< HOME  Monday, September 11, 2006

all they needed was a pretext . . .

Five years ago today - they made one.
"They made a decision, on 9/11, that this was the excuse that they needed to go in and finish off Saddam Hussein."
--Joseph Trento, Historian
* * *

"That was the plan.

And this administration was indeed waiting for a pretext.

General Clark has said publicly that on 9/11 - as [Americans] were holding hands and jumping to their deaths - the White House called him and said - pin it on Iraq.

They weren't thinking about the Americans dying.

They weren't thinking about the people who were committing suicide in order to escape the flames.

They were thinking about 9/11 not as an attack - but AS A GIFT."

* * *

These people came to their conclusions and then looked for intelligence to support it.

And when they couldn't find intelligence to support it -
they created lies. [They lied to] the American public, to the American Congress, to the United Nations, and to the rest of the world.

--Robert Steele, former CIA agent
Since then, tens of thousands have lost their lives, hundreds of thousands of lives were shattered, hundreds of billions of tax dollars wasted, and 4.5 billion years contaminated with their weapons of mass destruction. And don't dare ask 'Was it worth it?' without asking 'for who?'

If 9/11 was 'a gift', it was one they gave to themselves.

I can't say much for the rest of the video, which ultimately takes you down an incredible dead-end road by over-emphasizing Saudi Arabia's no-doubt-suspicious relationship with this administration without once mentioning Israel's.

But, the first 35 minutes is worth watching - a bitter reminder of the third-rate movie we've been living since the day they 'pulled' those towers.

Today, of all days, it will leave you yearning to see these bastards' lies exposed and their souls eternally burned in hell.


At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Have any STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS said that the towers were brought down by explosives yet?

Or is it still just pholosiphers, linguists and clarinet players who are saying this?

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger The Sphinx said...

lesliemai, also like the Nazis in Germany who attacked the Gleiwitz Radio station on the Polish border, took some dead prisoners, placed them at the scene dressed up in Polish uniforms, blamed it all on the Poles in order to attack them and start World War II.
History repeats itself. I have also watched the entire video and am absolutely horrified.

Neo-cons: BURN IN HELL

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

Here's your structural engineer. Now, STFU.

Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?
By Dr. Steven E. Jones
Physicist and Archaeometrist


In this paper, I call for a serious investigation of the hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by impact damage and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned cutter-charges. I consider the official FEMA, NIST, and 9-11 Commission reports that fires plus impact damage alone caused complete collapses of all three buildings. And I present evidence for the controlled-demolition hypothesis, which is suggested by the available data, and can be tested scientifically, and yet has not been analyzed in any of the reports funded by the US government.

* * * * *

Link to comments regarding Prof. Jones’ "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?" of which two here:

1. Email to Prof Jones from a structural engineer in Texas:

"It occurred to me that structural engineers and architects are practitioners of static physics [like yourself] although we use different terminology peculiar to our professions to elaborate on our designs.

I am surprised how few of my colleagues have expressed public disbelief at the official line which lurches from theory to theory as the shortcomings of each became apparent. I guess they have run out of ideas on Building 7.

You nailed the biggest problem when you focused on the symmetry of collapse in comparison to the asymmetry of the damage... Steel high rises are designed (and overdesigned) as cantilever beams on end. There is so much redundant steel in these buildings because they have to resist hurricane force winds. Was there a hurricane in New York on Sept 11?

If steel framed structures designed by world class engineers (who are still being commissioned to design high rises elsewhere in the world) can collapse with so little provocation, I should send my diploma back and take up fortune telling.

So astute that the president promptly declared 9/11 an Act of War (the truth, sort of). This relieved the designers of having to defend themselves for negligent design. No professional liability policies cover war (because of exposure to explosives etc.), so no deep pockets to make a lawsuit worth while. So no engineer singing to a jury…"

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger gnostalgia said...

I knew it was lie when it happened. Sadly, I wasn't surprised when it happened. I'm still shocked at how easily the rest of the masses can be duped by these obvious tactics. I'm concerned that there will be another operation like this soon.

denk, I hadn't yet made those connection. That nutcase Bush seems to see every distater as an opportunity. I have disturbing visions of him and his cronies rubbing their hand with glee every time something horrible happens that kills a lot of people. They even took it so far as to prolong the murder and suffering of the Lebanese for weeks, like death and suffering vampires.

Ever see Twin peaks:

"Give me my gar-mon-bozia (pain and suffering)."

It gives me the shudders. It makes you wonder if these people really did sell their souls...literally.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Gamble Online said...

I wonder if it is all Jews, like SOT, who fear the recriminations of 9/11 or just the Zionist Jews. Can you answer that SOT?

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...


I didn't see any NAMES in that letter to Jones that you posted.

Jones has been accused by his fellow truthseeker cultists of falsifying the credentials of alleged engineers:


Jones is currently under suspension and investigation by Brigham Young University:


Why can't you show me just ONE structural engineer who supports the controlled demolition theory?

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

Since you have nothing to back up your defamatory "kkkwave," I strongly recommend that you retract it, or suffer the legal consequences.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

There's noting defamatory about pointing out that you're a sociopathic bitch.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger The Sphinx said...

Putting qrswave and the KKK in the same basket is pretty dumb and m00ts your already dwindling credibility, because it shows how much you care about being factually and historically correct, jackass.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

KKKrswave is threatening legal consequences.

If she thinks she can prove to 12 people and a judge that she's not a vicious raving anti-semite then she's even more deluded than I originally thought.

I'm sure a a judge and jury would be very amused by her claims that the jews were behind 9-11.

Good luck finding a structural engineer to back you up on the stand.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger The Sphinx said...

For your (lacking) information, it just so happens that both qrswave and I are semites ourselves. You seem to forget that Semites include an overwhelming majority of the entire Arab population. So calling us Antisemitic is ridiculous.
And opposing the SECULAR and criminal government of Israel has nothing in common with being against Jews in general (which we are not), or as you love to call it, being "antisemitic".

Get a clue for crap's sake.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

I never said anything about your own origins, only your hate.

Qrswave knows that if she tries to drag me into a courtroom, all I have to do is get her to talk about 9-11 and I win automatically. Both as a defendant and as the plaintiff in my own countersuit.

That's even if it gets that far. She also knows that my superiors in the organization will simply arrange to have the suit dismissed.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Leslie... don't make me get the rolled up newspaper.

Down, girl... or no puppy treat for you.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

My case against you is open and shut. It's you who must prove that your libel against me is true - which you know you cannot.

"countersuit" - for what??? Calling you by your name?

"my superiors in the organization will simply arrange to have the suit dismissed."

On what legal ground?

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

We just slip the judge a note with "fnord" on it and then *POOF*. The case goes away.

I thought you knew how the organization worked?

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

I don't know what you're talking about.

Retract your malicious libel and stop harassing me.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

I compared your own raging hatred of jews to that of a group who feels exactly the same way about them that you do.

It's not libel if it's true.

I understood from the little graphic of the red circle with the slash through it that you knew something about the organization. After all, you, yourself were the first to talk about my job and my superiors.

At Monday, September 11, 2006, Blogger qrswave said...

I have no "raging hatred for jews."

That is a lie and a libel. Retract it, unless you can prove that I harbor blind hatred for anyone on earth, let alone Jews, who I spend much of my time with, and who I consider decent, compassionate people - except of course for those who align themselves with Zionism.

But, my disdain is against a political position, NOT a religious faith. And above all - IT IS NOT BLIND - there are very good reasons for it.

Finally, I have nothing whatsoever to do with the KKK or its principles. Your reference to me in association with them is a malicious lie, designed to harm my reputation.

Get a clue. You can walk all over people if you want, but be prepared to suffer the consequences. You do not live in your own little kingdom.

At Tuesday, September 12, 2006, Blogger Sword of Truth said...

Qrs, answer me two questions?

Who was behind 9-11?

How many jews were murdered in the holocaust?

At Tuesday, September 12, 2006, Blogger AlreadyPublished said...

...other evidence linking the men to the bombing plot.
...It looked like they're hooked in with this
...bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives
...the men said they were Israeli
...at the time of first impact
...Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion

Are you a fastidious reader, SOT?

At Tuesday, September 12, 2006, Blogger gnostalgia said...

SOT doesn't read the posts. He runs a script like a programmed robot. I have no idea at this point why anyone bothers to "explain" anything to him. Even if he gets it he'll just keep running his scripts but I suspect he doesn't get it. He shows that he has no valid arguments with every comment and delusional insult. The dude is a mess.

What am curious about is why we have only one ineffectual repetitive Zionist troll. Not that I'm complaining but where are all his sad little friends? Do they all pick one blog to obsessively harass? How bizarre.

SOT said: "I understood from the little graphic of the red circle with the slash through it that you knew something about the organization. After all, you, yourself were the first to talk about my job and my superiors."

Bwhahaha! Now that's hilarious. This dude is obviously delusional and confused. Now he wants us to think he's an elite part of a "conspiracy" while at the same time telling us we are wrong to think it exists. Too funny. I've decided that he is here for my entertainment.

At Tuesday, September 12, 2006, Blogger srknl said...


you wrote:

"SOT doesn't read the posts. He runs a script like a programmed robot. I have no idea at this point why anyone bothers to "explain" anything to him."

I sooooooooo agree with you. It is just that I guess he gets sooooooooo irritating and frustrating at times, that one just cannot help but try and put him in his place. He really is like a broken record, repeating the same thing again and again and again. I don't believe he is much older than 18 years of age.

"I've decided that he is here for my entertainment."

Again, couldn't agree with you more, most definately apart from irritating and frustrating me some of the times, most of the times he makes me laugh with his ignorant (yet in deep sleep) remarks .... :)

At Monday, October 16, 2006, Blogger Jennie said...

Sword of Truth is apparently just another way to say "Truth Shredder", as this guy seems to enjoy slashing the truth to incoherent bits.


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