< HOME  Friday, July 21, 2006

Saddam to Americans - make ‘A Clean Break’ from Zionism

Aside from his accusations aimed at Iran (though not implausible), sounds like Saddam is perfectly aware of what's going on and has some pretty good advice for Americans.
Saddam Hussein said in a letter released Friday that President Bush and pro-Israel groups lied to Americans to justify the Iraq war, and he added that Iran "and its agents" helped facilitate the aggression.

Saddam also urged Americans to "save your country and leave Iraq" in a letter written in prison to the American people and released by his lawyers in Jordan.

"I see that officials of your administration are still lying to you and they still do not give you a true explanation for the reasons that motivated them to rush on the road of aggression against Iraq," Saddam wrote.

Saddam said seven years of U.N. inspections failed to find evidence that Iraq was still trying to build weapons of mass destruction.

"They also exploited the so-called war on terrorism which prevailed in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks" to claim a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda, Saddam said.

The real reason for the war was to prevent Iraq from pursuing the "legitimate aspirations to develop its economy, culture and civilization," he said.

"They also wanted to achieve an important Zionist objective and to gain ground within their own constituency. Iran and its agents played a dirty role in decorating and facilitating the aggression."

He said the war had tarnished America's "reputation and esteem" around the world.

"Look at the American citizen, who was used to traveling anywhere he liked and being welcomed in any country he visited. ***Nowadays, an American cannot walk outside America unless he has a mine detector.*** The Department of the State issues one warning after another to inform you about the countries that have become dangerous for you."

He said the loss of prestige was due to the "reckless behavior of your government, pushed by Zionism and influential centers of power which led to the commission of these crimes and scandals in order to attain certain interests which do not include the interest of the American people."

Saddam said most Americans could not question U.S. strategy before the war began because "the Zionist people within the (pro-Israel) lobby that was pushing for war" was "deceiving you so you were confused and lost the ability to see the truth as it was."

Now, Saddam said the American people must decide whether to "allow the killing machine to continue grinding the flesh of both the Iraqis and the Americans" or to act "decisively to stop it."
What will it be, America?

First Afghanistan, then Iraq, now Lebanon.

Is Iran next? Or will Americans finally make 'A Clean Break' from the Zionist agenda?


At Friday, July 21, 2006, Blogger Bill said...

I read this letter last night, and agree with Saddam, we need to rid ourselves of this kill, kill ,kill, war, war ,war mentality. It truly make one question ones self as to what is the motivation of this current administration.

At Friday, July 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a sad state of affairs in America when the most potent truths we hear from politicians, come from Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez.

Wake up and smell the jackboot. Israel's quest for Lebensraum while likely destroy both Israel and the USA. Of course, the Bank of London will still profit handsomely.

At Friday, July 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

America lies comatose in the Spider's web, slowly being sucked dry of its blood and treasure and, ultimately, its very life - there is no strength left for a "clean break" from Zionist control (starting with the Neocons, Bush and from there throughout the entire Bush cabal, both political parties, the media, foundations, institutions, religions, business, think tanks, education, etc. etc. etc.) The web has been spun too tightly and the poison administered for too many years.

There is only one way to free the victims - kill the Spider (and all the baby spiders ;) That means eliminate Zionism, including the State of Israel, and so forth! There is only ONE power in the universe who is able to do that at this late stage of the 'game'.

That's right, the arm of God, Himself! :O Who is the arm of God? - Jesus the Christ! Look for His return and the burning of all the cobwebs :)

At Friday, July 21, 2006, Blogger Bill said...

That's right, the arm of God, Himself! :O Who is the arm of God? - Jesus the Christ! Look for His return and the burning of all the cobwebs :)

No offence, But if there is such a person you speak of "god" bring him fourth to stop the carniage..otherwise..to me and only me your preaching is of a bible thumping fool. This is reality, not some kind of MTV program about reality,People are dying fool.

At Saturday, July 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's a sad state of affairs in America when the most potent truths we hear from politicians, come from Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez".
Freaky has it covered i believe. The only "GOD" who will save us is the god within ourselves.There is no other way.

At Saturday, July 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"no offense" "fool" "bring him on" "bible thumping fool", etc.

I suggest that you keep your eyes, ears and mind open and your mouth shut - no offense ;)

What are you doing, posting your ignorance here? - do you know where "the truth will set you free" comes from and what it means??? Do you know what "In God We Trust" means??? Wise up!


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