< HOME  Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Net Neutrality: America's Last Defense against Fascism

"It is because the Internet is a NEUTRAL platform that I can put out this podcast and transmit it over the Internet without having to go through any corporate media middleman.

I can say what I want without censorship or without having to pay a special charge.

But the big telephone and cable companies WANT TO CHANGE THE INTERNET AS WE KNOW IT.

They say that they want to create high speed lanes on the Internet and strike exclusive contractual agreements with Internet content providers for access to those high speed lanes.

Everyone who CANNOT PONY UP THE CASH will be relegated to the slow lanes."
These are the words of Barack Obama, Senator from Illinois, in support of Net NEUTRALITY.
"Allowing the Bells and cable companies to act like gatekeepers WITH CONTROL OVER ACCESS to the Internet would make the Internet like cable - A PRODUCER-DRIVEN MARKET WITH BARRIERS TO ENTRY for website creators and preferential treatment for specific sites based not on merit or number of hits, but on their relationship with the corporate gatekeepers.”
Does all this sound familiar? It should. Because THIS is the story of our lives.

In a few paragraphs, Senator Obama encapsulated the method by which every facet of our economy has come under the complete control of a handful of corporations - the very first and most important of which is OUR MONETARY SYSTEM.

Like the Internet, our Money was intended at its inception to benefit equally every citizen of this nation - to serve, like the internet, as a medium of exchange to facilitate commerce and to increase trade. Money was issued whenever its circulation would benefit people. It was, so to speak, NEUTRAL. It was issued by the people, to the people, and for the people - interest-free.

Until one day, a handful of bankers established themselves as middlemen and exclusive gatekeepers of our national treasure - the medium which we had adopted in faith and trusted to MEASURE our wealth.

No sooner did they secure exclusive control over this treasure than they began exacting a special fee for its usage from the very same people by whose authority it was created.

Thereafter, they transformed our monetary system into a producer-driven market with barriers to entry for working people and preferential treatment for wealthy corporations, not based on merit or how hard they worked, but on their relationship with the corporate gatekeepers of money.

Through exclusive contractual agreements, wealthy corporations secured the greatest access to money at the lowest rates of interest, while working americans were forced to pay high rates of interest in return for minimal access to what is in fact the nation's treasure. The rest, as they say, is history.

Today, the same people who hijacked our monetary system intend to hijack our Internet. If they succeed, they will have dismantled the last barrier between freedom and total domination under these financial overlords. Their control over the money supply will contaminate the internet, making it an electronic version of the feudal economy we suffer under today.

While many people recognize the promise the internet holds in disseminating information and educating the masses, few realize that it is also the KEY to our financial freedom. The internet - like money - is a medium of exchange and can, with the right technology, be used to conduct every conceivable commercial transaction, all without middlemen, and all INTEREST-FREE.

This week we must fight for Net Neutrality as if our lives depend on it - because they do.


At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Blogger Citisucks said...

It is all out classwarfare and the clas warfare is being enacted against us. Most of the people are asleep and won't even notice the corporate terrorist takeover of the internet until it has actually occurred.

Hopefully the revolution will come soon and the corporate terrorists will be overthrown.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still don't see 10 million of you babies sitting on the white house lawn. This is obviously not much of an issue. You all talk but no walk. Well I guess the American dream is just that, a DREAM. Fools all of you.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

when the time is right, it will happen. And it will feel like we tarried not more than a moment.

Our most important job right now is to remain hyper-vigilant and spread the word.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't they start off with removing all the porn and sadistic rape sites. If they really mean to clean up the internet , they should start in the basement to keep our kids safe from smut. Instead of trying to censure people who think 911 was an inside job, try as they may, the media has lost the the public's trust and the internet is stopping them from total proxy control.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Blogger Citisucks said...

To the poster too cowardly to use there name,

The government does oppresive and terroristic things all the time. I live 2000 miles away from the white house. How am I suppossed to get to Washington DC to sit on the White House lawn every time the corporate terrorists strike.

Of course this is a huge issue, but the riots will have to be on a local level.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the Jews stupid, anyone that denies thisreality today is either completely stupid, delusional or complicit.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
--Thomas Jefferson

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Blogger Citisucks said...

The word appears to be spreading. I have been educating someone at work regarding the truth and they are learning and making positive changes.

Come on, you know the corporate terrorists and pigs hate women. Just look at the number of people on the Dateline show to Catch a Predator were "powerful" and or pigs.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jews have a stranglehold on the American media, in all its facets. Don't believe it? Check this out.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, imho, its much ado about nothing. Let em have it. Netsuku works, for one thing, and for another, networks can now be built anywhere there's a phone line, and contrary to popular belief Dial Up works fine for most things. Get off it when it's just another lamer sitcom and find the truth. When you knew AOL sucked, you didn't use it. Now the *internet* will suck, and we won't use it. The Hackers (meaning the real ones, not the crack kiddies busting up file servers) are one step ahead of everything always.

They can't stop the truth, they never could, but they always have to try.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's your 'net, spread the word and write,phone, Email your representatives and let them know they are up for re election this November and all the corporate donations won't buy them another four years at the trough if they vote against the wishes of those that voted them in.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Blogger Citisucks said...

I don't know if the corporate terrorists in Congress care about elections. They must know that the election system is filled with fraud. That if they want to win again than all they have to do is give the corporate terrorists who control the voting technology a few more dollars in the g-string so even more minorities can be denied what is suppossed to be their right to vote.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The internet is the last bastion of free press. The gov't already cages protestors, pressures book outlets to stop selling books like "America Deceived" by E.A. Blayre III, spies on all citizens and starts illegal wars. Of course, they will regulate the internet soon, just like the Mainstream Media is regulated. This was only a matter of time.
Support indy media.
Last Link (before Google Books is censored):

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since every politician has either been bribed or blackmailed, writing letters, and protesting is really a waste of time. It is better to form neighborhood corporations similar to the condominium concept and fight fire with fire. For example, if just one person in the neighborhood has Internet access, than with today’s wireless technology an entire neighborhood can have relatively free Internet 24/7. If the poor and middle class can protest together, then why can’t they work together against the mega rich just like they work together against the poor and middle class? Today corporations have far more legal power than individuals. Welcome to the New World Order.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I said before, if it meant anything to you guys then you would walk the 2000 miles if you had to. At least the FRENCH have the balls to stop the country in its tracks to say they don't agree with the government. Also why don't you all take some personal responsibility. Why would you want to have others tell you what you can and can't do or watch. You say you want all this freedom yet cry when there are "internet predetors" out there trying to get you. Either you want big brother to protect you from the freedom or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Blogger Citisucks said...

As mentioned 2 comments ago, the poor and middle class people need to work together to start a new world order. Instead of working two jobs people need to start producing things in their own apartments, homes, and gardens. We must cut off the corporate terrorists. The government has already been bought by them so trying to enact change by protesting to the government won't do much. Buy local, share what you already have with those around you, if you have credit card tear them up, move your money from a bank to a credit union, and cut the corporate terrorists off.

At Tuesday, July 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware of "Anonymous" people who try to affiliate the 911 truth movement with anti-semitism. They are trying to discredit the whole movement as a bunch of rasist kooks. Blaming a race or an entire etnic or religious group for ANYTHING is simply idiotic, and anyone with half a brain can understand that.

At Wednesday, July 05, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

when you preview what? a comment? or a post?

Trying posting in the blog.

At Wednesday, July 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want to throw in my two cents. America is corrupt in almost everyway shape and form. Money is king and material goods reign. No matter who runs the country no matter what system of government we put in place it will always fail. Look throughout all of history. Its like this if I was on the Titanic the boat is sinking. Now I could sit there any quarrell with the passengers about how the captain is murderer and he caused this and how his crewman are all liers and all that. But the more important thing is how many people can we get on the life boats. Right now America is sinking so we can sit here an argue who is to blame and all that but whats more important is how we can end needless suffering. What I have found that ends suffering in millions of live throughout the world is the love of Jesus Christ. I will probably be ridiculed for this comment but I hope the readers of this see can really truely see that in fact God does exist and he has a hope for every man, and that he wishes to be in fellowship with all his creation. Thanks

At Wednesday, July 05, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

Thanks, Anon 12;36. I am Muslim, but I do appreciate what you're saying.

God is our only refuge.

At Thursday, July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This doesnt have anything to do with cleaning up the Internet or god or jesus.
It's strictly about corporate power and control over the average Joe's life.
How will this affect other countries?

At Thursday, July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if somehow the average Joe destroyed all big corperations and we started a new america and got rid of all big government, within years we'd be right back where we started. Man will always be corrupt because that is his nature. Look over the history of man their has never ever been total peace on earth. So you can sit around for hours disussing how to stop the big corporations, and the corruption over the world ,but 10 out of 10 times your going to fail.

At Thursday, July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if somehow the average Joe destroyed all big corperations and we started a new america and got rid of all big government, within years we'd be right back where we started. Man will always be corrupt because that is his nature. Look over the history of man their has never ever been total peace on earth. So you can sit around for hours disussing how to stop the big corporations, and the corruption over the world ,but 10 out of 10 times your going to fail.

At Thursday, July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what your political position is, but if you've ever run a business of any kind (and guess what, with most of the blue collar and white collar jobs going to India and China), you realize that "you get what you pay for," and "there's no such thing as something for nothing."
Put your money where your mouth is and you won't have a problem.

Freeloaders and moochers can burn yourselves up in rage.

At Thursday, July 06, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

you are so clueless, anon July 6, 3:15.

How can you possibly speak of "getting what you pay for" when you neither know where or how your money was issued, nor where your money's been?

When the system is as rigged as it is, the only "freeloaders and moochers" are the ones creating money from thin air and reaping the unjust rewards.

At Thursday, July 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEre is my too sence. FUCK AMERICA

At Thursday, July 06, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

what does that have to do with the post?

At Friday, July 07, 2006, Blogger Citisucks said...

Well when idiots like anon July 6, 3:15 post you can see just how scared shitless that the corporate terrorists like this asshole are, because they know that the revolution is coming soon. People are not inherently evil only your fellow corporate terrorist buddies. Look at all the good people who come to visit this site. Look at how many people have been brainwashed into giving money to corrupt charities. Just because your an evil corporate terrorist don't project it out onto the rest of the world. The revolution is coming and we will destory your corporate terrorist cells and create a world with peace, equality, and kindness.

At Wednesday, July 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laugh my fucking ass off everytime I see some dumbfuck like citisucks spew his hope for a better future bullshit. GO have this huge revolution go start america from scratch. 5 years later your back to the same bullshit. If we destroyed all big corperations in less then a year they'd be right back in a diffrent form. CITISUCKS is such an arrogant piece of shit. You give false hope to sooooo many. And even though your huge revolution hasn't happened yet I can tell it ain't gonna work. Look at Britian. They were tyrannical. Some people started a revolution. They moved to a diffrent nation. The won the revolution. 230 years later they are exactly what they revolted against. SO you can go and plan this revolution and cause all this bloodshed but people are inherintly evil, and we will always fuck up, and be arrogant to the fact that we do fuck up.

At Wednesday, July 12, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

You mean like you?


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