have proven to only use their land as a launch pad for terror."
Seeing what Israel has been doing for quite I while, I strongly DOUBT that Israel would stop its crimes straight after the violence from the Palestinian side stops. Don't think that stopping that violence is the magic card for peace around the area. And for your information, the Palestinians are thinking EXACTLY the same towards Israel. They barely see any good intentions from the Israeli side, and won't stop fighting until they see the EXACT SAME CONDITIONS.
It won't work from one side, sorry to tell you. The Israeli government has to do the same. And if it doesn't, then it will once again prove it's own treachery.
Explanation of the signing of missiles from a reliable source, Sand Monkey:
Given the level of qrswave's hatred, I will be shocked beyond belief if she posts this on the main page.
And sphinx:
You are a vile human being if you believe a terror organization deserves the right to self defense. So I guess La Cosa Nostra and drug cartels similarly deserves that, huh?
Link 1: Hamas wanted a "truce" without disarming, merely so they can regroup and reload weaponry. Israel was right to reject the "truce."
Link 2: Total mistake of fact later disproven by history - Hamas never did accept Israel!
Link 3: Same
Link 4: Who gives a flying fuck if Amnesty slams Israel? Amnesty International has delegimized itself as an international organization years ago. They have given more human rights violations to Israel than the Sudan (where there is an outright genocide at the moment), Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea. ISRAEL gets these human rights violations. PLEASE. AI has an agenda they are pushing. That is the bottom line.
Your links prove zippo.
If terror organizations don't deserve self defense then the state of Israel, which was founded by Irgun and Stern Gang terrorists (who had an ugly habit of collaborating with the Nazis, by the way) is not deserving of self defense. Such is the logic of 'disaffected youth.'
The fact of the matter is that Zionism is nothing more than a socialist form of idol worship; instead of revering G-d and his commandments, a piece of real estate is worshipped in his place and his commandments are ignored. Nobody remembers that G-d's granting of title to Israel was conditional upon the Hebrews keeping his commandments.
I'd be very interested to hear how bearing false witness against your neighbor, coveting his land and killing his brethren is in any way related to keeping G-d's commandments. It is obvious that Hamas and Hezbollah are apostate organizations. What's Israel's excuse?
A. magnus aka cro magnum man:
You just make shit up, don't you?
The Irgun and Stern Gang were JEWISH and did not collaborate with the Nazis. No, they worked AGAINST the Nazis.
In fact, it was the Palestinians who collaborated with the Nazis. Look up the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He recruited 20,000 'Palestinians' (I use that term loosely because Jews are really the original 'Palestinians') to kill Jews in Hungary and Croatia.
As far as everything else. You are wrong. Zionism is merely a belief in a Jewish homeland, and particularly one in the State of Israel. That's all it is. Arab Israelis have full citizenship rights and are treated better within Israel than what they can expect in most of the Middle East.
disaffected youth said:
"You just make shit up, don't you?"
Isn't it also you that said:
"That's right - the children were signing dead shells that HEZBOLLAH dropped into Israel."
It's crystal clear who 'makes shit up.'
The "shells" in the pictures are howitzer rounds, and they are unfired. The howitzer in the background looks like it could be a US M109, which the IDF does have. I don't know if the rounds are M109 rounds. The photos could be captured munitions, but I doubt any responsible parent would let their kids play in a front-line position.
Disaffected youth is an obvious shill. No one is stupid enough to believe that spent artillery shells or bullets fall from the sky in perfect condition to be used again and again. Chances are he's working for the Rendon group or a like organization ( He gets paid to waste your time with patently ridiculous, spurious arguments which he doesn't believe any more than anyone else here does. Just ignore him.
I corrected myself, in contrast to the commentator. Will you? Especially given the sand monkey link I sent re: this story.
Of course not.
Hate, hate, hate, that's all that rules your day.
It's certainly appalling to see children do this. Try to forgive them, they are too young to fully understand what they are doing. They are simply reflecting the hatred of adults, quite likely their parents. Perhaps one day they will look back on these pictures in shame and regret.
disaffected youth...
those are shells on the way out. fresh.
the green warhead is actually the only thing that would reach the target. and since they are explosive not only those are retrievable after hitting "israel".
these are israeli shells preparing to be shot at lebanese and palestinian civilians (considering the statistics are about 95% in favour of that statement, it is accurate).
Please don't get caught up in disaffected youth's bs.
Not only are those live outgoing shells (and yes it is easy to walk around military hardware in israel if you are white/jewish), but they were 90% PAID FOR BY AMERICAN MILITARY AID.
from the headline:
Israeli girls write messages in Hebrew on shells ready to be fired toward Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon.
"I corrected myself, in contrast to the commentator. Will you? Especially given the sand monkey link I sent re: this story.
Of course not.
Hate, hate, hate, that's all that rules your day."
Those are live shells. If they were incoming rockets from Lebanon they would be dented, unreadable, or would have been most likely totally destroyed upon impact. If they were duds they would have been buried in the ground and also dented and unreadable. These show no signs of having been buried in the dirt.
No, those are more than likely tank rounds to be used by that Israeli tank sitting in the background. I would say HE/DP rounds or similar as I double that tank is firing smoke or something.
The shells are almost certainly 155mm artillery shells which will be fired by the M109 155mm Self Propelled Howitzer (the 'tank' you see in the background), see . The tip of the shells (that green cone) is the fuse for the shell (probably air burst with contact back up). These round are ABSOLUTELY/POSITIVELY not used (i.e. they have yet to be fired). The reason for this are simple; they are stacked in a neat row and show no damage. Any artillery round which has been fired and landed as a dud will be bent and distorted, these shells are pristine and unfired.
No one in their right mind would let a child near a shell that had failed to explode. The fuzing state of an unexploded shell is unknown and therefore extremely dangerous. Militaries maintain highly trained teams to deal with unexploded ordinance. It is deadly and demanding work. And under NO circumstance would multiple pieces of unexploded ordinance be stacked together as in this photo; that would multiply the risk.
Also, these are artillery shells. Hezbollah uses rockets.
I can say with 100% certainty that these are Israeli artillery shells that have yet to be fired.
Are you people awake? Of course those shells are live. Everyone knows that. And the act of writing messages on outgoing shells and bombs was originated in the United States. Either you guys are young and dumb, or you need to brush up on American history. Israel is who they are now because WE made them that way. They emulate the United States in everything that they do. Israel is interested in syria and Iran, and dragging "daddy" (the U.S.) in to do all the dirty work for them. So, Wake up, Turn off puff daddy, and let's do something to stop Israel now.
I already acknowledged I was wrong about the missiles being dead missiles. But there is an explanation for all this.
Read it if you actually care about the truth. (which you don't)
Zionists and Israel is the cancer of humanity and the only cure for this disease to to heavily radiate that region and kill all the detritis illegally occupying that area and terrorizing the world. These dirty fucks deserve every horrible infliction possible because this is the only way they will learn. Give them a heavy dose of what they give the world.
More nonsense from 'disaffected uncouth:'
"The Irgun and Stern Gang were JEWISH and did not collaborate with the Nazis. No, they worked AGAINST the Nazis."
By blowing up British military installations and civilian hotels in Palestine during World War II and afterwards, no less.
Don't forget it was the World Zionist Congress that blocked the emigration of Hungarian Jews from Nazi controlled Europe to the U.S. because they were not going to Palestine.
"As far as everything else. You are wrong. Zionism is merely a belief in a Jewish homeland, and particularly one in the State of Israel. That's all it is. Arab Israelis have full citizenship rights and are treated better within Israel than what they can expect in most of the Middle East."
Except that Arab Israelis are forbidden by law to marry Jewish Israelis. Nor are they allowed to serve in the IDF. And if they're especially good, they might be allowed to catch a frisbee thrown by a Jewish Israeli, but only while leaping mid-air and catching it between their teeth.
You can polish that apartheid turd all you want, but in the end it's still just a turd. It's nice of you to justify beliefs in a Jewish homeland while keeping G-d out of the discussion. I suggest you reread Numbers and Deuteronomy to find the TRUE basis for G-d's title of ownership for the Holy Land. It has to do with keeping his commandments-period.
Down with Israel
"Read it if you actually care about the truth. (which you don't)"
I looked at the site you mentioned and read the explanation. It certainly could be plausable in my view. Especially the portion where Lisa stated about the twelve foreign photographers egging the kids on when they came out of the bomb shelters. I also found the comment "Hey, your cousins in America will see you." very telling. The last paragraph though makes perfect sense:
"and a big problem is that the israeli tv does not show dead
lebanese. it shows destroyed buildings, but not dead bodies. so no one has a
face of the dead in their minds. too aware of our own suffering, etc."
Thats exactly how the Iraq and Afghan wars were shown here in the U.S. Few, if any civilian casualties were shown unless they were killed by the so called "terrorists". If this is accurate, its sad to see adults using children as a propaganda tool.
Let's examine the ways you are wrong...
1) Arab Israelis in fact are allowed to marry Jewish Israelis. They were always allowed civil unions, but a recent Israeli Supreme Court opinion also gives them the right to marry.
2) You are flat out wrong re: Irgun/Stern blocking efforts to save the Jews. They did the exact opposite.
3) Irgun/Stern attacked British military installations, and I don't defend all they did. However, they did that because the Brits were siding with the Palestinians at the time and they were trying to apply pressure to the Brits. I don't think it's okay, what they did. But that is not the same as helping Hitler. Irgun/Stern did not help Hitler. The Palestinians helped Hitler. It's called BOOKS. READ THEM. LOOK UP THE FACTS.
4) There is no apartheid in Israel. I bet you don't even know what apartheid means.
I also am an atheist and don't give a crap what the bible says, and don't base the notion of a Jewish state on the bible. Israel is a righteous state, and the one democracy in the region. Yes, I back Israel.
Sandmonkey (appropriately named) said (quoting the source explaining the images):
"so the kids, who were bored and restless and had been cooped up in bomb shelters for 5 days, took the felt markers and drew messages to nasrallah
there were no cries of hatred toward lebanese
and a big problem is that the israeli tv does not show dead
lebanese. it shows destroyed buildings, but not dead bodies. so no one has a face of the dead in their minds. too aware of our own suffering, etc.
make sense?"
NO. You stupid MF, it doesn't 'make sense.'
These girls are obviously old enough to understand that bombs kill people and that dying isn't fun.
Moreover, having been in a constant state of warfare (by choice) for over 50 years, I am certain that these "little" girls are familiar with exactly how those big metal things WORK.
And even if they aren't - I see two mother figures in the background - they most certainly know what they're letting these girls do.
It is SICK and TWISTED and there is no explanation that can excuse it.
However, there is some truth in what he said:
Israelis ARE classicly "too aware of [their] own suffering."
They suffer from Narcissistic Paranoid Delusions and it results in just this kind of psychotic disregard for the lives of others.
Anon - glad you see the truth!
Let me relink the Sand Monkey explanation of what happened in the pictures, because I know qrswave won't.
NOTE: Sand Monkey is an Egyptian Muslim.
"Let me relink the Sand Monkey explanation of what happened in the pictures, because I know qrswave won't."
You have a remarkable knack for making a fool of yourself, disaffected.
"NOTE: Sand Monkey is an Egyptian Muslim."
No group of people is perfect.
You are the narcissist. You are the one who believes Israeli life is insignificant. I actually am upset about the death of Lebanese. You don't give a shit about the death of Israelis - at least from everything I have seen on your site.
And note the part about no calls of hatred towards the Lebanese.
Let me add one more thing. I do think it was extreme negligence on Israel's part to allow kids into a war zone, and someone should be prosecuted for that one. I didn't believe that such negligence was possible on Israel's part, so I had a knee jerk reaction that it was impossible. I take that back. But this has been blown up beyond all proportion of what happened.
That said, I automatically disbelieved qrswave's site because of the extreme hate-based (and low-fact based) nature of it all.
At Tue Jul 18, 02:22:45 PM EDT, qrswave said...
"And even if they aren't - I see two mother figures in the background - they most certainly know what they're letting these girls do.
It is SICK and TWISTED and there is no explanation that can excuse it."
This is true. In either case, its sick and twisted. Hell, I bet the mother types standing in the background where smiling like the devil himself while they egged the children on. Definately sick. The hatred is on both sides and always has been.
"That said, I automatically disbelieved qrswave's site because of the extreme hate-based (and low-fact based) nature of it all."
How pathetic.
You're at this so-called "extreme hate-based (and low-fact based)" site practically every minute of the day.
You're obsessed. And you're angry that I have a voice that I'm not afraid to use in defense of the defenseless.
I am not angry you have a voice. I am angry you use your voice to spread hate. And I am obsessed with proving the extent of your hate, to my distraction unfortunately, yes.
im not sure this has been posted...
but, wouldnt dead/incoming shells be a little dented and in worse shape than they look.
hmmmmmm.. common sense GOES along way!!!!!!!
Why did Albert Einsteinm refer to Menachim Begin and his supporters as "Nazis", and "terrorists" and "fascists", disaffected youth??
Are you familiar with the letter Einstein co-wrote to the New York Times in 1948 concerning Begin's "terrorist party" and its acticities?
Who exterminated Count Folke Bernadotte --a man who organized the rescue of thousands of Jews from Nazi concentration camps - and what was the reason for doing so?
Speak up...
The assassination of the Count occurred years after the Holocaust. It has nothing to do with Irgun/Stern supporting the Nazis. It was done by an Israeli rebel group I never said I supported - the Lehi - and not by the Haganah.
In regard to the girls signing the 'shells;, in this photo you can see on the closest missle it says "from Israel and Danielle"....
Those are not dead shells those are brand new ones. You can see the helmet heads are new and shinny, and it is written the made in hebrew, so I wonder if Hezbollah is using jewish shells? dear jews we are not that idiots as you may think
"Shells from hezbollah...."
what a psychotic idiot.
They look SOOOOO exploded.
There is no defense for these images. To be fair, I've seen simillar images of armed Palestinian children. This is simply madness and it must stop...
According to AFP -
"The overall civilian death toll from the Israeli onslaught in Lebanon since last Wednesday reached 195, in addition to 12 soldiers, officials said. Twenty-four Israelis have also been killed since fighting began last Wednesday, including 12 civilians in a barrage of Hezbollah rocket fire across the border."
So according to these numbers, the Lebanese offensive has a civilian collateral death rate of a whopping 50%!! That's pretty high, even considering that many of their rockets are quite primitive.
What do the Israeli numbers say... hrmm, 207 kills, 195 of them wtf??? 94% of those killed by Israelis have been civilians? Even with their laser guided smart bombs and other precision munitions? How can this possibly be? What's happening is obvious... collective punishment with no regard for civilians. Who are the terrorists?
Never have I witnessed such an appalling display of utter contempt for human life. And they're not even ashamed to beam it across the globe, for all the world to see.
And then they (the Zionist scum) DARE wonder why they are hated so thoroughly! Absolutely maddening!
As in, shells that were recovered that HIT Israel.
You're so pathetic. How do those shells stay intact after being fired? Not even scrap marks on them. How pathetically foolish of you.
War is hell. It brings out the worst in people.
This is NOT a war. It's a turkey shoot and the Zionist scum a laughing at YOU!
I already said - several times - I was wrong about it being dead shells. People make mistakes.
However, Sand Monkey has an explanation for the pictures.
And I have PROOF of inter-faith marriages being allowed in Israel.
Israel has always allowed civil unions between Jews and nonJews - with full marriage benefits. That is a qualification that is quite significant.
The recent Supreme Court decision requires marriage, not just civil unions.
But the only difference between the civil union and marriage is a name.
I never said I approved of such practices, but hey, most places in the Middle East Jews are forbidden from marrying nonJews outright - no allowance for civil unions.
If you are a non-Jew in Israel your car must have a different colored license plate. If you are a Palestinian and you marry an Israeli you can not live in Israel. You are disillusioned to think Israel is a peaceful free state. Much paranoia reigns. There will never be peace. It is the everlasting tradgedy created by man by his pride emotions and beliefs. We are all one race the human race and until Israeli leaders start thinking this way and making statements to this effect the region will never see peace.
If you can't take the heat, don't kidnap Israeli soldiers.
The Israelis should require the death of Nasrallah as the first condition to any cease-fire. Letting Arafat die of AIDS instead of a bullet between the eyes was a grievous mistake.
The first photo looks like it says "To Hezbollah with love."
The first soldier was dragged out of checkpoint which you seem not to know, or have conveniently forgotten, was a tank. Brilliant commando operation. Caught them with the lid open. The second two were in the "Shabba farms" region abutting the blue line and no matter what anyone in a suit says, that is part of Lebanon.
If you can't take the heat, don't kidnap Israeli soldiers.
Correct. IDF should be shot on sight when intruding in another nation. What that said, I say the whole kidnapping caper is STAGED by MOSSAD elements within "Hamas" and even "Hezbollah." MOSSAD infiltrates these groups and makes them commit COINTEL type operations.
The current "operations" were in planning stages for the past 6 years. How do these so called "kidnappings" even factor into that? The bullshit smells something awful.
The only thing that I can say here first: Diaffected youth the world was pretty pleasant place to be without Israel for a very long time. Israel creates many problems and solves none. Encouraging this kind of sickness in children is MADNESS. Only a mentally disturbed person would not be able to see that. Israel is an arrogant, ignorant, exclusionistic and RACIST nation. It has given very little to the world and has taken much. One day you may awaken to this fact and find it is too late. Then you will forever be haunted by the madness that grips you now.
Save yourself, save your soul for there is no reward in Sheol for the mindless arrogance and wickedness that you support.
To Disaffected Youth: Go to David Icke's Website. There you will see a larger picture of the Israeli Children signing there name to the missiles. The inscription on one says: "From Israel and Daniele".
My point is they are sending the missiles to kill people. As an American I am ashamed. I have no love for Israel or Zionism.
Keep up the good work brothers. It's great to see the shills and liars take a pounding in the thread here.
How outrageous is this? Israeli children signing bombs to kill Lebanese families? They teach them that all gentiles are insects and not human (via the Talmud) and this is what it gets us.
These are some seriously evil people.
I cannot wait for the draft to crank up in America. They are now getting the papers ready and all I can say is , YOU DESERVE IT!!
And if you refuse to go and fight , don't come to Canada, stay the hell out!! You can head-off to one of many Halliburton's cheapy little hotels. (You paid for them) Like Camp Cheney ,with electrical barb-wired wallpaper and miles of train tracks, I hear there's plenty of room out there.
The media is gearing you up to stick it out with Israel this Israel that, because it's all or nothing time. And dumbed down, weak minded American youth are ripe for the pickin's and are so retarded they are only good for one thing, now. Sweet, sweet War. So be happy, you get to kill them for real in the Mid-East, and not playing some childish video game. You will be men.
Than you ask why HaShem has abandoned you...
Let uour sins away e go back to your God.
They look pretty new to these eyes.
I'll Repeat what I read above me:
'Keep up the good work.'
disaffected youth:
Do you see the tip of the shell? Those are live shells dumbass! That is what arms the shell!
To Anon:
'If you are a non-Jew in Israel your car must have a different colored license plate. If you are a Palestinian and you marry an Israeli you can not live in Israel. You are disillusioned to think Israel is a peaceful free state.'
I think the most telling point is being ignored. The Israelis were saying Northern Israel was getting hit by hundreds of rockets before the invasion, and that the intensity has increased since.
Yet here are little girls out in the open by an artillery piece.
Making lies out of whole cloth as it were is their specialty.
Suicide bombing is OK.
Kidnapping Israelis is OK.
Launching rockets into Israel is OK.
Calling for "Death to Israel" is OK.
Why are these things OK?
Because I'm a loony lefty douchebag!
Posting random quotes from a few fanatics is a good way to represent how all Israelis and Jews think.
It's acceptable to do this, while decrying criticism of muslims as being an unacceptable generalization, when you're a loony lefty douchebag.
I hope the jewish war criminals are brought to trial, along with the great satans war criminals. How cowardly of the jews to bomb children and women and elderly to try to keep the land that they stole. The jews have always been a cowardly decieving people bent od death destruction killing babies and stealing land.
Americans (USA) have a tradition to write on their bombs, but than ofcourse done by airman or crewchiefs or maintenance guys. That's sick enough in itself, but to let children sign the granades is completely stupid, sickminded and evil as hell!!! Their mothers must be really sick bitches.
Great blog you have there, qrswave. And quite disturbing to some as you have the honour to have a resident shill (that disenbrainized youth) attributed to you.
Thanks for what you're doing.
qrswave said...
"The ironic thing is, so would you."
Don't you dare speak for me.
Israel - specifically ZIONISM - is a curse on humanity.
Tue Jul 18, 01:54:40 AM EDT
He is totally right folks. Screw the supposed right of Jewish self-determination. They have no right to exist as a nation and should be driven into the sea.
I hear some of them bake their bread using the blood of palestinian children too...
To loony lefty
Have you ever stopped to think that you are only getting one side of the story from the zionist owned press.
The press never discuss Jewish theft of land, they never tell you how many deaths are on both sides. See "If Americans Only Knew" website. You will see Palestian death rate is much higher than the jewish.
They have yet to fairly analyze the latest lie about the tunnel. As for the two kidnapped Israeli soldiers. Give me a break! The Israeli shelled and killed members of a family on a beach. They murder and imprison on a daily basis.
By the Geneva Convention the Israeli are POW not like the innocent women and children the Israeli kill daily.
Advice for disingenuous youth: stay the course--just 6 more months. Repeat any lie ad nauseum for 6 months, and America will swallow it as truth.
Disaffected Youth said: "That said, I automatically disbelieved qrswave's site because of the extreme hate-based (and low-fact based) nature of it all."
Qrswave said: "How pathetic.
You're at this so-called "extreme hate-based (and low-fact based)" site practically every minute of the day.
You're obsessed. And you're angry that I have a voice that I'm not afraid to use in defense of the defenseless."
Couldn't be more true. Jeez, dis. youth, you're here more than anybody else. And you aren't gaining much ground. There are credible links, pictures and articles posted here to back up everything. And you simply treat them as non-existant. I mean seriously, do you actually read that stuff? Just read it. Educate yourself. Don't be closed minded, because you WILL GET THWARTED. You actually do on a regular basis.
Face it, you're not changing anything here. If you don't like it, then just stay away. I don't go on visiting bulls*** anti-islamic websites and trolling there. As much as I would like to, I think there are better things I could do with my time (for example become a better muslim).
Thank you.
tons of shells that hit Isreal yet are intact and gathered by the military and put on racks used for outgoing missles? AP is not a good resource. And how ironic would it be if they were ones that hit Isreal, "all we want is love and peace from you while we're bombing the shit out of you." Amd those are not independent children doing it, you can see the military in the background.
dude, those are live ammo ready to be shelled into lebanon.
what kind of moron will sign spent ammo?
don't you supposed to sign them before you shoot them?
why is this happening?
because the situation of palestinians living in the gaza ghetto, and the west bank ghetto.
this type of situation happened before to jews during WW2.
did the jews remember the warsaw ghettos?
did the jews learned something about it?
it seems the are doing what it was done to them.
why not give the palestinians their land, and forget the "Great Israel" plan, because it only causes death.
why, if we the world is looking for a "nuclear free middle east", Israel does not get rid of their nuclear arsenal?
what moral authority Israel has to tell other countries not to build nuclear arsenals and comply with UN resolutions, while Israel just plain ignore them.
why the double standard?
why the whole world gets it, but Israel?
why is the purpose to destroy another country, isn't Palestine enough?
why Israel is the only nation that has the "right to defend itself"?
i am not racist or antisemitic, but i have to ask this questions, because it is driving me crazy..
Where were you flag waving SOB's when israel attacked the USS Liberty in international waters in June 1967 killing 32 US sailors and wounding 171 more? And by the way those F-16's and F-15's are US made as are the bombs used to kill civilians, and 8 Canadian in Lebanon. Where were you when the IDF killed Rachael Corrie, a US citizen in Palistine?
Israel is not our friend and never will be.
Dear my friend
I congradulate you to find the truth. Bur unfortunatly somebody never understands it, unless one of this missiles kill him/her.
A witness who lost loved ones and was herself injured , after returning from Lebanon ,went on the local news with a very interesting story.
It seems that the Canadian children that were killed by Israeli's , as they were trying to leave the area they were being shot at and ran back inside the building. And it was soon hit.
Jews killing Candians now.
So tell me, any Jew out there, does Canada speak in the defense of terrorists or are we anti-Jew if we don't like what you did to one of our own citizens?
We here in Canada believe in respect for one another. Now since it is clear you started the whole thing by attacking people on a beach and it is also clear you don't give a shit what anyone thinks, even your mutt America, I guess you are now at the point where Israel is a little crazy as well. One soldier of yours, you feel is worth a thousand Christians? Hmmmmm. OK. Let's play this right. The smart way.
God has punished Israel before, right? He took everything away from you and made you slaves.
Canadians have now seen the light by our own 'burning shrub to Bush' prime minister Harper's inactions and shallow sympathy ,as another Conservative Israeli puppet, just like Bush. Fortunately the Mexicans are getting rid of another Conservative attempt to steal an election. FUCK ALL CONSERVATIVES!!!! So we won't really give a rats dropping what he say's anymore. Canadians are pissed at Israel, and we know how you feel about stuff like that. Here's the catch.
If you think you can dance and get away with Canadian blood on your hands, forget it. We got the best fucking lawyers in the known universe, right here in Canada. So you better fucking hold on to your real God ( sweet sweet money), cause were gonna see your sorry ass-holes before a judge. Canada doesn't owe you shit, but you will pay for the deaths you caused and we're going to hit you where it hurts the most. Your wallets. Also a nice memorial dedicated to the Candadian people you crushed to death just might be a very good start,you will pay for that as well. So line up all your lawyers.
We shall not forget, ever.
We might be nice to strangers, but nobody ever MOTHER FUCKING FUCKS with us and walks away, pooh-poohing us.
What makes you so much more important anyway? You think your the only ones who have suffered?
See you in court.
Have a nice day. ;>)
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Tue Jul 18, 11:19:26 PM EDT
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Tue Jul 18, 11:50:56 PM EDT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see more paid Zionists shills posting on the Internet to make it seem "grass roots". Pathetic Zionists, we the people of the world are FED UP with your shit, your back-stabbing, your assinations, your killings, your PLANNED WAR (using America as both a semi-willing and naive tool), of your "news" networks.
The INTERNET BELONGS TO US, THE PEOPLE! ------------- Get over it, you're TOO STUPID to understand something that is DEMOCRATICALLY OPERATED, UNCENSORED, AND EQUAL-ACCESS.
You had your time Zionist, you "peaked" in power in the 1960s/70s ------ but now you're "irrelevant".
Get over it, because I know I won't shed a tear!
It is high time everyone demanded that Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and others stop selling oil to Israel.
Without oil from the Gulf the Israeli murderers cannot fly their planes to bomb the Palestinians or Lebanese people.
If Arabia and Kuwait stopped selling oil to Israel, the black market arms trade between the countries would collapse. Of course we're concerned about the large hot spots, but never those really slow burning spots in Africa, East Asia and Latin America.
At Wed Jul 19, 02:04:15 AM EDT, Anonymous said...
"It is high time everyone demanded that Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and others stop selling oil to Israel.
Without oil from the Gulf the Israeli murderers cannot fly their planes to bomb the Palestinians or Lebanese people."
That's a brilliant idea...but not sure what the second anonymous says:
At Wed Jul 19, 02:12:33 AM EDT, 2ND Anonymous says...
"If Arabia and Kuwait stopped selling oil to Israel, the black market arms trade between the countries would collapse. Of course we're concerned about the large hot spots, but never those really slow burning spots in Africa, East Asia and Latin America."
Would you mind clarify your statement, 2ND Anonymous, because it doesn't make any sense?
My questions, specifically, were:
1) Why did Albert Einstein refer to Menachim Begin and his supporters as "Nazis", and "terrorists" and "fascists", disaffected youth??
2) Are you familiar with the letter Einstein co-wrote to the New York Times in 1948 concerning Begin's "terrorist party" and its activities?
3) (i) Who exterminated Count Folke Bernadotte --a man who organized the rescue of thousands of Jews from Nazi concentration camps - and (ii) what was the reason for doing so?
The Zionist replied only that some terrorist group she didn't personally approve of, had killed Bernadotte.
But the Israeli public by and large not only approved of the assassination of Bernadotte (a man who rescued thousands of Jews from Nazi concentration camps) - but THEY LATER CHOSE THE EXTERMINATOR AS PRIME MINISTER.
This killer of Peace Mediators, Yitzhak Shamir - a PRIME MINISTER OF ISREAL - was also famous for his 1941 efforts to forge a military agreement between his "terrorist organisation in Palestine" (Shamir's own words) and the Nazis.
Israeli was founded on terrorism by racist Nazis. Israel is Nazi to the core.
That is why Einstein described Begin and his Nazi-Fascist followers in such terms.
It is worth remembering that racist Zionists (sorry for the tautology) fail, on each and every occassion it is presented, to address the substance of Einstein's letter to the New York Times.
~ Bernadotte II
What a shame!!!That proves what the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him)told us that the children of Israel will multiply with lots of children and wealth but because of their arrogance they will never reach the top.They will go down.if Allah pleases and you can sense their arrogance and how they manipulate the news and the leaders of the western world to their advantage.It is like as if they have all been programmed and reading from the script when they speak on the news about Iran and Syria and that even that idiot in the south sings their tune.He does not have a personality of his own.
How could these very same people who claim to have been gassed by the Nazi Germany institute the worst torture and cruelty and the worst atrocities to the Palestinian people?How?That shows that they have no spine.They are like serpents.
Their fall will come eventually.I am not against the Jews but I can tell you this zionist state has committed the worst that the world has ever seen or witnessed and calling itslef a democracy.Why no one is doing any thing to the North Koreans?because they are all afraid of them and knowing that the Koreans will not take any shit from anyone.
How many resolutions that were passed by the United Nations have been respected by this Zionist State?from the time that they took over the land of Palestine in 1948?today we keep on hearing the leader in the south barking about resolutions regarding the Syrians pulling out out of Lebanon and the disarmament of the Hezbullah!
but the Zionist can cross borders and get into any country at will to liberate their soldiers and at the expense of damaging the infra structure of a country without disregard for human lives!What a shame.No one seems to mention their nuclear facility at Dimona which could bring about the worst nuclear disaster the like of Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union and this is no joke and has been reported by Mordechai Vanunu.Jews and Arabs have lived side by side for centuries up until the creation of the State of Israel and you will see that the western christian countries are openly supporting the Jewish State to kill Palestinian and Lebanese christians and where is the christian brotherhood here?Why they prefer a Jew over their own christian brothers and sisters?Strange ha!!!or may be they feel guilty for murdering the Jews in Europe and this is the repayment but at the expense of the poor Palestinian Arab lives.What a world.
They are treated worst than animals but salvation will come by the will of God.
How could these be possibly incoming shells?
Look at them they're brand spankin new, no sign of any collision or firing. And there cannot possibly be so many unexploded incoming shells.
Now one possibility is that these are confiscated shells from the PLO or something...
But AFAIK these are new shells going into lebanon. Anyway I have learnt a lot about israel these last days ;)
I'm suprised that the children are not wearing brown shirts.
Is all the people of Israel insane or just the Zionists?
I just want to say this.
I knew there was a lie somewhere (because this blog almost NEVER gets its facts straight), and there was. As I have repeatedly linked to Sand Monkey, the actual things the kids were writing was:
"To Nasrallah, with love."
As in - they wanted to kill Nasrallah, not the Lebanese. Now it's total negligence to let kids near a war zone. But hardly is a sign of moral turpitude that Israeli children want to take out Nasrallah.
It also was all egged on by the AP.
I am 100% sure this will never appear on qrswave's blog as a correction, because she does not care about facts.
And anon 2:53 am:
Um, no. As I stated, the assassination of the Count occurred years AFTER WWII. There was ZERO COLLABORATION between any Israeli and the Nazis. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH.
In contrast, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - Palestinian leader - collaborated with Nazis and sent Palestinians to kill Jews. He was also Arafat's personal mentor. I also read that the name "Hitler" is a popular name for the Palestinians.
You are just wrong. Give up.
railroad stone:
I was wrong that they were dead shells. But I was right that qrswave's post was manipulative bullshit. It is very important to expose lies when they are seen, and this blog is chock full of them!
Regarding the shell controversy:
Those are outgoing 155 mm shells about to be fired by the Self-propelled gun (looks like a tank with an oversized barrel).
What's appaling is that parents & soldiers let those kids get close to the shells. You can see the girls aressing them, touching them. Would you let your kids get anywhere near a fresh shell???
I want this to continually be the last comment, because qrswave will do nothing to clear up the fact that she was WRONG in her post.
1) The kids said "To NASRALLAH with love." (not to the Lebanese)
2) The kids were egged on by the AP photographer
I proved in fact that the girls were NOT writing messages of hate. They were writing "To Nasrallah with love" and were provoked by the AP reporter. I was only wrong about them being dead missiles - which I admitted I was wrong about. In all senses, qrswave, as per usual, is a liar.
By the way - look at the images yourself. You clearly see that it says "To Nasrallah with love."
Qrswave is a liar.
I have to repeat it over and over. Because it is true.
The kids' messages is are sent the next day:
Oh big deal...
Like Hezbollah don't write shit on thier rockets... and I'm sure some of their kids did the writeing. And check this out...
They are all fucked up over there.
Disaffected youth said........"War is hell. Israel is a great place to be if you are Arab Israeli (no matter what you think - it is - given the alternatives in the Middle East to say the VERY least), and it WOULD be a great place to be during times of peace for the Palestinians in the territories." - Although I live in Canada, I can say from talking to others, Arab's included, that Israel is a great place to live. The current gov't there is certainly not doign enough to help the situation, but then again, no gov't is, even the always neutral Canadian gov't is becoming an American lab dog.
After reading as much information over the past few months on the state of the middle east, one comes to a number of conclusions. The main one of course, being that both sides have to work harder diplomatically to solve the underlying issues. Both sides are at fault, and both sides have to compromise together to work the situation out. I have come to the conclusion that by picking a side and arguing it to death....nothing will get solved, you have to be open and willing to talk, not fight about the issues.
It will talk alot of pride swallowing to solve the current crisis, and unfortunately for ALL humanity, that appears easier said then done.
I believe when America loses its current "world power" title, and the earth is governed by more then one country, things will start to look up, until then, America will simply with hold funding for peace, or sponsor extremists, or veto the environment....etc.....
allah knows that im dieing inside because theres nothing i can do to help but make du'a for my innocent brothers and sisters in lebanon,palestine,and iraq dieing
at the hands of ignorant,selfish bastards and seeing these pics makes me sick to my stomatch!
ma3salam Halimah
may allah be with us all and have mercy
This is just terrible! I can't believe these Israeli kids would do such a hateful thing! They should try to be like Palestinian kids, and strap on some dynamite and blow up some people on a bus.
Anon said: "They should try to be like Palestinian kids, and strap on some dynamite and blow up some people on a bus."
Even if we assume arguendo, that images of Palestinian children with bombs strapped to their waists are not Israeli-produced propaganda.
It is both disengenuous and absurd to compare the careless, twisted, and heartless act of signing 'with love' a missile of death and destruction to the desperate REACTION of a child who, in a feeble attempt to avenge his humanity, commits SUICIDE in response to DECADES of SEVERE, BRUTAL and CONTINUOUS oppression at the hands of militarized barbarians.
You all have to understand we are all brain washed no matter what country we come from. WE all need to wake up. The kids there think that they are doing good. People in the US think that backing them up is the right thing to do.
The right thing to do is not to get mad and angry thats what they want us to do, that is how they win and create more confusion and hate.
We need to talk and understand each other and if the lines of communication are not open, then we well never have peace.\
We all understand that the media is lieing to us that is why we are here at this web site to hear the truth, so spread the truth and it will set us free.
Of course US military servicemen/women do this quite often when they are attacking a country, but at least they are adults, who don't believe the killing of people to be serious.
These are children, young naive impressionable kids, who are being exploited and brainwashed by their country to take violence against their neighbors as being "fun". This is a dangerous position to bring kids to. Hezbollah could easily fire a few rockets at this artillery position and these kids, the future of Israel, would be just as dead as Lebanese kids after an Israeli air or artillery strike.
Yes these look very much like 155mm High Explosive Fragmentation shells used by the M109 Self-Propelled Howitzer(the "tank" in the background), used by the US Military and "sold" to Israel at a price of $0 since US also provides Monetary Aide to Israel each year of greater than $3 billion, Israel then uses this money to buy US weapons. The shells are stacked like this so that the loaders can easily pick them up and place them in the mechanism which loads and extracts shells, this increases the rate of fire and this kind of logistics method is practiced by most professional artillery crews around the world. And unlike rifle bullets, howitzer shells do not have gun powder inside, they need a separate powder canister with primer which propels the shell to its target. Those green cones on top are fuses.
The irony is this kind of behavior was also present in Nazi Germany in WW2, the people who tried to exterminate all Jews. It was common practice that Hitler Youth members should receive "experience" in the field where "sub-humans" were being exterminated. There are photos of Hitler Youth kids watching SS exterminations and taking part in artillery attacks on villages and cities in Eastern Europe. They were trying to brainwash kids to view other people as sub-humans like certain Israelis are doing today.
How sad that children are used to make such a sick statement. How can anyone support Isreal?!!
Let me say this again.
Go to the Sand Monkey link I posted.
1) The kids said "To NASRALLAH with love." (not to the Lebanese)
2) The kids were egged on by the AP photographer
I only see a reflection of the hatress these kids have in their souls.These are the results when you plant Hebrew "ideals" in a virgin soul. The harvest is hatress. What else can you expect fronm people who consider themselves as God's chosen ones, while all other nations are called goyim and their people are considered sub-humans?
Just a thought for VW bus crew out there,(Most of you)
Let's say our amigos from the South went through a fundamentalists way of thinking and actually decided California is theirs to take, started shooting missiles everyday killing innocent people.( and don't think its not possible)
What would your acid fried brains
A) dude they have every right it is their land,
B Dude it's all Israels and the fascist Zionists fault.
C) Dude Let me get another drag from the pipe before I answer that.
D) Dude I am proud to be a Mexican
F) Dude All of the Above
I know most of you pathetic acid fried, alien chasing, out of work assholes would choose F
Tell me if I'm wrong
The militant groups want to kill off the Western world.
I am not talking about the Muslims in general.
These backward freaks would kill everyone who is not 100% with them. this would include all Christians, Jews,Buddhists, etc... not to mention 95% of the Muslims.
Smoke on that .
I don't see anything wrong with what the kids in the photos are doing either way if these are shells or new missiles.
If my kids and I had to live with 20 years of being shelled by Mexico my kids would be doing the same thing
I'd just wanted to say that as a Canadian citizen, and previous immigrant, I am eternally grateful to be able to live in Canada.
Not once, never have an Native Aboriginal (aka First Nation) EVER TOLD ME TO GO HOME. He/she have NEVER called me racist slurs. He/she have NEVER looked at me in an uncomfortable/unwelcoming way. He/she have NEVER told me to "get off their land, and go back to where I came from."
The aboriginals of Canada AND the USA are welcoming.
I've been treated like an "outsider" by those whom where born here, either 2nd generation, 3rd generation, 4th generation... some have ancenstral lineage since the 1700s ---- but one thing is constant, and that is their ancestors were IMMIGRANTS (aka ILLEGALS) just like me.
However, one important distinction between these "white" Canadians/Americans and myself is that neither my ancestors NOR myself came by force -- we did NOT TAKE THEIR LAND --- we did NOT COERCE THEM TO SIGN LOPSIDED "TREATIES" -- we DID NOT KILL THEM and then called the "Indians" the "bad guys" --- we DID NOT SPREAD OUR DISEASES & INTRODUCED ALCOHOL to them, which subsequently WIPED THEM NEARLY OUT --- we DO NOT CALL THEM NAMES AND LOOK DOWN AT THEM LIKE "DRUNKS".
For the most part, the Native Americans (Firsts Nation) DO NOT HOLD A GRUDGE. The ONLY TIMES THAT THEY RAISE AN ISSUE IS WHEN THE GOVERNMENT VIOLATES THE TREATY THE THEMSELVES WROTE UP AND SIGNED ---- and this happened several times, notably in Ontario.
To put it another way:
"No Native American/Canadian has EVER called me a chink/gook/nigger/spook/wop/etc"
One more thing, the "Illegal Mexicans" are the NATIVE AMERICANS --- or in other words:
These are very "broad" classifications but,
---- 1) up in the high, cold artics -- the Aboriginals are called "eskimos" (slang) or Inuits
---- 2) Lower into Canada/norther USA --- the Aboriginals are called "indians"
---- 3) MOST of USA & Mexico -- the Aboriginals are called "mexicans"
So anonymous Wed Jul 19, 08:56:53 PM EDT ---- I'm afraid YOU ARE THE ILLEGAL ALIEN.
I know the truth hurts ---- Now go back to where you came from!
All right lets imagine another situation.
A certain competing Superpwer decides that the US is hostile to it. It sends a recon unit from Mexico into Arizona to establish an outpost, this unit only makes it 50 feet before it is surrounded by those National Guards troops on the border. There is an exchange of fire, 3 invaders are killed and 2 are captured. Imagine in response to such a failure the Superpower begins bombing California and shells Texas and plans to create a "buffer zone"(occupied by its troops) stretching from San Diego to Seattle. The US response is what?
The US starts firing Tomahawk cruise missiles at enemy positions. The difference is? The Hezbollah rockets are unguided and are archaic compared to US missiles.
Don't be a hypocrite by making Israelis "more human" than Lebanese people.
Denying the documented reality of Yitzhak Shamir's efforts to collaborate with the German Reich doesn't negate the documented facts: the documented facts expose you as a rabbid fundamentalist liar:
Q&A - attempt #3
It is worth remembering that racist Zionists (sorry for the tautology) fail, on each and every occassion it is presented, to address the substance of Einstein's letter to the New York Times.
Let me PROVE IT:
Did anyone see the Zionist address the CONTENT of the letter co-signed by Albert Einstein, in which Menachim Begin and his followers were described as Nazis and fascists and terrorists?
~ Bernadotte II
What a shame!!!That proves what the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him)told us that the children of Israel will multiply with lots of children and wealth but because of their arrogance they will never reach the top.They will go down.If Allah pleases and you can sense their arrogance and how they manipulate the news and the leaders of the western world to their advantage.It is like as if they have all been programmed and reading from the script when they speak on the news about Iran and Syria and that even that idiot in the south sings their tune.He does not have a personality of his own.
How could these very same people who claim to have been gassed by the Nazi Germany institute the worst torture and cruelty and the worst atrocities to the Palestinian people?How?That shows that they have no spine.They are like serpents.
Their fall will come eventually.I am not against the Jews but I can tell you this zionist state has committed the worst that the world has ever seen or witnessed and calling itslef a democracy.Why no one is doing any thing to the North Koreans?because they are all afraid of them and knowing that the Koreans will not take any shit from anyone.
How many resolutions that were passed by the United Nations that have not been respected by this Zionist State? From the time that they took over the land of Palestine in 1948? Today we keep on hearing the leader in the south barking about resolutions regarding the Syrians pulling out of Lebanon and the disarmament of the Hezbullah!
but the Zionist can cross borders and get into any country at will to liberate their soldiers and at the expense of damaging the infra structure of a country without disregard for human lives and properties!What a shame.No one seems to mention their nuclear facility at Dimona which could bring about the worst nuclear disaster the like of Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union and this is no joke and has been reported by Mordechai Vanunu.Jews and Arabs have lived side by side for centuries up until the creation of the State of Israel and you will see that the western christian countries are openly supporting the Jewish State to kill Palestinian and Lebanese christians and where is the christian brotherhood here?Why they prefer a Jew over their own christian brothers and sisters?Strange ha!!! May be they feel guilty for murdering the Jews in Europe and this is the repayment but at the expense of the poor Palestinian Arab lives and the Lebanese.What a world.
They are treated worst than animals but salvation will come by the will of God.InshaAllah!
They are live shells. Dead shells would have an explosion pattern to them on the top, no point, no trigger (visable int he pictures), and the shell would have burn marks all over it. Most of the time nothing would be left really. They are live shells that children are signing. Sad world we live in.
"THIS is who our tax dollars support - an arrogant, war-like people who indoctrinate their children in the art of murderous and cavalier warfare."
You should look a little closer to home before throwing stones.
Those are some cute kids. I hope they're signing the big stuff down in Dimona.
Sweet Doom awaits the defective breed of sub-human that is the Dark Age MooSlime.
Those sweet kids RAAAWWWWWK! :)
The dead kids? Friendly fire from Hizb'allah.
Oh well.
The Krauts need to re-open the gas chambers and fire up the ovens and get it right this time...they have more than enough parasite Muzzie/terrorist scum infesting their country now. They're going to have to be exterminated sooner or later; the humane thing to do is to wipe 'em out now before there's more.
The cancer of Islam must be crushed without pity or mercy.
The word NAZi is often used as it stands for national-socialism. That's wrong. Actually nazi is short for 'Ashkenazi'. The word was used by non-german jews to make out a 'german' jew, is short for Ashkenazi. Those came from Poland (coming out of mongol-Khazaria when it fell they went to Poland). From there they went to Russia, the Baltic states and Germany. In those countries they took power completely (under the umbrella of marxism/communism what was a TOOL to conquer the Goyim (= non jews). Very much Ashkenazim went to into Germany where they tried to take full control but failed, that’s why a full jewish war was organised against the Germans. National socialism was the answer against jewish takeover. National socialism lost because the Ashkenazim managed to manipulate Great Britain and the USA into the conflict making it a full scale world war.
We heard about the jews that were killed in this conflict. But many, MANY more non-jews were killed also. Goyim fighting and killing each other for jewish interest. Also under jewish-marxist rule 65 million eastern Europeans DIED in the dead camps of the jew Stalin or where deliberately wiped out because there crops where destroyed by jewish Bolsheviks and there stooges. Stalin was great buddies with the jew Churcill and the Jew Roosevelt. Upto 2 million (!) German soldiers dead in the dead camps of the jew Eisenhower after WW II. General Patton who admired Germans and German culture opposed the murdering politics of Eisenhower and alike so was assassinated in a freak accident. That’s ZOG all the way!!! All those with power threw out history who opposed jewish control where assassinated, simply murdered or when it was to problematic died in freak accidents or hart attacks (Mossad) style etc.
NOTE: The Bolshevik revolution against the Russian people was organised and financed by Jewish bankers and Talmudic thugs out of New York.
Now the jews are in full power world wide. The made a better version of marxism (international socialism) and they call it multiculture. Every means they had was used to propagate this new society: feminism, cultural anthropology, socialism, music-culture (jazz, soul, gangsta rap, hip hop -> MTV), Freudian psychology etc etc. All jewish. Pluriformity is good for jews so they can hide better in there host societies. And it makes it better to control off course. With the cultural, social, political and financial system and the media under full jewish control the can now bring 'one worldorder', all judea! international economic socialism.
All to establish there rebuilding of the temple on the temple mount. Then they first have to get rid of the Muslims and there power first (because there is a Muslim mosque on the temple mount). They have ignored Americans and Europeans for that job, they may do the dirty work. So the jews will create yet another war between Christians and Muslims (what’s new).
After this jewish temple has been rebuild they will install themselves there in the form of jewish high priest. But as they reject Christ it will be satanic. Also because the jews are not jews at all! With the coming of Jesus Christ a temple or the necessity for blood offering in a temple has ended! Doing so will be a horror against God and abomination in the eyes of the Lord.
"According to the Bible, the Land of Israel (Hebrew transliteration: Eretz Yisrael) was promised to the descendants of Hebrew patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by God, making it the Promised land."
Well, then, there is a problem. Israel is given to the Ashkenazi: - ZIONAZI's. - Mongols (Gog and Magog)
Or, to put it another way, it was not given to descendants of Jacob, it was given to descendants of Gog. The Balfour Act was addressed to a Rothschild, who was Khazarian.
Old Testament:
"Gog and Magog will enter the holy land (edom and khazar = modern "jewry") and will find it's end there"
"Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict"". (1967)
the problem with the jews is that they are spoiling it, the last 3000 years, for the jews that want to live in peace (without talmudic dogma) with non-jews.
that's why: if I would be a jew a would denounce judaism.
The List of UN SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS against Israel, 1955-1992
1. Resolution 106: "...‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid"
2. Resolution 111: "...‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people"
3. Resolution 127: "...‘recommends’ Israel suspend its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem"
4. Resolution 162: "...‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions"
5. Resolution 171: "...determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria"
6. Resolution 228: "...‘censures’ Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control"
7. Resolution 237: "...‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees"
8. Resolution 248: "...‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan"
9. Resolution 250: "...‘calls’ on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem"
10. Resolution 251: "...‘deeply deplores’ Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250"
11. Resolution 252: "...‘declares invalid’ Israel’s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital"
12. Resolution 256: "...‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation"
13. Resolution 259: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation"
14. Resolution 262: "...‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport"
15. Resolution 265: "...‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan"
16. Resolution 267: "...‘censures’ Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem"
17. Resolution 270: "...‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon"
18. Resolution 271: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem"
19. Resolution 279: "...‘demands’ withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon"
20. Resolution 280: "....‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon"
21. Resolution 285: "...‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon"
22. Resolution 298: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem"
23. Resolution 313: "...‘demands’ that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon"
24. Resolution 316: "...‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon"
25. Resolution 317: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon"
26. Resolution 332: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon"
27. Resolution 337: "...‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty"
28. Resolution 347: "...‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon"
29. Resolution 425: "...‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon"
30. Resolution 427: "...‘calls’ on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon’
31. Resolution 444: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces"
32. Resolution 446: "...‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
33. Resolution 450: "...‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon"
34. Resolution 452: "...‘calls’ on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories"
35. Resolution 465: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program"
36. Resolution 467: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon"
37. Resolution 468: "...‘calls’ on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return"
38. Resolution 469: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians"
39. Resolution 471: "...‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
40. Resolution 476: "...‘reiterates’ that Israel’s claims to Jerusalem are ‘null and void’
41. Resolution 478: "...‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’
42. Resolution 484: "...‘declares it imperative’ that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors"
43. Resolution 487: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility"
44. Resolution 497: "...‘decides’ that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith"
45. Resolution 498: "...‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon"
46. Resolution 501: "...‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops"
47. Resolution 509: "...‘demands’ that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon"
48. Resolution 515: "...‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in"
49. Resolution 517: "...‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon"
50. Resolution 518: "...‘demands’ that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon"
51. Resolution 520: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut"
52. Resolution 573: "...‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters
53. Resolution 587: "...‘takes note’ of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw"
54. Resolution 592: "...‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops"
55. Resolution 605: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians
56. Resolution 607: "...‘calls’ on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention
57. Resolution 608: "...‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians"
58. Resolution 636: "...‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians
59. Resolution 641: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians
60. Resolution 672: "...‘condemns’ Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount
61. Resolution 673: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations
62. Resolution 681: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians
63. Resolution 694: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return
64. Resolution 726: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians
65. Resolution 799: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.
heh, too funny.....why no pictures of the dead Israeli civilians from the Katusha rockets that are fired indiscriminantly into Israel. The only thing that is a curse on humanity is radical Islam and their total lack of respect for human life.
why not post images of Hezbollah youth?
Has Islam made ONE positive contribution to humanity in the last thousand years?
No, and they are even morally inferior to the Nazis, as the Nazis were at least ashamed enough of their crimes to try to hide them from the world.
Islam has no compunction about demonstrating that they openly seek the extinction of ALL human life by any means necessary.
Those are not dead shells. These shell look pristine in their condition and are grouped together ready for use. Writing messages on bombs and missiles before they are deployed is a known custom in militaries throughout the world. I seriously doubt that they where signing non-functioning artillery shells. I used to support the right for Israel to exist until I found out that the only legal justification of its existence is the bible. The UN, which is really controlled by the U.S., essentially felt bad that that people of the Jewish faith where denied asylum from other countries, especially the U.S. during the Nazi regime. We all know what happened next...they where massacred. The Arab countries are also to blame in this circus of the terminally insane. The Palestinians are caught in between, kicked off their land and used as pawns by extremists.
As for the statement that liberals are supporting Israel: that is false. Many people confuse liberalism with the Democratic Party. The truth is that the democrats and republicans are two heads of the same snake. Their corporate masters control them both. Last time I checked it was the neo-cons who are in control of the judiciary, legislative and executive branches of our government. The results speak for themselves. One controlling party is not the definition of representational democracy. Then people wonder why these things happen.
and the neocons are controlled by the........jews. after they found out that it was a good thing to control the right to (so it would become in the interests of jews instead of whites, what has exactly happened) they took over the right on the political spectrum. don't make me laugh........freedom, democrazy etc. NOT possible when jewish serpents are around!
What do you expect from God's chosen?
They are digging their own grave.
"This [Zionist] entity, which has many strengths has weaknesses as well. One of its most important weaknesses is the fact that it is an extraneous entity. It is not deeply rooted.
"Another of its weaknesses is the fact that its society is not homogeneous. Some Falasha Ethiopians, some from Russia, and some from I don't know where... They are bound together by a baseless and unfounded myth.
"Another weakness of this entity is that its people came because they were promised security, peace, and a life in the land of milk and honey. But if they encounter something else, they will leave this land.
"Another weakness is that both as individuals and as a collective, they are described by Allah as 'the people who guard their lives most.' Their strong adherence to this world, with all its vanities and pleasures, constitutes a weakness.
"In contrast, our people and our nation's willingness to sacrifice their blood, souls, children, fathers, and families for the sake of the nation's honor, life, and happiness has always been one of our nation's strengths."
Religion is curable.
Well If I grew up under the constant threat of some nut bag blowing themselves up at starbucks, Rocket and terror attacks were a way of life.. I sign them too.
Muslims in Russia; attack parade 38 innocent killed, Moscow 118 killed in theater (terrorists fault)
Muslims in Australia; gang rapes of australian girls, by Lebanese muslim immigrants
Muslims in Sri Lanka; attacking the christians hindu and chinese, causing riots and death and destruction
Muslims in Singapore; attacking the christians hindu and chinese
Muslims in Malaysia; attacking the christians and hindus and chinese
Muslims in Kashmir; burning hindus, constant attacks on innocent people
Muslims in India; blowing up temples full of people. constant attacks on innocent people
Muslims in the Philipines; kidnapping, raping and killing civilians, calling for separate state
Muslims in Somalia; commiting genocide on christians(all dead or gone)WOMEN AND KIDS ENSLAVED killing UN aid workers
Muslims in Sudan; also commiting Genocide on christians (dead or gone) killing UN aid workers
Muslims in Serbia; attacking christian serbs and churches
Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bombing churches beating christians
Muslims in Iraq ; Killing neihboring muslims and infidels oppressing all non-islamics
Muslims in Israel; Palestinians slaughtering jewish civilians and children.
Muslims in Indonesia; murdering the infidels, teachers and destroying churches(christmas eve) and ethnic homes and businesses.Raping and attacking Christians
Muslims in Philippines; genocide of christians, kidnapping/murder,child-soldiers, calling for separate state, bus and church bombings
Muslims in Bali; bombing, killing, raping christians and hindus
Muslims in Bangladesh; kidnapping, enslave, murders, bombings
Muslims in Saudi Arabia; hijacking US planes and flying into populated buildings, oppression of all other religion and killing opponents
Muslims in Yemen; blowing up US ships and attacking foreign nationals
Muslims in China; undermining the governments slow acceptence of capitalism with guerilla attacks on industry and usual threats and harassment
Muslims in Pakistan; attacking and killing foreign civilians and other innocent christians trying to assist
Muslims in Sierra Leone; slaugter of christians
Muslims in Uganda;genocide of christians, muslims calling for separate state
Muslims in Rwanda;genocide of christians, muslims calling for separate state
Muslims in Zimbabwe;genocide of christians, deportations and harrasment
Muslims in Congo;genocide of christians, muslims calling for separate state
Muslims in Nigeria; genocide of christians, muslims calling for separate state
Muslims in Burkina Faso; send terrorists into Ivory Coast
Muslims in Namibia; genocide of christians, muslims calling for separate state
Muslims in South Africa; persecution of christians, muslims calling for separate state
Muslims in Algeria; christians killed, priests beheaded, churches destroyed
Muslims in Bangladesh; Churches destroyed, christian schools harassed and boarded up
Muslims in England; Race riots 2001get ready for more! Beating up innocent old ladies and men and killing and raping teens
Muslims in Azerbaijan; Christians harassed, jailed and deported or killed, churches burned or boarded up
Muslims in Ivory Coast; genocide of christians
Muslims in India; infiltrators attack capital, kill diplomats and innocents
Muslims in Kashmir; wanton killing and bombing of innocents
Muslims in Chechnya; blowing up police stations and churches, killing telecom workers and innocents
Muslims in Afghanistan; Islamists attacking americans and killing each other over fundamentals.
Muslims in Morocco; calling for Islamic state with sharia, bombings and killing innocent civilians
Muslims did 9/11
Muslims have bombed London, Madrid, Bali, Philippines
Muslims murdering in Thailand by the 1000's
ah, another friendly neighborhood zionist.
aren't you getting enough coverage in the mainstream media?
get lost.
You know how I'm opposed to posting articles in their entirety but I want to make an exception in respone to Anonymous Sat Jul 22, 01:00:07 AM EDT and these are just the recorded TERRORIST ACTS by the zionist regime covering a four year period.
Timeline of Zionist Terror
from a UN committee
01 October 1948
The UN Report Prepared in 1948 for Ralphe Bunche, New UN Commissioner to Palestine
Foreword: In view of the tragic assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte by identified Jewish terrorists on September 17 of this year, the following report has been prepared for the use of Dr. Bunche, Count Bernadotte's immediate replacement.
This report is a compilation of all identified terrorist attacks on British, American and Arab individuals and entities in the assassination of the British Resident Minister in the Middle East on November 6, 1944 by members of the terrorist Jewish Stern gang to the assassination of Count Bernadotte on September 17, 1948 by members of this same gang of fanatics.
This information is compiled from reports of the US Department of State, the British Foreign Office and various American and British press services.
New York, October 1, 1948
November 6, 1944, Cairo. Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister in the Middle East, and his driver were assassinated outside the minister's Cairo residence. Two murderers were involved. One was injured, and both were immediately arrested.
January 10, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court today put on trial Eliahu Bet-Tsours from Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim of Haifa, both admitted members of the Jewish terrorist Stern gang.
January 18, 1945, Cairo. The British supreme military court sentenced the murderers of Lord Moyne to death. Both killers admitted their act and also admitted their membership in the Stem gang which they said ordered the killings as a warning to the British not to interfere with future Jewish immigration to Jerusalem.
March 22, 1945, Cairo. The two convicted Jewish Stern gang terrorists who murdered Lord Moyne and his driver were hanged today in the Cairo prison British authorities announced.
January 12, 1946, Palestine. A train was derailed by Jewish terrorists at Hadera near Haifa by a bomb and robbed of £35,000 in cash. Two British police officials were injured.
January 18, 1946, Haifa. Over 900 illegal Jewish immigrants were captured off Haifa by the British Royal Navy
January 19, 1946, Jerusalem. .Jewish terrorists destroyed a power station and a portion of the Central Jerusalem prison by explosives. Two persons were killed by the police.
January 20, 1946, Palestine. Jewish terrorists launched an attack against the British-controlled Givat Olga Coast Guard Station located between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Ten persons were injured and one was killed. Captured papers indicated that the purpose of this raid was to take revenge on the British for their seizure of the refugee ship on January 18. British military authorities in Jerusalem questioned 3,000 Jews and held 148 in custody.
April 25, 1946, Palestine. Jewish terrorists attacked a British military installation near Tel Aviv. This group, which contained a number of young girls, had as its goal the capture of British weapons. British authorities rounded up 1,200 suspects.
June 24, 1946, Palestine. The Irgun radio “Fighting Zion” warns that three kidnapped British officers are held as hostages for two Irgun members, Josef Simkohn and Issac Ashbel facing execution as well as 31 Irgun members facing trial.
June 27, 1946, Palestine. Thirty Irgun members are sentenced by a British military court to 15 years imprison. One, Benjamin Kaplan was sentenced to life for carrying a firearm.
June 29, 1946, Palestine. British military units and police raided Jewish settlements throughout Palestine searching for the leaders of Haganah, a leading Jewish terrorist agency The Jewish Agency for Palestine was occupied and four top official arrested. At the end of June, 1946 2,000 were arrested and four Jews and one British soldier were killed.
July 1, 1946, Palestine. British officials announced the discovery of a large arms dump hidden underground at Meshek Yagur. 2,659 men and 59 women were detained for the three day operation in which 27 settlements were searched. For were killed and 80 were injured.
July 3, 1946, Palestine. Palestine High Commissioner Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham commuted to life imprisonment the death sentences of Josef Simkhon and Issac Ashbel, Irgun members.
July 4, 1946, Tel Aviv. British officers, Captains K. Spencer, C. Warburton and A. Taylor who had been kidnapped by the Irgun on June 18 and held as hostages for the lives of Simkohn and Ashbel, were released in Tel Aviv unharmed. At this time, Irgun issued a declaration of war against the British claiming that they had no alternative but to fight.
July 22, 1946, Jerusalem. The west wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which housed British Military Headquarters and other governmental offices was destroyed at 12:57 PM by explosives planted in the cellar by members of the Irgun terrorist gang. By the 26 of July, the casualties were 76 persons killed, 46 injured and 29 still missing in the rubble. The dead included many British, Arabs and Jews.
July 23, l946 Jerusalem. The Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist group takes responsibility for the King David bombing but blames the British, calling them “tyrants.”
July 24, 1946, London. The British government released a White Paper that accuses the Haganah, Irgun and Stern gangs of “a planned movement of sabotage and violence” under the direction of the Jewish Agency and asserts that the June 29 arrest of Zionist leaders was the cause of the bombing.
July 28, 1946, Jerusalem. The British Palestine Commander, Lt. General Sir Evelyn Barker, banned fraternization by British troops with Palestine Jews whom he stated “cannot be absolved of responsibility for terroristic acts.” The order states that this will punish “the race … by striking at their pockets and showing our contempt for them”
July 29, 1946, Tel Aviv. Police in Tel Aviv raided a workshop making bombs.
July 30, 1946, Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is placed under a 22-hour-a-day curfew as 20,000 British troops began a house-to-house sweep for terrorists. The city is sealed off from the rest of Jerusalem and troops are ordered to shoot to kill any curfew violators.
July 31, 1946, Tel Aviv. A large cache of weapons, extensive counterfeiting equipment and $1,000,000 in counterfeit Government bonds were discovered in Tel Aviv's largest synagogue.
July 31, 1946, Haifa. Two ships have arrived at Haifa with a total of 3,200 illegal Jewish immigrants.
August 2, 1946, Tel Aviv. British military authorities ended the curfew in Tel Aviv after detaining 500 persons for further questioning. A second arms dump was discovered on July 1 in a school building.
August 2, 1946, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government disclosed that 91 persons were killed and 45 injured in the King David bombing.
August 2, 1946, Jerusalem. Jerusalem police announced the arrest of Itzhak Yestemitsky second man in the Stern gang.
August 12, 1946, London. The British Government announced that it will allow no more unscheduled immigration into Palestine and that those seeking entry into that country will be sent to Cyprus and other areas under detention. Declaring that such immigration threatens a civil war with the Arab population, it charges a “minority of Zionist extremists” with attempting to force an unacceptable solution of the Palestine problem.
August 12, 1946, Haifa. Two ships carrying a total of 1,300 Jewish refugees arrived at Haifa. The port area was isolated on August 11 by British military and naval units. The first deportation ship sailed for Cyprus with 500 Jews on board.
August 13, 1946, Haifa. Three Jews were killed and seven wounded when British troops were compelled to fire on a crowd of about 1,000 persons frying to break into the port area of Haifa. Two Royal Navy ships with 1,300 illegal Jewish immigrants on board sailed for Cyprus. Another ship with 600 illegal immigrants was captured and confined in the Haifa harbor.
August 26, 1946, Palestine. British military units searched the coastal villages of Casera and Sadoth Yam for three Jews who bombed the transport “Empire Rival” last week Eighty-five persons, including the entire male population of one of the villages were sent to the Rafa detention center.
August 27, 1946, Palestine. During the searches conducted on August 26, an explosive limpet mine similar to the one used on the “Empire Rival” was found.
August 29, 1946, Jerusalem. the British Government announced the commutation to life imprisonment of the death sentences imposed on l8 Jewish youths convicted of bombing the Haifa railroad shops.
August 30, 1946, Palestine. British military units discovered arms and munitions dumps in the Jewish farming villages of Dorot and Ruhama.
September 8, 1946, Palestine. Zionist terrorists cut the Palestine railroad in 50 places.
September 9, 1946, Tel Aviv. two British officers were killed in an explosion in a public building.
September 9, 1946, Haifa. An Arab constable was killed.
September 10, 1946, Palestine. British troops imposed a curfew and arrested 101 Jews and wounded two in a search for saboteurs in Tel Aviv and neighboring Ramat Gan. Irgun terrorist group took the action against the railways on September 8, as a protest.
September 14, 1946, Jaffa. Jewish terrorists robbed three banks in Jaffa and Tel Aviv, killing three Arabs. Thirty-six Jews were arrested.
September 15, 1946, Tel Aviv. Jewish terrorists attacked a police station on the coast near Tel Aviv but were driven off by gunfire.
October 2, 1946, Tel Aviv. British military units and police seized 50 Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe after a Jewish home was blown up. This home belonged to a Jewish woman who had refused to pay extortion money to the Irgun terrorist gang.
October 6, 1944 Jerusalem. An RAF man was killed by gunfire
October 8, 1946, Jerusalem. Two British soldiers were killed when their truck detonated a land mine outside Jerusalem. A leading Arab figure was wounded in a similar mine explosion in Jerusalem and more road mines were found near Government House.
October 31, 1946, Rome. The British Embassy in Rome was damaged by a bomb, believed to have been planted by Jewish terrorists.
November 3, 1946, Palestine. Two Jews and two Arabs were killed in clashes between Arabs and a group of Jews attempting to establish a settlement at Lake Hula in northern Palestine.
November 4, 1946, Rome. Italian authorities released a letter in which the Jewish terrorist gang, Irgun, took credit for the October 31 embassy bombing.
November 5, 1946, Palestine. British authorities released the following eight Jewish Agency leaders from the Latrun concentration camp where they had been held since June 29: Moshe Shertok, Dr. Issac Greenbaum, Dr. Bernard Joseph, David Remiz, David Hacohen, David Shingarevsky, Joseph Shoffman and Mordecai Shatter. A total of 2,550 Haganah suspects have also been released as well as 779 Jews arrested in the wake of the King David bombing.
November 7, 1946, Palestine. Railroad traffic was suspended for 24 hours throughout Palestine following a fourth Irgun attack on railway facilities in two days.
November 9 through November 13, 1946, Palestine. Nineteen persons, eleven British soldiers and policemen and eight Arab constables, were killed in Palestine during this period as Jewish terrorists, using land mines and suitcase bombs, increased their attacks on railroad stations, trains and even streetcars.
November 14, 1946, London. The Board of Deputies of British Jews condemned Jewish terrorist groups who threatened to export their terrorism to England.
November 18, 1946, Tel Aviv. Police in Tel Aviv attacked Jews, assaulting many and firing into houses. Twenty Jews were injured in fights with British troops following the death on November 17 of three policemen and an RAF sergeant in a land mine explosion.
Five persons were injured when a bomb exploded in the Jerusalem tax office.
December 2 through December 5,1946, Palestine. Ten persons, including six British soldiers, were killed in bomb and land-mine explosions.
December 3,1946, Jerusalem. A member of the Stern gang was killed in an aborted hold-up attempt
December 26,1946, Palestine. Armed Jewish terrorists raided two diamond factories in Nathanya and Tel Aviv and escaped with nearly $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds. These raids signaled an end to a two- week truce during the World Zionist Congress.
January 1, 1947, Jerusalem. Dov Gruner was sentenced to hang by a British military court for taking part in a raid on the Ramat Gan police headquarters in April of 1946.
January 2, 1947, Palestine. A wave of terror swept Palestine as Jewish terrorists staged bombings and machine gun attacks in five cities. Casualties were low. Homemade flame-throwers were used in several cases. Pamphlets seized warned that the Irgun had again declared war against the British and Arabs of Palestine.
January 4, 1947, Jerusalem. British soldiers have been ordered to wear sidearms at all times and were forbidden to enter any cafe or restaurant.
January 5, 1947, Egypt ,Eleven British troops were injured in a hand grenade attack on a train carrying troops to Palestine. The attack took place near Benha, 25 miles from Cairo.
January 8, 1947, Palestine. British police arrested 32 persons suspected of being members of the Irgun terrorist gang's “Black Squad” in raids on Rishon-el Zion and Rehoboth.
January 12, 1947, Haifa. A single terrorist drove a truck filled with high explosives into the central police station and exploded it, killing two British policemen and two Arab constables and injuring 140 others. The terrorist escaped. This action ended a 10-day lull in the violence and the Stern gang took the credit for it.
January 13, 1947, Haifa. British soldiers and police screened 872 persons in Haifa and detained 10 for further questioning as Arabs and Jews both condemned the bombing.
January 14, 1947, Jerusalem. Yehudi Katz is sentenced to life in prison by a Jerusalem court for robbing a bank in Jaffa in September of 1946 to obtain funds for the terrorists.
January 21, 1947, London. Dr. Emmanuel Neumann, vice president of the Zionist Organization of America, declared US. Zionists would spend “millions” to finance illegal immigration of Jews to Palestine. A Haganah spokesman in Paris claimed that 211,878 Jews entered Palestine illegally during the past 15 months.
January 22, 1947, Palestine. Sir Harry Gurney, Chief Secretary, stated that the British administration was taxing Palestine $2,400,000 to pay for sabotage by the terrorists.
January 22, 1947, London. Colonial Secretary Arthur Creech Jones informed the House of Commons 73 British subjects were murdered by Palestine terrorists in 1946 and
“no culprits have been convicted.”
January 27, 1947, London. Britain's conference on Palestine, boycotted by the Jews, reconvened. Jamal el Husseini, Palestine Arab leader, declared that the Arab world was unalterably opposed to partition as a solution to the problem. The session then adjourned.
January 29, 1947, London. It was officially announced that the British Cabinet decided to partition Palestine.
January 29, 1947, Jerusalem. Irgun forces released former Maj. H. Collins, a British banker, who they kidnapped on January 26 from his home. He had been badly beaten. On January 28, the Irgun released Judge Ralph Windham who had been kidnapped in Tel Aviv on January 27 while trying a case. These men had been taken as hostages for Dov Bela Gruner, an Irgun member under death sentence for terrorism. The British High Commissioner, Lt Gen.. Sir Alan Cunningham, had threatened martial law unless the two men were returned unharmed.
January 31, 1947, Jerusalem. General Cunningham ordered the wives and children of all British civilians to leave Palestine at once. About 2,000 are involved. This order did not apply to the 5,000 Americans in Palestine.
February 3, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government issued a 7-day ultimatum to the Jewish Agency demanding that it state “categorically and at once” whether it and the supreme Jewish Council in Palestine will call on the Jewish community by February 10 for “cooperation with the police and armed forces in bringing to justice the members of the terrorist groups.” This request was publicly rejected by Mrs. Goldie Meyerson, head of the Jewish Agency's political department
February 4, 1947, Jerusalem. British District Commissioner James Pollock disclosed a plan for military occupation of three sectors of Jerusalem and orders nearly 1,000 Jews to evacuate the Rehavia, Schneler and German quarters by noon, February 6.
February 5, 1947, Jerusalem. The Vaad Leumi rejected the British ultimatum while the Irgun passed out leaflets that it was prepared to fight to the death against the British authority. The first 700 of some 1,500 British women and children ordered to evacuate Palestine leave by plane and train for Egypt. British authorities, preparing for military action, order other families from sections of Tel Aviv and Haifa which will be turned into fortified military areas.
February 9, 1947, Haifa. British troops removed 650 illegal Jewish immigrants from the schooner ‘Negev” at Haifa and after a struggle forced them aboard the ferry ‘Emperor Haywood” for deportation to Cyprus.
February 14, 1947, Jerusalem. The British administration revealed that Lt Gen. Sir Evelyn Barker, retiring British commander in Palestine, had confirmed the death sentences of three Irgun members on February 12 before leaving for England. The three men, Dov Ben Rosenbaum, Eliezer Ben Kashani and Mordecai Ben Alhachi, had been sentenced on February 10 to be hanged for carrying firearms. A fourth, Haim Gorovetzky, received a life sentence because of his youth. Lt Gen. G. MacMillian arrived in Jerusalem on February 13 to succeed Gen. Barker.
February 15, 1947, Palestine. The Sabbath was the setting for sporadic outbreaks of violence which included the murder of an Arab in Jaffa and of a Jew in Bne Brok, the kidnapping of a Jew in Peta Tikvah and the burning of a Jewish club in Haifa.
March 9, 1947, Hadera. A British army camp was attacked.
March 10, 1947, Haifa. A Jew, suspected of being an informer, was murdered by Jewish terrorists.
March 12, 1947, Jerusalem. The British Army pay corps was dynamited in Jerusalem and one soldier killed.
March 12, 1947, Palestine. British military units captured most of the 800 Jews whose motor ship “Susanna” ran the British blockade and was beached north of Gaza on this date. A British naval escort brought the “Ben Hecht,” the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation's first known immigrant ship, into Haifa, and its 599 passengers were shipped to Cyprus. The British arrested the crew, which included 18 US. seamen.
March 13, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities announced 78 arrests as a result of unofficial Jewish cooperation, but two railroads were attacked, resulting in two deaths, and eight armed men robbed a Tel Aviv bank of $65,000.
March 14, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists blew up part of an oil pipeline in Haifa and a section of the rail line at Beer Yakov.
March 16, 1947, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency building was bombed.
March 17, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities ended martial law which had kept 300,000 Jews under house arrest for 16 days and tied up most economic activity
March 17, 1947, Palestine. A military court sentenced Moshe Barazani to be hanged for possessing a hand grenade.
March 18, 1947, Palestine. Terrorist leaflets admitted the murder of Michael Shnell on Mount Carmel as an informer.
March 22, 1947, Palestine. British officials announced the arrest of five known terrorists and the discovery near Petah Tikvah of the body of Leon Meshiah, a Jew presumably slain as a suspected informer
March 26, 1947, London. Britain's Privy Council rejected the appeal of the death sentence against Dov Bela Gruner.
March 28, 1947, Haifa. The Irgun blew up the Iraq Petroleum Co. pipeline in Haifa.
March 29, 1947, Palestine. A British army officer was murdered by Jewish terrorists when they ambushed a party of horsemen near the Ramle camp. A raid by terrorists on a Tel Aviv bank yielded $109,000.
March 30, 1947, Palestine. Units of the British Royal Navy, answering an SOS, took the disabled “Moledeth” with 1,600 illegal Jewish refugees on board under tow some 50 miles outside Palestinian waters.
March 30, 1947, Tel Aviv. The Stem gang killed the wife of a British soldier.
March 31, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists dynamited the British-owned Shell-Mex oil tanks in Haifa, starting a fire that destroyed a quarter-mile of the waterfront The damage was set at more than $1,000,000, and the British government in Palestine has stated that the Jewish community will have to pay for it
April 2, 1947, Cyprus. The “Ocean Vigour' was damaged by a bomb in Famagusta Harbor, Cyprus. The Haganah admitted the bombing.
April 3, 1947, Jerusalem. A court in Jerusalem sentenced Daniel Azulai and Meyer Feinstein, members of the Irgun terrorist gang, to death for the October 30 attack on the Jerusalem railroad station. The Palestine Supreme Court admitted an appeal of Dov Bela Gruner's death sentence.
April 3, 1947. The transport “Empire Rival” was damaged by a time bomb while en route from Haifa to Port Said in Egypt
April 7, 1947, Jerusalem. The High Court denied a new appeal against the death sentence of Dov Bela Gruner, and a British patrol killed Moshe Cohen.
April 8, 1947, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists killed a British constable in revenge for the Cohen death.
April 9, 1947, Palestine. The Palestine Government abandoned “statutory martial law” in the face of unfavorable publicity but granted itself military dictatorship powers in “controlled areas” it may impose.
April 10, 1947, London. The British Government requested France and Italy to prevent Jews from embarking for Palestine.
April 11, 1947, Jerusalem. Asher Eskovitch, a Jew, was beaten to death by Moslems when he entered the forbidden Mosque of Omar.
April 13, 1947, Jerusalem. Guella Cohen, Stern gang illegal broadcaster, escaped from a British military hospital.
April 14, 1947, Tel Aviv. A British naval unit boarded the refugee ship “Guardian” and seized it along with 2,700 passengers after a gun battle in which two immigrants were killed and 14 wounded.
April 16, 1947, Haifa. In spite of threats of reprisal from the Irgun, the British hanged Dov Bela Gruner and three other Irgun members at Acre Prison on Haifa Bay. Jewish communities were kept under strict curfew for several hours. Soon after the deaths were announced, a time bomb was found in the Colonial Office in London but was defused.
April 17, 1947, Palestine. Lt Gen. C. Macmillan confirmed death sentences for two more convicted terrorists, Meier Ben Feinstein and Moshe Ben Barazani, but reduced Daniel Azulai's sentence to life imprisonment
April 18, 1947, Palestine. Irgun's reprisals for the Gruner execution were an attack on a field dressing station near Nethanaya where one sentry was killed, an attack on an armored car in Tel Aviv where one bystander was killed and harmless shots at British troops in Haifa.
April 19,1947, Haifa. British naval units exploded depth charges in Haifa harbor to prevent an underwater assault by Jewish “frogmen” on three British deportation vessels that took the “Guardian's” passengers to Cyprus.
April 20, 1947, Tel Aviv. A series of bombings by Jewish terrorists in retaliation for the hanging of convicted terrorist Gruner injured 12 British soldiers.
April 21, 1947, Jerusalem. Meir Feinstein and Moshe Barazani, condemned terrorists, killed themselves in prison a few hours before they were scheduled to be hanged. They blew themselves up with bombs smuggled to them in hollowed-out oranges.
April 22, 1947, Palestine. A troop train arriving from Cairo was bombed outside Rehovoth with five soldiers and three civilians killed and 39 persons injured.
April 23, 1947, London. The British First Lord of the Admiralty, Viscount Hall, defended the Labor Government's policy in Palestine and he acknowledged in the House of Lords that Britain would not “carry out a policy of which it did not approve” despite any UN action. He blamed contributions from American Jews to the Palestine terrorists as aiding terrorism there and cited the toll since August 1, 1945: 113 killed, 249 wounded, 168 Jews convicted, 28 sentenced to death, four executed, 33 terrorists slain in battles. Viscount Samuel urged increased immigration.
April 23, 1947, Palestine. The Irgun proclaimed its own “military courts” to “try” British troops and policemen who resisted them.
April 24, 1947, Palestine. Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham, Palestine High Commissioner flew to Egypt and requested Lt General Sir Miles Dempsey, Middle-East land force commander, for more troops to be sent to Palestine.
April 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Stern gang squad drove a stolen post office truck loaded with explosives into the Sarona police compound and detonated it, killing five British policemen.
April 26, 1947, Haifa. The murder of Deputy Police Superintendent A. Conquest climaxed a week of bloodshed.
May 4,1947, Acre. The walls of Acre prison were blasted open by an Irgun bomb squad and 251 Jewish and Arab prisoners escaped after a gun battle in which 15 Jews and 1 Arab were killed, 32 (including six British guards) were injured and 23 escapists were recaptured. The Palestine Government promised no extra punishment if the 189 escapees still at large will surrender.
May 6, 1947, Jerusalem. former British Commando Sgt Dov Bernard Cohen, head of the Acre bomb squad, was fatally wounded in the attack.
May 4, 1947, New York. The Political Action Committee for Palestine ran a series of advertisements in New York newspapers seeking funds to buy parachutes for young European Jews planning to crash the Palestine immigration barrier by air.
May 8, 1947, Tel Aviv. A Jew was ambushed and shot to death by an Arab group near Tel Aviv, and three Jewish-owned Tel Aviv shops whose owners refused to contribute money to Jewish terrorist groups were burned down.
May 12, 1947, Jerusalem. Jewish terrorists killed two British policemen.
May 12, 1947, Jerusalem. The British authorities announced that 3l2 Jewish political prisoners were held in Kenya, East Africa, 247 in Latrun and 34 in Bethlehem, Palestine.
May 15, 1947, The Stern gang killed two British lieutenants and injured seven other persons with two derailments and three bridge demolitions.
May 16, 1947, Palestine. On the fifth day of another terrorist drive, Haifa Assistant Police Superintendent, Robert Schindler, a German Jew, was murdered by the Stern gang, and a British constable was killed on the Mt. Carmel-Haifa road near Jerusalem.
May 17, 1947, Haifa. The 1,200-ton Haganah freighter “Trade Winds” was seized by the Royal Navy off the Lebanon coast and escorted into Haifa, and over 1,000 illegal immigrants were disembarked pending transfer to Cyprus.
May 19, 1947, London. The British government protested to the United States government against American fund-raising drives for Palestine terrorist groups. The complaint referred to a “Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine” by playwright Ben Hecht, American League for a Free Palestine co-chairman, first published in the New York ‘Post” on May 15. The ad said, “We are out to raise millions for you.”
May 22, 1947, Palestine. Arabs attacked a Jewish labor camp in southern Palestine, retaliating for a Haganah raid on the Arabs near Tel Aviv, May 20. Some 40,000 Arab and Jewish workers united the same day in a one-day strike against all establishments operated by the British War Ministry
May 23, 1947, Palestine. A British naval party boarded the immigrant ship “Mordei Haghettoath” off South Palestine and took control of its 1,500 passengers. Two British soldiers were convicted in Jerusalem of abandoning a jeep and army mail under a terrorist attack.
May 27, 1947, Germany. Jewish underground migration officials in Frankfurt-am-Main declared they hoped to transport 1,000,000 Jews from Europe to Palestine, 30,000 of them this summer. The Costa Rican ship “Colony Trader” has been detained at Gibraltar under suspicion of its use for smuggling illegal immigrants into Palestine. London is investigating reports that non-Jewish Poles and Slavs in DP camps are being recruited for the Palestine army. Other investigations are being conducted into persistent reports that Soviet Russia has been supplying technical advisors to The Jewish terrorist groups.
May 28, 1947, Syria. Fawzi el-Kawukji who spent the war years in Germany after leading the 1936-39 Arab revolt in Palestine, told reporters in Damascus that an unfavorable decision by the UN inquiry group would be the signal for war against the Jews in Palestine. “We must prove that in case” of an Anglo-American war with Russia, “we can be more dangerous or useful to them than the Jews,” he added.
May 28, 1947, Haifa. Jewish terrorists blew up a water main and a shed in the Haifa oil dock areas and made three attacks on railway lines in the Lydda and Haifa areas.
May 31, 1947, Haifa. The Haganah ship “Yehuda Halevy” arrived under British naval escort with 399 illegal Jewish immigrants, the first from Arab territories. They were immediately transshipped to Cyprus.
June 4, 1947, London. The terrorist Jewish Stern gang sent letter bombs to high British governmental officials. Eight letter bombs containing powdered gelignite explosive were discovered in London. Recipients included Ernest Bevan, Anthony Eden, Prime Minister Attlee and Winston Churchill.
June 5, 1947, Washington. President Truman asked all persons in the US. to refrain from helping Palestine terrorists. The American Jewish Committee and Jewish Labor Committee condemned Ben Hecht's campaign for Palestine terrorist funds.
June 5, 1947, Tel Aviv. Jewish terrorist mines wrecked two trains near Tel Aviv and Haifa and the Athlit railroad station but without casualties.
June 6, 1947, London. Scotland Yard official now acknowledge that a total of 20 letter bombs have been found.
June 6, 1947, New York. Secretary General of the UN, Trygve Lie has forwarded a request to all countries a request by the British that they guard their frontiers against departure of illegal immigrants bound for Palestine.
June 18, 1947, Tel Aviv. Haganah disclosed that one of its men was killed by a booby trap which foiled an Irgun plot to blow up British Military Headquarters in Tel Aviv.
June 19, 1947, Jerusalem. Major Roy Farran, held in connection with the disappearance of a 16-year-old Jew, escaped from custody in the army barracks in Jerusalem.
June 28, 1947, Palestine. The terrorist Stern gang opened fire on British soldiers waiting in line outside a Tel Aviv theater, killing three and wounding two. Another Briton is killed and several wounded in a Haifa hotel. This action was claimed by Jewish terrorists to be in retaliation for British brutality and the alleged slaying of a missing 16 year old Jew, Alexander Rubowitz while he was being held in an Army barracks on May 6.
June 29, 1947, New York. The UN Committee votes 9-0 to condemn the acts of terrorism as “flagrant disregard” of the UN appeal for an interim truce as Stern terrorists wounded four more British soldiers on a beach at Herzila. Major Roy Alexander Farran surrendered voluntarily after his escape from custody in Jerusalem on June 19. He had been arrested in connection with the Rubowitz case.
June 30, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine government permitted oil companies to raise prices of benzene nearly 10% to pay for $1 million damage suffered when Jewish terrorists blew up oil installations at Haifa on March 31.
July 1, 1947, Jerusalem. The British Government rejected the UN Commission's move to halt the execution of three Irgun members convicted of terrorism and also said that the UN Assembly truce resolution of May 15 had no bearing on “the normal processes of the administration of justice” in Palestine.
July 2, 1947, Haifa. Irgun members robbed a Haifa bank of $3,200 while both the Stem gang and the Irgun warned the British that their “provocative” acts in Palestine must end before a truce can be effected. The Guatemalan and Czech members of the UN Commission visited two Jewish convicts in Acre Prison. In Pretoria, South Africa, Prime Minister Smuts, who was a party to the Balfour Declaration, said “the promise of a national home in Palestine never meant the whole of Palestine.” He favored partition into Arab and Jewish states.
July 12, 1947, Jerusalem. Dr. Ariem Altman, president of the United Zionist Revisionists, told a party rally in Jerusalem that the Revisionists would settle for nothing less than an unpartitioned free Jewish state in Palestine and Trans-Jordan. Irgun announced in Jerusalem that two British sergeants kidnapped in Nathanaya are being held in Tel Aviv and have been sentenced to death by Irgun court-martial.
July 14, 1947, Nathanya. The British imposed martial law and placed the 15,000 inhabitants of Nathanya under house arrest. They made 68 arrests and sentenced 21 persons to 6 months each in the Latrun detention camp.
July 17, 1947, Nathanya. The Irgun in five mine opera-lions against military traffic to and from Nathanya killed one Briton and injured 16.
July 17, 1947, Nethanya. Mines killed a second Briton and injured seven.
July 18, 1947, Haifa. The American-manned Haganah refugee ship “Exodus 1947” (formerly the ‘President Warfield”) was escorted into Haifa by British naval units after a battle in which the American first mate, William Bernstein and two immigrants were killed and more than 30 injured. The blockade runner itself was badly damaged. The remainder of the 4,554 passengers, the largest group of illegal immigrants to sail for Palestine in a single ship, were put aboard British prison ships for removal to Cyprus. The American captain, Bernard Marks, and his crew were arrested. The ship sailed from France.
July 19, 1947, Haifa. Rioting, quickly suppressed, broke out among the passengers of the “Exodus 1947” when they learned they were to be returned to France
July 19, 1947, Jerusalem. The Palestine Government charges that a Jewish “campaign of lawlessness, murder and sabotage” has cost 70 lives and $6 million in damage since 1940.
July 21, 1947, Jerusalem. Before officially admitting that 4,529 passengers of the “Exodus 1947” who had been transferred to three British ships, were being sent not to Cyprus but back to France, the Palestine Government took the precaution of first placing Jerusalem's 90,000 Jews under nightly house arrest.
July 23, 1947, Haifa. Haganah sank the British transport “Empire Lifeguard” in Haifa harbor as it was discharging 300 Jewish immigrants who had officially been admitted to Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants were killed and 40 were wounded. The British were able to refloat the ship.
July 24, 1947, Amman, Trans-Jordan. Seven members of the UN Palestine Commission flew to Amman and were informed by Jordanian Premier Samir Pasha el Rifai that: (1) Palestine belongs to the Arabs; (2) the Arabs never accepted the Balfour Declaration; (3) the Jews are imperialistic invaders whose immigration “must be stopped forthwith”; (5) Palestine should get unpartitioned independence under the Arab majority; (6) the plight of European refugees does not concern Palestine; (7) the Arabs will justly resist with force any unfavorable decision.
July 26, 1947. Jewish terrorists blew up the Iraqi Petroleum Co. pipeline 12 miles east of Haifa and destroyed a Mt. Carmel radar station.
July 26, 1947, Palestine. Two British soldiers were killed by a booby trap near Jerusalem, raising the week's violence toll to 12 killed and 75 wounded.
July 26, 1947, Palestine. Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, announced from his secret headquarters that Haganah had planned the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946 in which 91 persons were killed.
July 27, 1947, Palestine. An ambush and mines cost the British seven more casualties, all wounded.
July 28, 1947, Haifa. Two small Haganah ships loaded with 1,174 Jews from North Africa were intercepted by British naval units off Palestine and brought into Haifa. The illegal immigrants were transshipped aboard British transports and taken to Cyprus.
July 29, 1947, Palestine. The British authorities hanged three Irgunists in Acre prison despite appeals from Jewish leaders. The condemned, Myer Nakar, Absalom Habib and Jacob Weiss, had fought in the Czech underground during the war. They were convicted of blowing up Acre Prison on May 4 and liberating 200 Arabs and Jews.
July 29, 1947, France. The 4,429 “Exodus 1947” illegal immigrants who sailed from Sate, France, July 11 for Palestine only to be shipped back by the British aboard three transports, refused to debark as the vessels anchored off Port de Douc, France. Only a few who were ill went ashore. The French government informed the refugees that they do not have to debark but will be welcomed if they do. The transports are the “Runnymede Park,” “Ocean Vigour” and “Empire Valour”
July 30, 1947, Palestine. Irgun terrorists announced that they have hanged two British sergeants, Marvyn Paice and Jifford Martin, whom they had held as hostages since July 12, for “crimes against the Jewish community.” The two were seized when death sentences on the three Irgun members were confirmed by the British authorities. Two more British soldiers were killed by a land mine near Hadera. British troops attacked the Jewish colony of Pardes Hanna in revenge for the murders.
July 31, 1947, Nathanya. The bodies of the two murdered British sergeants were found hanging from eucalyptus trees one and a half miles from Nathanya about 530 AM. A booby trap blew Martin's body to bits when it was cut down. Enraged British troops stormed into Tel Aviv, wrecked shops, attacked pedestrians and sprayed a bus with gunfire killing five Jews: two men, two women and a boy.
August 1, 1947, Tel Aviv. Thirty-three Jews are injured in an anti-British riot at Tel Aviv during the funeral procession of five civilians killed by British soldiers on July 31. In Jerusalem a Jewish terrorist attack on the British security zone in Rehavia was repulsed with one attacker killed and two captured.
August 2, 1947, Tel Aviv. The body of an unidentified Jew was found on a road near Tel Aviv. He was believed to have been kidnapped by men in British uniforms two weeks ago. Total casualties in Palestine since mid-July: 25 persons slain, 144 wounded. The dead include 15 Britons, two Jewish terrorists, eight civilians. Anti-British slogans, swastikas and dollar signs are painted onto British consulates in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles.
August 3, 1947, Palestine. Haganah warned in Jerusalem that the Britons who killed five Jews in Tel Aviv On July 31 will be found and punished.
August 4, 1947, Paris. An Irgun leader in Paris states that his organization has sentenced high British military and civilian officials in Palestine to death “in absentia” and will hang them upon capture.
August 4, 1947, Palestine. British troops blew up a Jewish house in a Jerusalem suburb in which arms were found. Jewish terrorists robbed Barclays' Bank in Tel Aviv of $5200 and a Haganah member was killed.
August 5, 1947, Palestine. Striking at dawn, British security forces arrested 35 leading Zionists and sent them to the Latrun detention camp in an attempt to wipe out the Irgun leadership. In reprisal, Irgunists blew up the Department of Labor in Jerusalem, killing three British constables. Those arrested included Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv; Mayor Oved Ben Ami of Nathanya; Mayor Abraham Krinitzki of Ramat Gan, Arieh Altman, president of the radical Revisionist Party; Menahem Arber, leader of the Revisionist youth organization, B'rith Trumpeldor, which is outlawed; Max Kritzman, Dov Bela Gruner's attorney, and David Stern, brother of the late founder of the Stem gang.All those arrested except the three mayors were Revisionists. Among many papers confiscated was correspondence from Soviet Russian agents in Italy and Bulgaria and extensive plans to poison the water supply of the non-Jewish parts of Jerusalem with botulism, anthrax and other bacteria. Bacteria was supplied by Soviet sources through Bulgaria.
August 5, 1947, England. Anti-Semitic outbreaks slackened after five days of rock throwing, window-smashing and other incidents including daubing Jewish businesses with swastikas and numerous assaults on British Jews. These incidents occurred in Liverpool, Manchester, Cardiff (Wales), Leeds, London and Birmingham as retaliation for the murder of two British sergeants in Palestine. Thirty-eight persons were arrested in Liverpool but in the main, the British police ignored the rioters and permitted them to run their course.
August 8, 1947, Palestine. The Bank of Sharon in Ramat Can was robbed by Jewish terrorists of $8,000.
August 14, 1947, Geneva. The UN Special Subcommittee on Palestine returned to Geneva after a seven-day tour of DP camps in Austria and Germany. The tour took the group to Munich, Vienna, Berlin and Hamburg. In Berlin it heard reports August 13 from General Lucius D. Clay, US. Military Governor. Clay testified that anti-Semitism is growing very sharply among the ranks of the US. military units in the US. Zones of Austria and Germany because of the violent, asocial and criminal behavior of the Eastern European DPs, all of whom are Jewish. He recommended that these DPs be allowed to enter Palestine before some incident with American soldiers, who have been beaten, robbed and killed by Jewish DPs, leads to severe spontaneous reactions on the part of other soldiers. His views were seconded very strongly by Sir Brian Robertson, Deputy British Military Governor.
August 15, 1947, Palestine. A mine derailed a Cairo-Haifa troop train north of Lydda, killing the engineer, and Irgun terrorists claimed the incident was part of its campaign to disrupt all the Palestine rail traffic.
August 16, 1947, Palestine. Arab-Jewish clashes have brought death to l2 Arabs and l3 Jews and heavy property destruction this week in the regions of Jewish Tel Aviv and Arab Jaffa. Interracial strife was renewed on August 10 when Arabs killed four Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe, in reprisal for the deaths of two Arabs in a Haganah raid in Fega two months ago. Haganah responded to the Arab actions by bombing a house in an Arab orange grove near Tel Aviv, killing eleven Arabs, including a woman and four children. British military curfews imposed on August 13 on slum districts between modern Tel Aviv and Jaffa have failed to prevent mounting casualties. British military authorities, citing captured intelligence and statements from Jewish defectors from terrorist organizations, state that it now appears that the Jewish terrorists are beginning to attack Arabs where ever they found them because Jews wish the Arabs to be driven out of Palestine entirely.
August 18, 1947, Palestine. The shops of five Jewish merchants in Tel Aviv were destroyed by the Irgun because the owners refused to give money to that organization.
August 23, 1947, Jerusalem. British authorities reported that five Arabs in one family; two men, one woman and two children, were murdered by Jewish terrorists as retaliation for the British arrest of two Irgun leaders on August15.
September 9, 1947. Hamburg, Germany. In a bitter three-hour fight aboard the “Runnymede Park,” 350 British troops completed a two-day forced debarkation of 4,300 “Exodus 1947” illegal Jewish refugees from three ships in Hamburg, Germany. First ashore yesterday were the “Ocean Vigour's”1,406; a few put up token resistance and five passengers sustained minor injuries. Early today, the “Empire Rival's” 1,420 passengers debarked peaceably after a home made bomb was found in the ship's hold. Many of the “Runnymede Park's” 1,485 passengers fiercely resisted the debarkation process and British military units had to use fire hoses and truncheons to rout resisters below decks. The Jews were taken ashore screaming “Nazis” to the British. “Runnymede Park” casualties, officially, were 24 Jews and three Britons injured, with 50 leaders of the resistance on that ship taken to jail. German police broke up a Hamburg demonstration by 1,300 Jewish DPs from the Bergen-Belsen camp, where British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin was hanged in effigy on September 7. The debarked “Exodus” passengers were interned in Poppendorf camp near Luebeck for screening by nationalities and at first all of them refused to cooperate with British authorities until the passengers were threatened with a diet of bread and water.
September 10, 1947, Washington D.C. Secretary of State George C. Marshall disclosed that the US. had urged Britain to reconsider sending the “Exodus” group to Germany, but Britain replied that there were no facilities for housing them elsewhere because the French did not want them and there were a number of vacant detention camps in Germany.
September 11, 1947, Paris. The French government has now announced that it would admit the “Exodus” refugees if they were not forcibly deported from Germany and on the understanding that they will be admitted eventually to Palestine.
September 7, 1947, Paris. French police state a Stern gang plot to attack London with home-made fire extinguisher bombs from the air was thwarted through the cooperation of Reginald Gilbert of St Louis, Missouri, a student and wartime RCAF and AAF pilot He was taken into custody with Rabbi Baruch Korif, of New York, cochairman of the Political Action Committee for Palestine, and Judith Rosenberger, Hungarian-born Stern gang member, as the three started to enter a private plane last night at Toussus-le-Noble field near Versailles. Gilbert informed French police that Korif had approached him in Paris a week ago with an offer for flying a bombing mission over London the day of the“ Exodus” illegal immigrant landings in Germany. Gilbert accepted for some other pilot who would actually perform the mission. He at once notified Paris police, then worked with them and Scotland Yard while pretending to go through with the Stern gang's plot. Korff was charged in Paris on September 9 with illegal possession of bombs he was intending to drop on London. He began a hunger strike. Paris police state that nine other conspirators were in custody.
September 12, 1947, Palestine. Irgun has threatened to assassinate British representatives in the US. Zone of Germany and all British delegations there are under 24-hour guard, the US. command announced in Frankfurt-on-the Main. A probe of Irgun thefts from US. army ammunition depots in Germany was reported on September 7.
September 20, 1947, Jerusalem. British raids September 16-19 uncovered several arms caches and terrorist hideouts in the Jerusalem area. The home of David Ben-Gurion, Jewish Agency executive chairman was robbed of important papers September 18. In Paris, Rabbi Baruch Korff, leader of a Stern gang plot to bomb London, ended a hunger strike in Sante prison on September 15.
October 13, 1947. Jerusalem. A terrorist bomb damaged the US. consulate general in Jerusalem, injuring two employees slightly. Similar bombings occurred at the Polish consulate general last night and at the Swedish consulate on September 27.In Baghdad, the Iraq foreign office advised an American House Foreign Affairs Committee group not to make a projected visit there because of “high feeling” over US. endorsement of partitioning of Palestine. The State Department in Washington announced it will issue no passports to American citizens who want to take part in terrorism in Palestine; Americans so involved will forfeit protection normally due US. citizens abroad.
October 18, 1947, Palestine. The Palestine Government states that Palestine Arab forces have been sent from the Trans-Jordan frontier to the Syrian and Lebanon borders to replace a British brigade which recently left Palestine. Zionists protested having Arab troops on the border of northern Palestine.
November 14, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists killed two British policemen in Jerusalem and two soldiers in Tel Aviv to raise the total casualties in three days of violence to 10 Britons and five Jews killed and 33 Britons and five Jews wounded. The outbreaks began after British troops killed three girls and two boys in a raid on a farmhouse arsenal near Raanana on November 12. The terrorists retaliated yesterday by throwing hand grenades and firing a machine gun into the Ritz Cafe in Jerusalem.
November 15, 1947, London. The British Foreign Office denied Jerusalem press reports that Britain planned to take over any financial surplus left in Palestine's treasury to pay for the costs of evacuation and combating unauthorized Jewish immigration.
November 16, 1947, Palestine. About 185 European Jews landed near Nahariya from a small schooner and escaped before the British could intercept them. A larger vessel, the “Kadimah,” was seized and brought to Haifa where 794 Jews were transshipped to a British transport for Cyprus.
November 17, 1947, Jerusalem. The British administration disclosed that it will sell state-owned real estate along the Haifa waterfront, from which it expects to make $8 million. It will also invest in England about $16 million from bonds that had been sold to Palestinians. Zionists strongly protested this as they said it would denude Palestine of its assets. There was no comment from the administration to these charges.
November 22, 1947, Haifa. Another Arab was murdered in Haifa by the Stern gang following their execution of four Arabs near Raanana November 20 in retaliation for the British shooting of five Stern gang members on November12. Arabs retaliated against this killing at Raanana by wounding five Jews on a bus near Tel Aviv on November 20.
November 30- December 6, 1947, Palestine. A week of disorders brought on by Arab wrath over the UN's decision to partition the Holy Land ended with at least 159 killed in the Middle East, 66 in Palestine. While Jews in Palestine, Europe and the US. celebrated and began planning their new state and the UN moved to implement its plan, war talk was rife throughout the Arab world. The Arab League announced on December 1 that premiers and foreign ministers of seven Arab states would meet in Cairo next week to plan strategy against partition. In Palestine: Jerusalem and the Jaffa Tel Aviv boundary zone were centers of week-long strife which began when seven Jews were killed throughout Palestine on November 30 and the mayor of Nablus, Arab nationalist center, proclaimed jihad or a holy war. British High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham warned the Arab Higher Command on December 1 that Britain was determined to keep order so long as it held its mandate, and police stopped Arab agitators from raising crowds in Jerusalem. But Jewish celebrations there were stoned. Arabs looted and burned a three-block Jewish business district in Jerusalem on December 2, the first day of a three-day Arab general strike during which 20 Jews and l5 Arabs were killed. When British troops failed to intervene, Haganah (unofficial Zionist militia) came into the open for the first time in eight years to restrain large-scale Jewish retaliation and also guard Jewish districts. Some Haganah men were arrested for possessing weapons. The day's strife caused $1 million worth of damage and resulted in a 24-hour curfew being applied to Arab Jerusalem for the rest of the week. The curfew was extended to outlying roads on December 3 to stop stonings of Jewish traffic and keep rural Arabs out of the capital. Max Pinn, head of the Jewish Agency's Trade and Transfer Department was killed on December 2 when Arabs stoned his auto near Ramleh. On this day Jews stoned Arab buses in Jerusalem. On the Jaffa-Tel Aviv boundary, which also is under around-the-clock curfew, the week's heaviest battle was a six-hour clash between Hagariah and Arabs on December 3 in which seven Jews and five Arabs were killed and 75 persons injured. On December 2, Haganah claimed to have mobilized 10,000 men in the intercity trouble zone, and the Arab Legion of Trans-Jordan reported on this date that it had reinforced Jaffa. Seven Jews were killed in Jaffa-Tel Aviv on this date. There were lesser attacks in Haifa this week. It becomes clearly evident that the partition is not going as planned and that although the Jews are pleased, the Arabs are not. There appears to be no way to control the Jews or their determination to drive all of the Arabs out of Jerusalem by force if necessary. The Arabs, initially living in peace with the Jewish minority, have been increasingly victimized by the Jews who, now that the British are leaving, are turning their savage behavior against them. The Jews have redoubled their efforts to build a military force and arm them. They claim that this force is to protect the Jewish population against attacks from the Arab countries as well as the Arab population of Jerusalem but an even stronger argument can be made that the Zionists are determined to drive out the Arab population by armed force. The initial Arab response to Jewish harassment over the past year has been very slow in coming but it seems to be quite inevitable and a terrible civil war is foreseen. The United States Department of State announced on December 5, 1947 that they were placing an embargo on all American arms shipments to the Middle East It appears that the Soviets have been sending weapons – mostly captured German pieces, to assist the Zionists and accompanying these clandestine arms shipments the Soviets have also sent a very sizable contingent of instructors and advisors to Palestine in months past As many of the Zionists are Russian or Polish in origin, these Communist Russians have been received gladly by the Jewish extremists and quickly blend in with the local populations. Soviet interest in Middle East oil and an overriding interest in obtaining warm-water ports are a prime factor in their interest in a Jewish state in Palestine. The most violent reactions in the Arab world to the UN partition idea are Syrian and Egyptian. However, it is noted that the worst outbreak of anti-partition violence outside Palestine occurred in Aden, a British colony at the entrance to the Red Sea. On December 5, British military reinforcements were sent to Aden after four days of Arab-Jewish fighting in which 5O Jews and 25 Arabs were killed. In Syria, public demonstrations by the Arab population paralyzed business in Damascus earlier this week. The Soviet cultural center and Communist headquarters in Damascus were wrecked on November 30 with four persons killed. The Syrian Communist Party was officially disbanded by the government and the US. and British Embassy flags were torn down. On December 1, Syria introduced military training into all boys' schools and on December 2, the Syrian Parliament enacted a draft law and voted $860,000 for the relief of Palestinian Arabs. On the same day Arabs attacked the Jewish part of Aleppo. In Egypt the Chamber of Deputies resolved on December 1 to help keep Palestine a totally Arab state and to support the Arab population of Palestine against attacks by the Jewish minority. There were repeated anti-US. And British demonstration in Egypt's main cities, and the British Institute in Zagazig was burned on December 2. All public meetings were banned in Cairo after Egyptian police fought with 15,000 people on December 4.In Lebanon, Arab students smashed the windows of the US. Legation in Beirut on December 1 and Lebanese Communists demonstrated against the partition of Palestine and all schools were closed to prevent student disorders. In Iraq, students in Baghdad wrecked the US. Information offices on December 4. In Saudi Arabia, anti-American demonstrations by Arabs in the oil fields were restrained by the government
December 13, 1947, Palestine. Jewish terrorists shifted from defense to attack in the second week of conflict with the Arabs since the UN voted for partition of Palestine. The death toll for the past 14 days was at least 220 in Palestine and 336 in the Middle East, including 111 in Aden. Arab retaliatory raids at Jaffa and Tel Aviv had killed 30 Jews and Arabs when local businessmen on both sides arranged for a truce on December 10 to effect an orange harvest On December 11, however, the Arabs renewed their assaults in the Old City of Jerusalem, which was the worst day of the current strife with 41 fatalities throughout Palestine. On December 12, Haganah launched attacks on both the Arabs and British with a death toll of 20 Arabs, five Jews and two British soldiers killed. On December 13, bombings by the Irgun killed at least 16 Arabs and injured 67 more in Jerusalem and Jaffa and burned down a hundred Arab houses in Jaffa. In Syria, an anti-Jewish attack in retaliation for the Irgun actions burned down a 2,750-year old synagogue in Aleppo and destroyed the priceless Ben-Asher Codex, a 10th century Hebrew Bible of original Old Testament manuscripts.
December 14, 1947, Lydda. Regular troops of the Arab Legion of the Trans-Jordan Army killed 14 Jews and wounded nine Jews, two British soldiers and one Arab when they attacked a bus convoy approaching their camp near Lydda. The Arabs said the Jews attacked them first
December 17, 1947, Cairo. Premiers of the seven Arab League states called on the Arabs to “prepare for the struggle.” They promised to “prosecute the fight until victorious” General Nuri as-Said Pasha, president of the Iraqi Senate, accused the US. of breaking a promise of neutrality.
December 17, 1947, Nevatim. British troops came to the aid of police standing off a raid by 100 Arabs on the Jewish settlement of Nevatim, seven miles west of Beersheba.
December 18, 1947, Khisas. Haganah killed 10 Arabs, including five children in a reprisal raid on Khisas in Northern Palestine.
December 19, 1947, Damascus. Reliable reports from Damascus state that Arab guerrillas are massing there in preparation to launching an attack into Palestine before the first of the year.
December 20, 1947, Palestine. Haganah carried out another raid on Arabs by attacking the village of Qazasa near Rehovoth. One Arab was killed and two were wounded.
December 21, 1947, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency gave official approval for Haganah to make reprisal raids on Arab villages and “exterminate nests of brigands.”
December 25, 1941, Haifa. Emir Mohammed Zeinati, an Arab landowner, was killed in Haifa for selling land to the Jews.
December 25, 1947, Tel Aviv. Stern gang terrorists machine-gunned two British soldiers in a Tel Aviv cafe.
December 26, 1947, Palestine. Armed Jewish terrorists raided two diamond factories in Nazthaanya and Tel Aviv and escaped with $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds.
The Stern gang distributed leaflets reporting that Israel Levin, a member, was murdered in Tel Aviv on December 24 for trying to betray a Stern gang member.
December 29, 1947, Palestine. Irgun members kidnapped and flogged a British major and three sergeants in retaliation for the flogging of Benjamin Kimkhim who was also sentenced to 18 years in prison on December 27 for robbing a bank The major, E Brett, was seized in Nathanya and the sergeants in Tel Aviv and Rishon el Siyon. Each got 18 lashes, the same number Kimkhim received.
December 29, 1947, Jerusalem. An Irgun terrorist bombing at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem killed 11 Arabs and two Britons.
December 30, 1947, London. The Dollis Hill Synagogue in London was set on fire and 12 sacred scrolls were destroyed by angry British citizens who scrawled on the burned edifice “You whip – we burn.”
December 21-31, 1947, Palestine. Arab-Jewish conflict in the Holy Land increased the death toll to 489 from violence in Palestine in the 33 days since the UN decided on partition.
January 3-10, 1948, Palestine. Extensive Jewish Agency purchases of US. war surplus high explosives with which to fight Arabs were disclosed in the New York City area. While 191 tons of TNT and the more powerful M-3 were seized before shipment, 73 tons cleared New York for Palestine. The TNT shipment was accidentally discovered when longshore men loading the American Export Lines freighter “Executor” in Jersey City on January 3, dropped a box marked “industrial machinery” and while attempting to repair the box, found cans of TNT bearing US. Army markings. The “machinery” proved to be 32 1/2 tons of TNT, which the US. Customs impounded as contraband because of the ban on American arms shipments to the Middle East On January 10, the FBI was attempting to trace the source of the contraband. The Jewish Agency for Palestine acknowledged on January 10 that it had purchased 199 tons of M-3 from the War Assets Administration at the Army's Seneca Ordnance Depot near Romulous, New York Federal and state agents recovered 126 tons from a farmhouse and trucks near Asbury Park, New Jersey, and Barclay Heights and Saugerties, New York on January 8-9 but 73 tons were believed to be en route to Palestine. The Jewish Agency called its transaction with the WAA legal, admitted having set up “Foundry Associates, Inc.” in New York with a Haganah agent in charge, to buy explosives for their war on the Arabs. The FBI said Leonard Weisman, president of three New York firms (Pratt Steamship Line, Material Redistribution Corporation and Paragon Design and Development Co.) gave the Haganah agent office space but did nothing illegal.WAA stopped all deliveries on unfulfilled orders on January 9 in the New York area. It said Foundry Associates, Inc., had sworn that it was a normal trader in explosives, thereby qualifying to buy the M-3, and that the export question was a US. Department of State matter.
January 4, 1948, Jaffa. A series of Jewish terrorist bombings inflicted heavy Arab casualties. 14 were killed and 100 injured when the Stern gang destroyed the Arab National Committee headquarters in Jaffa.
January 5, 1948, Jerusalem. 15 Arabs were killed after Haganah bombed the Semiramis Hotel.
January 6, 1948, Jerusalem. The British Government denounced the Semiramis attack as “wholesale murder of innocent people” but the Jewish Agency alleged that “Arab gangs” used the hotel and asked why attacks on Jews had not been equally denounced.
14 Arabs were killed by two Irgun terrorist bombs at Jerusalem's Jaffa gate.
January 10, 1948, Jerusalem. The official death toll in Palestine since November 29 (when the UN voted for partition) had risen to 646.
January 12, 1948, Tel Aviv. Stern gang members looted Barclays Bank in Tel Aviv of $37,000.
January 13, 1948. Washington. The US. War Assets Administration received orders from Army Secretary Kenneth Royal to cancel its sale of 199 tons of M-3 explosive to a purchasing agent of the Jewish Agency, which got 73 tons out of the country before the rest was seized.
January 14-15, 1948, New York The FBI arrested six Newark men on charges of trying to ship Haganah 60,000 pounds of TNT, which was seized in Jersey City after having been bought from the Letterkenny Arsenal Ordnance Depot in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
January 16-17, 1948, Haifa. Zionists claimed they had murdered 82Arabs, mostly civilians, in a 24 hour period. In retaliation for the massacres, Arabs machine-gunned 35 Haganah men who were en route to attack another Arab farming settlement.
January 17, 1948, Jerusalem: The official death toll of Arabs killed by Jewish terrorists since November 29 had risen to 831.
January 25, 1948, Jerusalem. Following the deaths of ten Jews and two Arabs killed in a battle outside Jerusalem, British authorities stated that 721 Arabs, 408 Jews, 19 civilians and 12 British policemen (a total of 1,160) had been killed in an eight-week period that 1,171 Arabs, 749 Jews, 13 civilians and 37 British officers had been wounded.
January 26, 1948, Palestine. Mrs. Gold Meyerson, Jewish Agency political director in Jerusalem, and Mote Sheraton, chief of all Agency political operations, told the UN Palestine Commission that Jews must arm against possible Arab threats and Sheraton demanded a UN policy that would compel the US. to lift its embargo on arms destined
for Jewish groups in the Middle East
January 28, 1948, Jerusalem. Rabbi Hillel Silver, chief of the Jewish Agency's American division, cut short a trip to Jerusalem to return to the US. and campaign for American public support of armed Jewish backing for partition and eventual Zionist control of all Palestine. On January 27, his agency called upon 15,000 young men and women to join Haganah by February 15. British intelligence reports indicate that Haganah had grown from 3,500 to 12,000 full-time members since December 1.
January 31, 1948, London. British Foreign Office officials revealed that over 1,000 Soviets, all Russian-speaking Communist military technicians, had been intercepted on the immigrant ships “Pan York” and “Pan Crescent”
February 1, 1948, Jerusalem. Arab groups took credit for a bombing that destroyed the “Palestine Post” building. The newspaper had an extensive history of inciting the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem to “destroy Arabs and force them out” of Palestine.
February 1, 1948, Milwaukee. WI, Moshe Shertok, Jewish Agency political director, stated that statements that Communist agents were among the intercepted “Pan York” and “Pan Crescent” immigrants from Bulgaria were untrue. Shartok cited a statement from Cyprus refugee camp commissioner, Sir Godfrey Collins, confirming his statement Collins subsequently denied making such a statement .Shertok further said that the Jews of Palestine welcomed all Jews into their country and that Jewish Communists were equally welcome. He denied rumors of Soviet clandestine assistance to various Jewish terrorist groups.
February 3, 1948, Jerusalem. Stern gang terrorists killed two British policemen because the bombers of the “Post” had allegedly worn police uniforms. Arabs attacked the Jerusalem Central Prison but were driven off by the guards.
The British Foreign Office sent Bulgaria a note of rebuke for “deliberately conniving” in the transshipment of illegal Soviet immigrants to Palestine.
February 10, 1948, Jerusalem. British military units prevented Arabs from bringing dynamite and firebombs into Jerusalem's Old City in an attempt to blow up its Jewish Quarter.
February 10, 1948, Palestine. Jewish terrorist groups murdered ten Arabs near an RAF camp in central Palestine A further 23 Arabs were murdered by Jewish groups throughout Palestine.
February 11, 1948, Palestine. The British Royal Navy intercepted the ship “Beleaguered Jerusalem” off Nahariya and its 679 Jewish illegal immigrants were transshipped to Cyprus.
February 13, 1948, Palestine. A British Army sergeant was arrested in a probe of the death of four Jewish terrorists who were arrested at their sniper post and then released in an Arab neighborhood. The Jews were immediately stoned to death by the Arabs.
February 15, 1948, Galilee. Jewish terrorists raided an Arab settlement in upper Galilee, killing 30 Arabs, including 10 children, and blew up bridges.
February 16, 1948, New York The UN Palestine Commission reported to the Security Council that it would take a UN military force to save the Palestine partition from “catastrophic” failure. The report criticized “(c)ertain elements of the Jewish community,” for “irresponsible ads of violence which worsen the security situation.” The Commission quoted official British figures on Palestine casualties during November 30-February 1:869 killed, including 427 Arabs, 381 Jews, 46 British and 15 of other nationalities; 1,909 wounded, including 1,035 Arabs, 725 Jews, 135 British and 14 others.
February 20, 1948, Jerusalem. Twelve Jewish terrorists, including Moshe Svorai, second in command of the Stern gang, escaped from the Central Prison in Jerusalem.
February 22, 1948, Jerusalem. Two truckloads of high explosives were detonated in Ben Yehuda Street in the Jewish section of Jerusalem. The blast leveled a three block Jewish business center, killing at least 60 with 20 missing and 200 injured. Jews blamed the British because armored trucks with police insignia had escorted the truck bombs into the area.
February 23, 1948, Palestine. Northern Palestine Arabs took credit for the BenYehuda bombing and said they had carried out the attack as retaliation for a Jewish bombing that had killed seven Arabs in Ramleh.
February 27, 1948, Jerusalem. Two anti-Communist Polish residents of Jerusalem were murdered by Stem gang terrorists who claimed the Poles were “pro-Arab.”
February 29, 1948, Rehoveth. The British Mandate Government denounced the Jewish Agency after 28 British soldiers were killed and 35 seriously injured when a Haifa-bound train from Cairo was blown up. Stern gang terrorists took credit for the bombing of the British train as revenge for the Ben Yehuda Street bombing in Jerusalem.
March 1, 1948, Jerusalem. The British Mandate government accused the Jewish Agency of circulating false charges that Britons had committed the BenYehuda bombing and of tolerating Jewish terrorists “for political reasons.” It warned that “continuance of indiscriminate murder” would mean “forfeiture by the Jewish community of all right … to be numbered among civilized peoples. ”Immediately after issuance of this statement, the car of British Commander Lt Gen. McMillan was bombed near Jerusalem but the general was not in the car at the time.
March 2, 1948, Haifa. Stern gang terrorists detonated a truckful of explosives at an Arab office building in Haifa, killing at least 14 Arabs.
March 4, 1948, Ramallah. In retaliation for the Haifa bombing of March 2, Arabs ambushed and killed 17 Haganah youths near RamaIlah
March 5, 1948, Tel Aviv. Haganah killed 15 Arabs near Tel Aviv in revenge for the March 4 ambush of their members
March 5, 1948, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency stated that large-scale Jewish arms shipments were ready in various Mediterranean ports destined for the arming of Jewish partisans in Palestine to “fight and drive out” the Arab population of what the Agency stated “was eternal Jewish land” that could not be occupied by either the British or the Arabs.
March 11, 1948, Jerusalem. The Jewish Agency's building in Jerusalem was bombed with 13 persons killed and 84 injured. An American car, believed to have been stolen from the US. consulate by an Arab chauffeur, was driven through the agency's elaborate barricades with a load of explosives. The driver escaped.
March 11, 1948, New York. Communist and their left wing labor unions turned out over 10,000 persons in a protest rally against US. “betrayal” of partition.
March 12, 1948, New York Columnist Drew Pearson said in his “Washington Merry-Go-Round” column that President Harry Truman had given Democratic party leaders the following reason for holding back on enforcement of Palestine partition after having championed this in the UN last year: Russia was after a US. Army-built railroad north from the Persian Gulf, plus all Arab oil regions and the Eastern Mediterranean. On March, Pearson had stated in the same forum that President Truman had told a New York publisher that New York Jews were “disloyal” to the United States.
March 12, 1948, New York An Arab Higher Command paper was issued that charged the Jewish Agency with massing Soviet trained and equipped illegal immigrants in Eastern Europe for war service in Palestine and had “set up laboratories for bacteriological warfare.”
March 30, 1948, Palestine. British authorities released the latest casualty figures: In March, 566 persons, including 271 Jews 256 Arabs, 39 British and others were killed.
March 30, 1948, New York Soviet and Jewish groups informed the UN Security Council that they defended the UN's previous decision for a separate Jewish state. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko, told the Security Council that partition was “a just solution,” that he was not convinced that it could not be carried out peacefully and that by “wrecking” it the US. would have to take the full blame for “a serious blow upon the UN organization”
April 1, 1948, New York The UN found that it had transversed a circle – from one special General Assembly session to another – in its year-long effort to solve the Palestine problem. Britain referred the Holy Land dispute to the UN April 2, 1947, and asked for a special Assembly session, Events since then:
April 28-May 15, 1947. Assembly met, decided on special committee inquiry into the Palestine situation.
August 31. Special Palestine Committee (UNSCOP) recommended partition, internationalized Jerusalem.
November 29. Assembly approved partition, 33-13 (10 abstentions): US. led the fight for a separate Jewish state. Intensified Arab-Jewish fighting in Palestine.
December 11. Britain set May 15 as the date for surrender of its mandate over Palestine.
February 16, 1948. Assembly's Palestine Commission asked for UN army to enforce partition over Arab resistance.
February 24. US. sidestepped endorsing forcible partition, asked the Council to seek Arab-Jewish agreement
March 19. After the Big Five conciliation efforts failed, the US. abandoned its partition plan and proposed UN trusteeship over Palestine.
April 1. The Security Council agreed (Russia abstaining) to US. proposal for a special Assembly session to reconsider the Palestine problem and passed the US. resolution urging an Arab-Jewish truce.
April 4, 1948, New York A Zionist rally in New York's Madison Square Park was attended by 100,000 persons, including 40,000 Jewish war veterans.
April 6, 1948, Palestine. Jewish terrorists invaded the British Army's largest Palestine camp near Pardes Hannan south of Haifa in a raid for firearms and murdered seven British soldiers.
April 9, 1948, Washington The US. Department of State refused to lift its embargo on arms shipments to the Middle East
April 9, 1948, Jerusalem. Irgun and Stern gang terrorists stormed an Arab suburb of Jerusalem, Dir Yashin, killing 250 Arabs, half of them women and children.
April 25, 1948, Jaffa. The Irgun launched an attack on Arab Jaffa claiming that it was a stronghold for Arabs. They also attacked Tel Aviv with 2,000 men, armored cars and mortars and captured the Arab district of Mansielt. Their advance was halted when British fighter planes and light artillery were used against the Irgun.
April 27, 1948, Palestine. Initially condemning the Irgun for its attack on Jaffa, the Haganah reached an agreement with Irgun and the latter agreed to operate under Haganah control. Both groups then attacked, Haganah seizing Jaffa's eastern and southern suburbs. The Arab city was encircled by April 29, and all but 15,000 of Jaffa's Arab inhabitants had been driven from the city, although the town was officially termed an Arab area. In Tel Aviv, the Stern gang robbed Barclays Bank of $1 million.
April 30, 1948, Jerusalem. Haganah scored victories against the Arab residents after fruitless UN efforts to arrange a truce that would protect historical shrines in the ancient Walled City. Jewish extremists threatened to dynamite the Arab Dome of the Rock Mosque unless all Arabs immediately evacuated Jerusalem. The British response was that if this happened, they would blow up the Wailing Wall, the last remnant of the destroyed temple. The Haganah agreed to respect both Arab and Christian monuments but insisted all Arabs and Christians must leave Jerusalem. In a move they described as “defensive,” the Haganah overran the Christian Arab Katamon quarter in southwestern modern Jerusalem and captured most of the Moslem Mamilla cemetery. Jewish workers seized the general post office in Jerusalem. In Katamon, Haganah captured St Simon's Greek Orthodox Monastery, drove out the monks and vandalized the building. British troops stepped in to prevent further massacre of the Arabs.
May 2, 1948, Jerusalem. The British finally halted wide-spread strife in Jerusalem by rushing several thousand mechanized army units and Royal Marine commandos back to Palestine. Their primary purpose was to protect Arab civilians who were being slaughtered by rampaging Zionists.
May 5-8, 1948, Palestine. The Haganah, now styling itself a “Jewish Army,” struck Upper Galilee in northeastern Palestine and claimed to have crushed any Arab resistance by the end of the week. Safad, capital of Upper Galilee and normally a city of 15,000 Arabs, was reported by the Jewish Agency as having been “cleansed” of Arabs by May 6. The only remaining occupants of the town were 2,000 Jews. Haganah announced that all Arab property had been confiscated from the owners and would be given to Jewish settlers.
May 4, 1948, Tel Aviv. The 37-man Jewish Legislative Council met in Tel Aviv and heard Premier-designate David Ben-Gurion declare that 150,000 Arabs had been driven from their homes in the past five months but that the Jews “haven't lost a single settlement” The Stern gang resumed “direct war” against the British for protecting the Arab population of Jerusalem. Seven British soldiers were killed near Nethanya. At the same time, the Stern gang took credit for a letter bomb which killed the young brother of a British army officer in England.
May 6, 1948, Jerusalem. Haganah was redesignated as the Jewish State Army and reported that 200 aircraft, later revealed by British authorities as having come from Czechoslovakia, whose new communist government is almost entirely composed of Zionists and who have been pouring weapons into Palestine, are slated to reinforce the new army. The army will be increased to 85,000 immediately.
May 16, 1948, New York The number of states recognizing Israel increased to eight this week, and the new country applied for admission to the UN. Russia immediately granted recognition on May 17, implying that it recognized Israel's government as the de jure (legal) government while the United States recognized Israel only as the de facto (in fact) government
May 22, 1948, Jerusalem. Thomas Wasson, US. Consul General in Jerusalem and a member of the Council's Truce Commission, was fatally wounded by a Stern gang sniper near the US. Consulate. Two other Consulate members were also assaulted, one dying the next day.
September 17, 1948, Jerusalem. Angered by his order to readmit 8,000 Arab refugees driven from three villages near Haifa by attacks of Jewish terrorists, the Stern gang assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte, UN mediator for Palestine. Also killed in the attack was French Col. Andre Serot, chief of France's 100-man contingent in the unarmed UN truce-observer team.
Disaffected Youth..SHUT Your Hole!
You don't make no sense what so ever. Keep your Zionist logic & reasoning to yourselves! No human being is interested in it.
The two things that made Israel exist & survive are: money power & control of media.
With money they do whatever they want & with media they says whatever they want, & here the money comes back & buys pro-opinions.
Look at the big picture, they own the biggest businesses on earth, manipulate the biggest power (USA), & control media to a big extent.
Highly Educated, intelligent, very wealthy & very powerful you are; but all these don't make you right & won't ever make you Human Beings if you’re not originally.
Why People around the world show or pretend to support you is because they're somehow forced to.
In a world of material you rule the game.
Yet in the course of humanity Israel is a curse on earth: A cancer that has to be treated or it will kill everyone.
Throughout history all people hated you, & wanted to get rid of you, they tried so hard, not that this was right, but i'm sure it felt like a necessity: a cure. but you worked your ass so hard, & congratulations you succeeded, you got a promise to be protected dumped / imposed on Palestine.
& there, with no right you started to exist by force.
However, you were destined to exist, a further test to humanity, an aspect of the purpose of life, a cruel face of reality.
Of Good & Evil you speak! so you turned the good to your side!
The good news is the world hardly believe you so far. The bad news is: it's quite the opposite & the world conscience is starting to see the opposite and no matter how hard u try to blind people, they woke up from their slumber & started to open their eyes, see & remorsefully realize that they were deceived/bought all the time.
Even some of you hate you!!! That’s because they know you.
Get to know yourself better, The core of you! & inevitably you will hate yourself. You think you're God's elite people on earth, u think you have the right to exploit all & everyone is inferior to u & to is to be in your best interest.
Israel never stopped showing its aggression & racism to all its neighbors.
& whenever reproached, it starts acting pathetic.... moans holocaust & Bla Bla Bla..What a pity!
You're doing much worse than holocaust to people around u everyday for over 60 years now.
Here’s an interesting fact: Israel has enough nuclear weapons to destroy planet earth three times.
Israel can demolish Earth x 3.
The most aggressive country, still occupying lands of three neighboring countries, has the most dangerous power, in the hands of such people with such immoral doctrines & beliefs, ready to do whatever possible to control everything in the world.
Israel is THE danger!! The Axis of EVIL! So they brainstormed & came up with this name.
People around the world should know this: The war is on terror, every one wants to end it, that’s right: but There's a cause & there's effect. The effect is international terrorist islamic radicals…etc, they should be destroyed, no question in that: Yet the cause is a much bigger camouflaged Terrorism…..ISRAEL / Zionism.
ISRAEL must & will go down.
Where is reason? Obviously, those shells pictured haven't been dropped. There are in mint condition. Even unexploded ordinance gets wrecked when it slams into the ground at several hundred miles per hour. And since neither Lebanon nor Hezbollah have an air force, let alone one effective against Israel, I doubt those shells were 'dropped.' Even if they were, I haven't heard anything about Israel defending itself with enormous pillows. Besides, I thought the problem was Katyushka rockets, which don't look at all like that. I doubt if Hezbollah had artillery pieces that could launch such large shells that they would still be around at this point.
So how can the people who have encouraged and enabled these children to write such extraordinarily vulgar messages on the instruments of death--whether the purpose of those shells is legitimate defense or illegitimate collective punishment--be defended? And how can the actions of these few be used to justify rhetoric calling for wiping a whole people off the map?
Does it signal a very disturbing capacity for ethnic hatred among some Israelis that seriously undermines their nation's constant claims that their forces always act under morally defined restraint and that their people as a whole are qualitatively different and superior to their enemies?
Just maybe. So in our anger, lets not lower ourselves to such a level.
if any of you are actually in israel you could have watched the story on channel 2. these children were bussed up for a party with the soldiers, and these are live artillery rounds ready to be fired at lebanon.
STOP THE WAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't this war the biggest evidence of humans lack of intelligence?
Instead of just arguing whose to blame or not we just focus on "you did this and I did that...". We, the normal people (not our leaders) should all be interested in achieving peace with eachother. Let the leaders fight their own fights.
But I'll guess the leaders need war to keep the masses.
We should all rise above our history (because history is just history) and focus on our future happiness.
Peace :-)
whatever the dertails of the shell game, what do you think of having these children there doing that... it is possible that they are students from a class whose tecaher is one of the thousands of Israelis who march against the aggression and are part of the peace movement in israel that is little reported on, but that would be surprising... and now usa expedites sending missiles to israel, there goes the olde iran supports hezbollah comparison.. not too liong i think before another catastrophe in usa promopted by the displaced, homeless, murdered families, or by cia or mossad , as they7 did before....
When will this insanity stop?
I am so tired to watch convulsed on tv innocent people to get killed because of the politician's benefits!!Because America and Israel collaborate!!They are making money from selling weapons and they are trying to rule the whole world!!
I wonder how do they dare to do that!!
This world belongs to everybody!!
We all deserve to be free!!
We , the Greeks, are against to anyone who is unfair to people and generaly to the whole humanity!!!
When will this insanity stop?
I am so tired to watch convulsed on tv innocent people to get killed because of the politician's benefits!!Because America and Israel collaborate!!They are making money from selling weapons and they are trying to rule the whole world!!
I wonder how do they dare to do that!!
This world belongs to everybody!!
We all deserve to be free!!
We , the Greeks, are against to anyone who is unfair to people and generaly to the whole humanity!!!
Hara from Greece.
I used to be in the artillery. Those shells are NOT duds, collected. Duds tend to look a lot more battered up, wich you would expect after hitting the ground at about 200 mph. Further, those shells are heavy caliber, above 8 inches. They are not missiles, they are not tank shells, they are heavy artillery shells, and i seriously doubt that Hizbollah has heavy artillery. Or could operate it if they had, using that kind of equipment is difficult.
The "collected dud"-argument can end here. These are NOT duds. I've seen so many myself that I can safely make that assesment. Further, duds are EXTREMELY dangerous. ONE of those shells obliverates everything in a 100 yard radius if it goes of, we disarmed duds by putting on a bombsuit, crawl out to the shell and use C4 to set it of. They can go off at the slightest vibration. The Israeli military would NEVER stock up duds like that. And NEVER EVER let kids sign the duds.
And no, there are no safe duds. There's allways a chance.
I'm not a terrorist advocate. Neither a blooming Israeli supporter. I am merely a man saddened by all the violence and hate we have in this world today. Differences or whatever, we are all human, and that commands respect for eachothers right to live freely without fear. I feel sorry for both the Israeli and Libanese kids.
With modesty, Z.
"Muslims in Zimbabwe;genocide of christians, deportations and harrasment
Muslims in Namibia; genocide of christians, muslims calling for separate state
Muslims in South Africa; persecution of christians, muslims calling for separate state"
I am South African, and I can vouch that at the very least these three statements are complete and utter bullshit. And no, I'm not Muslim, I am a white, middle-aged, English-speaking male of (very distant) Irish descent.
What I will tell you further from bitter experience, is that all the excuses being trotted out by the Israeli apologists are exactly the same as those trotted out by the apartheid apologists.
There is no difference between the South African apartheid state, and the current State of Israel, it's like watching the same movie again.
There will only be peace in Palestine when true democracy is installed in the area, and a one-state solution is negotiated.
In South Africa we had bantustans, and tried to convince the world that these fragmented and isolated "states" were independent countries.
Well, we all know what happened here, and today whilst we have our problems, we at least do have a single, united democratic country.
The Israelis are going to have to learn (like we whites in SA did), that:
1.They are not a superior race
2.They cannot subjugate and terrorise everybody to get their way forever
3.They cannot use the bible to justify injustice
4.If people have nothing left to lose, then they will resort to means beyond your comprehension
5.The rest of the world will eventually wake up and bring them down with sanctions
6.They will have to learn to live and get along in a country with everyone else without having the last say in everything
7.It's really shit finding out you are actually the "bad guys" (a lot of Americans are going to find this out for themselves too, and it tastes really bitter btw)
To those of you who have never seen war at first hand, it's ugly. It's the worst obscenity that any human can ever witness, and I can speak from personal experience.
Those who advocate violence and war, and get all excited about "defending" whoever with blatant acts of agression (just like SA did) because it's so easy to get all chickenhawk about it from a distance, do yourself a favour, go and find out first hand about it, then maybe you won't think it's such a good idea anymore.
That's the problem with the current US administration (and what appears from here to be a fairly significant portion of the US public). It seems they just don't really know what war actually is and what it's like.
Oh, one last thing. Will all the Democrats in the US kindly stop being such chickenshits and stand up for what's morally right for a change.
When I read articles at sites like KOS and see how many of those wet-farts spend more time worrying about how they'll be perceived by the right-wing than whether they actually have any opinions or try to discuss real issues I want to scream.
I can tell you that Democrats are also being held liable for the current US mess by the rest of the world because they're not doing anything concrete to oppose it.
Being walked all over is not going to win an election. Grow some balls FFS!
to israeli kids :
I agree with SA anon. Bantustans were BS. and these pics, lies or not, I wouldn't put it past Israel to do summing so totally sick. Their track record speaks for itself.
Talk about pissing on the graves of all those brave men who fought and died in France and Germany during WWII. You little nazis should be ashamed of yourselves.
Who care's if those shell where live or not, the fact that kids are around shell let alone signing them means that there is a problem.
Are people really looking at the big picture here. Get those kids out of there, you wounder why there is so much wrong doing in this world, just look at those photos again.
f**k israel and i hope all israeli's die. u guys dont even have a country , ur trying to build a country on others land. I hope the israeli people all die in this war, cuz thast what u bitches deserve.
You can always tell when the anti-Semites are losing the argument, because they start spamming the comment section with cut-and-pastes from
Hey, do you think the Palestinian kids write little messages on their suicide bomber vests before blowing up a bus?
You are not a nazi or an anti-semite because you think that Israel is acting liek complet fucking idiots. The only thing that they accomplish by bombing Lebanon to pieces, is making it a hell lot easier for Hizbollah to recruit more terrorists.
Ola, you're right that you aren't a Nazi or an anti-Semite just for criticizing Israeli policy. However, you are if you write things like:
"f**k israel and i hope all israeli's die. u guys dont even have a country , ur trying to build a country on others land. I hope the israeli people all die in this war, cuz thast what u bitches deserve."
qrswave, if i ever meet you on the street i'll slap you down like the dumb bitch you obviously are.
fuck you very much.
Used or unused shells, it doesn't really matter if they're shooting them or disposing them, it's the idea of the kids sending those dirty messages. Everyone knows the deal, even you Zionists.
Youssef El Khouli
Ottawa, Ontario
go fuk ur self JEWS. i would luv to c hitler alive right about now. kill some more of u guys. i can say that HITLER is my hero. its a dam shame hes not here. palestine is origanlly to us ARABS. u guys took it. u fukin ass wholes. cannt wait to we kill u all. life would b soo much better. i would rather u guys rot in hell or rot in an oven where u should have been if it were hitlers choice
So, i can't belive it... this situation is a full of shit i don't want to understand why killing little children...and who give to them premisson to killing another human...but the children...wahh i hate all of them who started this shit...
the shells are SO not empty. look here for proof:
these pictures are simply horrifying...since when do we dumb down bombs so that little children think death is a game?!?
What scares me even more is all of the hatred in the comments on this page...this same type of hatred that promotes war between nations in the middle east and the same type of hatred that allows casualties to occur on both sides. Claiming you are angered by these pictures and going on to curse Israel only seems like a self contradiction....
you all need to open your eyes...there is NO WAY peace will ever happen in the middle east if this type of hatred continues...who cares who did what to who...INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE DYING ON BOTH SIDES! wake up and stop the hatred
Why are so many of you defending genocide? You're no better than the Nazis. Hezbollah and Iran (its primary funding source) wants to wipe Israel (the Jews) off of the map. They have made no bones about it publicly. Israel has every right to defend itself and the signing of live artillery is pretty noble. These children are being told that they want to be killed by Islamic radicals. You're defending a group of militants who won't let the innocent Lebanese leave their villages during bombing raids, using them as human shields so that your precious media will say "Israel is targeting civilians." It's crap. You should be rallying for Hezbollah to back off.
Why do you go everywhere and call ppl anti-semite.
Aren't you tired of lying?
I'm Semite so fuck you,Sionist pig.
where are you all from? do you really believe that this war is realsied because Israel is in danger? and if yes, can anyone explain me why they are changing the Libanese borders??? ohhh please, everything comes down to petrol and money and US that wants to be leader in middle east. don't be so naive...
half of the world has no clue where taly is in the map...imagine how is easy it is to mislead humanity...
for those who live everyday the war...its easy to leave than to be left behind...and those kids from, Israel the bombs if they do not change philosophy then it is the same as signing their own graves...always one war leads to another until revolution comes...and equilibrium.
they are not changing the border just so you know, they are putting in a buffer zone so israel's major cities will not be in range of terrorist attacks...please before you preach do some research..back onto the subject of the israeli girls, there was an article posted about the entire matter..
The image above caused a huge storm of outrage in the Arab blogosphere. Huge. You wouldn't believe how huge. The widely-read Gulf-based Palestinian blogger who was the first to post it received so much traffic that he had to move the photo to another server. Many others, including several I know personally, posted it and expressed their disgust. Israeli children taught to hate! Lebanese children are dying and they're happy! They're no better than... (fill in the blank, I don't want to go there).
Below is the story behind the photo - from the source.
I phoned Sebastian Scheiner, the Israeli photojournalist who took the photo for Associated Press (AP), explained that the image had given a really terrible impression and asked for the context. He sketched it out quickly and fluidly, but asked me not to quote him. So I spoke with Shelly Paz, a Yedioth Ahronoth reporter who was also at the scene and agreed immediately to go on record. She was quite shocked to learn how badly the photo had been misinterpreted and misrepresented; and she told me the same story Sebastian did, but with more details and nuance.
The little girls shown drawing with felt markers on the tank missiles are residents of Kiryat Shmona, which is right on the border with Lebanon. And when I say "on the border," I'm not kidding; there's little more space between their town and Southern Lebanon than there is between the back gardens of neighbouring houses in a wealthy American suburb.
No, how close is it really?
Well, there's a famous story in Israel, from the time when the Israeli army occupied Southern Lebanon: a group of soldiers stationed inside southern Lebanon used their mobile phones to order pizza from Kiryat Shmona and have it delivered to the fence that separates the two countries.
Kiryat Shmona has been under constant bombardment from South Lebanon since the first day of the conflict. It was a ghost town, explained Shelly. There was not a single person on the streets and all the businesses were closed. The residents who had friends, family or money for alternate housing out of missile range had left, leaving behind the few who had neither the funds nor connections that would allow them to escape the missiles crashing and booming on their town day and night. The noise was terrifying, people were dying outside, the kids were scared out of their minds and they had been told over and over that some man named Nasrallah was responsible for their having to cower underground for days on end.
On the day that photo was taken, the girls had emerged from the underground bomb shelters for the first time in five days. A new army unit had just arrived in the town and was preparing to shell the area across the border. The unit attracted the attention of twelve photojournalists - Israeli and foreign. The girls and their families gathered around to check out the big attraction in the small town - foreigners. They were relieved and probably a little giddy at being outside in the fresh air for the first time in days. They were probably happy to talk to people. And they enjoyed the attention of the photographers.
Apparently one or some of the parents wrote messages in Hebrew and English on the tank shells to Nasrallah. "To Nasrallah with love," they wrote to the man whose name was for them a devilish image on television - the man who mockingly told Israelis, via speeches that were broadcast on Al Manar and Israeli television, that Hezbollah was preparing to launch even more missiles at them. That he was happy they were suffering.
The photograpers gathered around. Twelve of them. Do you know how many that is? It's a lot. And they were all simultaneously leaning in with their long camera lenses, clicking the shutter over and over. The parents handed the markers to the kids and they drew little Israeli flags on the shells. Photographers look for striking images, and what is more striking than pretty, innocent little girls contrasted with the ugliness of war? The camera shutters clicked away, and I guess those kids must have felt like stars, especially since the diversion came after they'd been alternately bored and terrified as they waited out the shelling in their bomb shelters.
Shelly emphasized several times that none of the parents or children had expressed any hatred toward the Lebanese people. No-one expressed any satisfaction at knowing that Lebanese were dying - just as Israelis are dying. Their messages were directed at Nasrallah. None of those people was detached or wise enough to think: "Hang on, tank shell equals death of human beings." They were thinking, tank shell equals stopping the missiles that land on my house. Tank shells will stop that man with the turban from threatening to kill us.
And besides, none of those children had seen images of dead people - either Israeli or Lebanese. Israeli television doesn't broadcast them, nor do the newspapers print them. Even when there were suicide bombings in Israel several times a week for months, none of the Israeli media published gory photos of dead or wounded people. It's a red line in Israel. Do not show dead, bleeding, torn up bodies because the families of the dead will suffer and children will have nightmares. And because it is just in bad taste to use suffering for propaganda purposes.
Those kids had seen news footage of destroyed buildings and infrastructure, but not of the human toll. They had heard over and over that the air force was destroying the buildings that belonged to Hezbollah, the organization responsible for shelling their town and threatening their lives. How many small children would be able to make the connection between tank shells and dead people on their own? How many human beings are able to detach from their own suffering and emotional stress and think about that of the other side? Not many, I suspect.
So, perhaps the parents were not wise when they encouraged their children to doodle on the tank shells. They were letting off a little steam after being cooped up - afraid, angry and isolated - for days. Sometimes people do silly things when they are under emotional stress. Especially when they fail to understand how their childish, empty gesture might be interpreted.
I've been thinking for the last two days about this photo and the storm of reaction it set off. I worry about the climate of hate that would lead people to look at it and automatically assume the absolute worst - and then use the photo to dehumanize and victimize. I wonder why so many people seem to take satisfaction in believing that little Israeli girls with felt markers in their hands - not weapons, but felt markers - are evil, or spawned by an evil society. I wonder how those people would feel if Israelis were to look at a photo of a Palestinian child wearing a mock suicide belt in a Hamas demonstration and conclude that all Palestinians - nay, all Arabs - are evil.
And I wonder why it is so difficult to think a little, to get it into our heads that television news and photojournalism manipulate our thoughts and emotions.
Links to anti-Israel websites with that photo placed prominently next to the image of a dead Lebanese child have been sent to me several times. Someone has been rushing around the Israeli blogosphere, leaving the link to one particularly abhorrent site in the comments boxes. And it makes me really sad that the emotional climate has deteriorated to this point.
The moderates of the Middle East are locked in a battle with the extremists. And look what they did to the moderates. Without blinking, without thinking, we fell victim to the classic "divide and conquer" technique. We work hard for months and years to build connections, develop our societies, educate ourselves, promote democracy and free speech... And they destroy it all, in less than a week. And we let them.
Guys... really... do you think this message board is going to change anything? Didn't think so... spread the love... stop the hate... and fuck ppl that don't want P.M.E. (Peace in the Middle East)
One love, G U S
I just have one thing to say.
Are those children writing on munitions or not?? Um yeah those are little girls writing on weapons.
Forget all the hype of oh she said he said and they didnt mean this or that.
Facts are they did and they are being shown the wrong way to be towards others regardless of the situation.
Israel has no more moral ground to stand on than anyone else in the region they have committed many acts of terrorism in their own history towards others.
In truth the only way to solve this problem is to go back before 1948 and do things right but we cant and its too late now to change the behavior of deep seeded hatred between both sides.
Sorry guys this one is not ending anytime soon. The only thing that scares me more than the backlash from being involved in supplying israel is the fact that israel has Nukes and they have no mercy for others in the region.
How do you know it isn't staged? THey maynot be Israelis at all. Why would they be writing in English? I'm thinking it may be the other side setting this up to make it look like Israeli kids are doing this. They are writing in English for our benefit; to win more supporters from the US, etc...
Just a thought...
we already know its iraeli kids and in israel. But yeah its staged alright. Sick bastards
I completely agree, the moderates have to reign in the extremists.
Use your brains everybody, war is hell and small children, even grownups are easely manipulated with hate. Let's stop manipulating eachother. Bind in you first impulse of hate and rage.The fact is we are all human and none of us wants our mother, child, father, etc killed or wounded. We all love our family and our friends. LETS MAKE STRONG WARNINGS TO THE EXTREMISTS IN OUR MIDS ON BOTH SIDES AND REIGN THEM IN, IN THIS WAY WE WILL CREATE PEACE, IT IS NEEDED ELSE THOSE WITH EXTREMISTIC EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS WILL KILL ALL OF US ON BOTH SIDES.
When I see photos like those above, that demonstrate how these young children are being mistaught and being sent to a stupid thinking place in their lives, I wonder if it is that very harmful to let children see sex movies or stories anywhere. What's really worse for children, such amount of stupid and reasonless behavior of sending messages in bombs or looking at sex in the internet. What kind of people are they going to be in the future? As long as anybody keeps thinking violence, death and suffering exists only when they affect us and not "the others", life is going to be like Jews and Arabs have experienced so far. Will this kid messengers be good, respectful people in the future? Is it possible for any reasonable person to expect better days in Middle East? Are Jews acting under God's will, they that call themselves "God's sons, the chosen people"? How many "messages" might have been sent by Hitler and their soldiers to Jews in the 1940's? Is there a real difference between the way of deffending their ideas among Nazis and Israel's government. I have in mind that Jewish people cannot be compared to those ones that permit and help innocent children to act so stupidly, mindless and heartless. This should end the quickest.
How do I know it isn't staged?? I read it in the Jerusalem Post.
I love how the blog-owner paraphrased what was on the bombs, & then added "Not in so many words" - AND ALL TO DELIBERATELY OBFUSCATE WHAT WAS ACTUALLY ON THE BOMBS!
Not one of you picked it up - you were all so busy adding to the lies and hatred, & trying to pretend that it didn't all come from the terrorists!
What the bombs say is "To NAZRALLAH with love." To the LEADER OF HAMAS. It is not these children's fault, or Israel's, that Hamas & all other terrorists are PROVEN to use children/babies/women as shields. The Lebanese themselves put out pictures of Hamas guns sitting in Lebanese neighborhoods - you tell me how Israel is supposed to work around that?
You hypocritical hatemongers make me sick!!
i dont understand what makes you different from hamas or those fighting on the other side. Both of you seem to drag in children in to this. Hate for hate has never won.
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